California Date Shipments Pick Up; Florida Berry Shipper Expands

California Date Shipments Pick Up; Florida Berry Shipper Expands


Now is the heaviest time of the year for shipments of California dates….Plus here’s news on an expansion of a major Florida strawberry shipper.

With the harvest in storage, California has a bumper date crop this year.  Although dates are shipped year around, the November-December holiday season is the heaviest.  Dates are a great fall item and common on holiday menus.  A significant change has occurred in recent years with date shipments.  Retailers used to order a heavier volume in early November, stack up the date cartons in their warehouse and keep an inventory for the two end-of-the-year holiday months.   Now many retailers want weekly shipments on date and many other items as they seek to cut warehousing costs.

SunDate LLC of Coachella, CA is a major date shipper in the Coachella Valley where most of the product is grown and shipped.

Florida Strawberry Sipments

PLANT CITY, FL – Family-owned and operated Astin Farms, is continuing to expand its operations on the heels of a recent 200-acre farmland acquisition in Plant City, FL.

Astin, which was formed in 2001, has begun to make its mark in the produce industry.  Recently the company added 10,000 square-feet of refrigerated old storage space and two new cooling units to address the growth of Astin’s conventional and organic strawberry program.

New expansion will now allow the company to pre-cool about 13,000 cases at a time.   The new cooling space is slated to be in operation by mid-December.

In addition, Astin will have 160 acres of blueberries this spring and just recently planted another 100 acres.     Astin produces over 40 million pounds of fruit each season which is shipped across and to Canada.