Sunday, September 10th through Saturday, September 16th is designated as National Truck Driver Appreciation Week for 2023. This is a time when America honors all the professional men and women truck drivers who are so vital to our way of life. They are the link in the supply chain that delivers the everyday needs of food items, manufactured goods, and just about every item in your home, office, or factory. It doesn’t matter if you live in a small town in central Kansas or New York City they have you covered. America has the most sophisticated supply network in the world, but it would grind to a halt without the truck driver. This week was created to remind all Americans these hard-working men and women deserve our respect and appreciation for all 52 weeks of the year. This year, let’s make the extra effort to extend driver courtesy when you see these big rigs making their way across the highways! We see truck drivers everywhere we go. Who are these road warriors that move over 10 billion tons of freight or about 70% of all the freight in the US? Here are some interesting facts about truck drivers. **94% are men, 6% are women, the average age is 49. **On average, they drive over 100,000 miles per year. **Celebrity truck drivers include Sean Connery, Elvis Presley, Rock Hudson, and Chevy Chase. **Truck drivers are the heroes who deliver the goods during pandemics, fires, floods, and national disasters that put themselves in harm’s way because that is what they are made of. Whenever you get an opportunity, take a moment to thank that hard-working professional driver for delivering the goods that help keep America the greatest nation in the world. Thank you, Drivers Bill Bess, Director, Carrier Development Allen Lund Company |