Cargo Data Corp. of Ventura CA has a new radio frequency-based temperature monitoring system it claims can save up to 35 minutes of staff time per load for receivers whose perishables arrive with out-of-range temperatures.
The automated temperature monitoring system (ATMS) is designed to operate with many of the company’s digital temperature recorders already in use. It does not require intensive training or the use of smartphones or other expensive equipment, the news release states.
With the ATMS equipment, radio frequency technology captures, displays and archives temperature data within moments of a shipment’s arrival. The data is automatically posted to Cargo Data’s website.
In a recent study, Cargo Data found use of the ATMS system by a major grocery retailer in the eastern U.S. eliminated 35 minutes of staff time for each perishable shipment that arrived with out-of-range temperatures.
The ATMS requires the use of Cargo Data’s “Express” hand-held chart viewing device and the iMAT terminal data collection device.