Brazilian Mango Exports are Underway to the U.S.; Update on Mexican Mangoes

Brazilian Mango Exports are Underway to the U.S.; Update on Mexican Mangoes

Brazil has been exporting mangoes since the first week of August and will continue through December. It is projected to export 10.7 million boxes, according to the National Mango Board.

The primary varieties in Brazil are Tommy Atkins (81 percent), Kent (7 percent), Keitt (6 percent) and others (6 percent).

The volume shipped in the week ending August 3 was 28,560 boxes (4kg). In the same period last year, the amount shipped was 39,984 boxes.

Brazil is currently harvesting and/or packing the fruit.

The board reports that in Mexico, approximately 3.4 million boxes were shipped in the same week this year. In the same week last year, the volume was 3.6 million boxes.

Currently, the Mexican regions of Colima, Jalisco, Nayarit, Southern Sinaloa, and Northern Sinaloa are harvesting and/or packing mangos. The top three varieties shipped were Kent (53 percent), Keitt (31 percent), and Ataúlfo (12 percent). There is also limited supply of Tommy Atkins, Manilla Rosa, Nam Doc Mai, and Manilla.

The NMB indicated that the volume of mangos shipped from week 32 (August 10) through week 37 (September 14) is expected to be 9 percent higher than last year, with arrivals expected between weeks 33 and 38.

Currently, the Mexican regions of Colima, Jalisco, Nayarit, Southern Sinaloa, and Northern Sinaloa are harvesting and/or packing mangos. The top three varieties shipped were Kent (53 percent), Keitt (31 percent), and Ataúlfo (12 percent). There is also limited supply of Tommy Atkins, Manilla Rosa, Nam Doc Mai, and Manilla.