Posts Tagged “Lady Alice”

New Apple Variety

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Junami-1I haven’t had the opportunity to try it, but I’ve read some consumer rave reviews on the Junami apple, a new variety out of Washington state. There’s apparently enough volume with the new fruit that some retailers will be promoting it.
The Junami is described as fruity, tangy, crispy and incredibly juicy. Retailers should be pricing the Junami around $1.99 per pound.
There’s another apple variety, the Lady Alice, which was introduced to consumers about five years ago. It is described as having a subtle sweet-tart flavor. A plus for the Lady Alice, it is slow to brown, making it a neat apple for salads, cheese platters and for use by slicers.
Both the Lady Alice and the Junami are said to be great storage apples and build favor while in storage before they are shipped to your favorite supermarket.

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