Northwest Pear Shipments to Plunge this Year

Northwest Pear Shipments to Plunge this Year

After a historic deep freeze reduced Pacific Northwest production to a 40-year low, fewer pears are expected in supermarkets. 

The Washington State Tree Fruit Association reported that this year’s crop is expected to be 31% lower than the five-year average. 

Since 80% of the pears in the U.S. come from the Northwest, experts say consumers should expect fewer pears on grocery store shelves. 

“There’s certainly still a Northwest pear crop, but it was significantly smaller due to that damage,” said Jon DeVaney, president of the Washington State Tree Fruit Association.

Additionally, the affected pears are expected to exhibit “russet,” a brown ring caused by frost-damaged blossoms. Even though the taste is the same, their appearance can be off-putting to buyers.