Mexican and USA officials will be able to screen shipments of fresh produce before they reach the U.S. border at Otay Mesa, CA near San Diego under plans for a customs inspection station in Tijuana. Such a facility also would benefit truckers hauling fresh produce being imported from Mexico.
The inspection facility could handle 200 trucks per day. There has been little publicity on the project near Otay Mesa and some observes feel it may prove a valuable concept for other ports, such at Nogales, AZ, which is a much bigger port of entry for fruits and vegetables.
There is known estimated date when the facility will open. The program at the Otay Mesa station will focus on high-volume agricultural commodities with the goal of more efficient border movement. The pilot program is scheduled to last six months and may be extended.
The facility, which is only a few hundred yards south of the U.S. border at Otay Mesa, is already built, and has been described as having a class-A facility with plenty of doors and a lot of floor space. It also It features a secure road to the U.S. border.