Posts Tagged “Oklahoma Values”

A Look at “Oblama,” “Libtards,” and Oklahoma Values

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More and more often you here the phrase “you just can’t make this stuff up.” Funny, most of the time it’s in regard to something from Washington.   Just when you think the world can’t get any more crazy…… it invariably does. It seems like the entire world has lost all common sense and irrational behavior is now the new norm.

Lliving in Oklahoma, and having my ancestry go back to before the 1889 Oklahoma Land Run, it is easy to see why we think very differently than much of the rest of the nation.  Oklahoma Territory was settled by a diverse set of fiercely independent people. They range from native American tribes, outlaws, oil barons, farmers, coal miners, cattle ranchers, and even bootleggers.  The makeup of our state is not a socially unified group of people.

If you walk up to a native Oklahoman and tell him “we are all in this together,” you will more often than not get a frown, and a reply that lets you know that they will be the judge of who and whom they are “in this together with” and not you.

We are individuals in Oklahoma, and not members of some group of human lemmings like they are in other states. If you have moved here from the “Left Coast” or “Taxachusetts,” you will quickly learn that we don’t appreciate socialists.   In fact, you may get invited to return from whence you came!

There is such a thing as “Oklahoma Values” and most Oklahomans will take up arms to defend them, including me. Here are some of our Oklahoma values:

1. You must stand on your own two feet! Nobody “owes” you anything. Your success in life depends on your decisions and your behavior.   It’s nobody’s  fault but your own.    Got that “Oblama!”

2. We “give”…We don’t “give back”!   As Oklahomans we have worked hard to get where we are in life. When you “libtards” ask us to “give back” you are marginalizing our accomplishments in life. We didn’t get where we are by being “lucky” or “fortunate.” The vast majority of Oklahomans got where we are by hard work and being willing to take a business risk. If you want us to donate our time and money you better just ask us to “give.”   Don’t insult our individual accomplishments by asking us to “give back.”

3.  Never blame your parents!  Your parents only have you for about 18 years.  And by the time you reach 13, you won’t listen to anything they have to say anyway, so take responsibility for your own life and your own actions. You won’t find 40-year-old Oklahomans blaming their parents.

4. We shoot guns!  Oklahoma is a land of the outdoors. We fish, hunt, camp out, hike, and we love things that explode and make noise. If you come from a part of the country where you have never been exposed to firearms, don’t bring your anti-gun mentality to Oklahoma. We are proud of our western heritage and WE SHOOT GUNS!

5. No whining!  Oklahomans are not whiners. Good and bad things happen in life.  That’s just the way it is so learn to live with it. You will have good and bad times.  We lived through the dust bowl, WWII, and the Great Depression all at once.  The woosies among us left for California.  I could write a book on that.

6.  The government can roll it up into a nice tight ball and put it where the sun never shines!  Oklahomans don’t want a nanny state government.  We will take care of our own and ourselves. Whiz on the government.  We are a free people who will live free or die.  Don’t bring your big government mentality into our state. You will find that Democrats and Republicans in our state consider themselves as Oklahomans and brothers first.  We Oklahomans stand together, and we will determine how we live and not some all powerful dictator from Washington. 

The list of Oklahoma values is much longer than the six listed above, and any native Oklahoman will be happy to expound on the full list if asked.  Oh…one more Oklahoma value. We like burgers, hot dogs, BBQ, fried chicken, and 32oz soft drinks.  Got that New York? — By Larry Oscar

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