U.S. potato shipments for the 2021-22 shipping season is forecast by the USDA to be down slightly compared a year ago, according to the agency’s November crop production report.
The USDA notes U.S production of potatoes for the 2021 crop year is forecast at 413 million cwt., down 2% from 420.02 million cwt. produced last season.
Planted acreage, at 951,000 acres, is up 1% from the June estimate and up 4% from last season. Potato area harvested, at 942,300 acres, is up 3% from the previous year, while the yield forecast, at 438 cwt per acre, is down 23 cwt. from last year’s yield.
Idaho’s forecast is 132.09 million cwt., down 2% from 134.77 million cwt. last year. Yields in Idaho were 420 cwt. per acre, off 7% from 450 cwt. per acre last year.
Washington’s output is 93.3 million cwt., down 6% from 99.65 million cwt. last year. Yields in Washington were 585 cwt per acre, off 9% from 645 cwt. per acre last year.
The potato production estimate in North Dakota is 21.0 million cwt., down 12% from last year.
Idaho potato freight rates are up anywhere from 25 to 40 percent over last week, depending on destination. Idaho Falls to Atlanta, grossing about $7200.