The California Table Grape Commission sees no reason why there shouild be good volume grape shipments though the end of the year. The season started in the Coachella Valley the week of May 13.
Hurricane Hilary hammered the grape crop last season, the industry during the peak harvest period, which caused a loss of about 30% of the initial projection for the crop. It was the smallest crop on record since 1994 for the state.
This year, the industry expects good volumes from June through the beginning of January.
The grape commission expects harvesting is to begin in the San Joaquin Valley in late June or early July, lasting into early December. Shipments of table grapes typically peak between August and November.
The initial estimate for the 2024 California table grape season is 94.4 million 19-pound boxes, down slightly from the 2020-2022 average of 96.6 million 19-pound boxes.