Colorado potato shipments could be off 10 percent or more this season due to less planted acreage and weather conditions during the growing season and harvest.
Rain and cool weather last spring delayed the potato harvest in the San Luis potatoes up to 2 weeks in some areas.
The Colorado Administrative Committee reports 8 percent less acreage has been planted this season. Even with favorable weather it is seeing 5 to 10 percent less volume and possibly more for the 2019 – 2020 shipping season.
Still, potato operations such as Fresh Farm Direct LLC of Monte Vista, CO insist quality will be good even with less product.
Skyline Potato Co. of Center, CO expects yields to be similar to last season.
Aspen Produce LLC of Center, CO expects a “really nice” crop for this season.
Potatoes from the San Luis Valley – grossing about $2150 to Chicago.