Archive For The “Health” Category

New Food Freezing Method Could Improve Food Quality and Safety

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Shifting to a new food freezing method could make for safer and better quality frozen foods while saving energy and reducing carbon emissions, according to a new study by U.S. Department of Agriculture’s Agricultural Research Service (ARS) and University of California-Berkeley scientists.

“A complete change over to this new method of food freezing worldwide could cut energy use by as much as 6.5 billion kilowatt-hours each year while reducing the carbon emissions that go along with generating that power by 4.6 billion kg, the equivalent of removing roughly one million cars from roads,” said ARS research food technologist Cristina Bilbao-Sainz. She is with the Healthy Processed Foods Research Unit, part of ARS’s Western Regional Research Center (WRRC) in Albany.

“T­hese savings could be achieved without requiring any significant changes in current frozen food manufacturing equipment and infrastructure if food manufacturers adopt this concept,” Bilbao-Sainz added.

The new freezing method, called isochoric freezing, works by storing foods in a sealed, rigid container—typically made of hard plastic or metal—completely filled with a liquid such as water. Unlike conventional freezing in which the food is exposed to the air and freezes solid at temperatures below 32 degrees F, isochoric freezing preserves food without turning it to solid ice.

As long as the food stays immersed in the liquid portion, it is protected from ice crystallization, which is the main threat to food quality.

“Energy savings come from not having to freeze foods completely solid, which uses a huge amount of energy, plus there is no need to resort to energy-intensive cold storage protocols such as quick freezing to avoid ice crystal formation,” Bilbao-Sainz said.

Isochoric freezing also allows for higher quality storage of fresh foods such as tomatoes, sweet cherries and potatoes that are otherwise difficult to preserve with conventional freezing.

Another benefit of isochoric freezing is that it also kills microbial contaminants during processing.

“The entire food production chain could use isochoric freezing—everyone from growers to food processors, product producers to wholesalers, to retailers. The process will even work in a person’s freezer at home after they purchase a product—all without requiring any major investments in new equipment,” said WRRC center director Tara McHugh, co-leader of this study. “With all of the many potential benefits, if this innovative concept catches on, it could be the next revolution in freezing foods.”

UC-Berkeley biomedical engineer Boris Rubinsky, co-leader of this project, first developed the isochoric freezing method to cryopreserve tissues and organs for transplants.

Since then, ARS and UC-Berkeley have applied for a joint patent for applying isochoric freezing to preserving food. The research team is now developing the best applications for this technology in the frozen foods industry, especially scaling up the technology to an industrial level. They also are seeking commercial partners to help transfer the technology to the commercial sector.

UC-Berkeley mechanical engineer Matthew Powell-Palm, one of the lead authors of the study paper, noted that “isochoric freezing is a cross-cutting technology with promising applications in not only the food industry, but in medicine, biology, even space travel.”

WRRC has also been designated a National Historic Chemical Landmark in 2002 by the American Chemical Society for developing the Time-Temperature Tolerance studies, which made possible the production of stable, safe and high-quality frozen food, revolutionizing the industry in the 1950s.

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Cranberry Institute Studies Fruit’s Health Benefits

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The Cranberry Institute offers an in-depth look at the health benefits of cranberries in the diet.

The group’s Cranberry Health Research Library offers a comprehensive collection of the latest research on the health benefits of cranberries in the diet.

According to The Cranberry Institute, current research reveals:

  • Cranberries are thought to provide health benefits due to their flavonoid and phytonutrient content. These naturally occurring compounds have antioxidant and antimicrobial benefits that are evident in the oral cavity, gastrointestinal tract and urinary tract;
  • A specific type of flavonoid, proanthocyanidins in cranberries provide urinary tract benefits by interfering with the ability of pathogenic P-fimbriated E. coli to cause infections in the urinary tract;
  • The majority of studies have focused on the cranberry’s role in urinary tract health, but the benefits extend beyond the urinary tract. Other key areas include the berry’s antimicrobial activities, cardiovascular and type 2 diabetes, and anti-cancer properties; and
  • Cranberries provide numerous cardiovascular benefits. They have been shown to reduce low-density lipoprotein (LDL)-oxidation, maintain or improve high-density lipoprotein (HDL) levels, reducing platelet aggregation and improve vascular function.

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A New Reason To Eat Organic: A Diverse Microbiome

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An organic apple contains more microscopic biodiversity, which is an essential ingredient for human health. This was revealed by Austrian research conducted in 2019 that compared the micro-biodiversity of conventionally grown and organic apples. Other new research indicates that microbial biodiversity is crucial for good health. And this is why Eosta is supporting a study carried out by Stichting Bac2nature (Bac2nature Foundation) and Maastricht University on the link between cultivation methods, microbial biodiversity and digestion. “Biodiversity is vitality,” according to Eosta CEO Volkert Engelsman.

Did you know that when you eat a complete apple you ingest approximately 100 million bacteria? Whether the apple is organic or conventionally grown is irrelevant, the quantity of bacteria is the same. But there is a substantive difference – The diversity of the bacteria on an organic apple is far greater, particularly in the flesh. In the Austrian apple study, the biodiversity of organic apples, measured using the Shannon Index, was approximately 6 and approximately 4 in the conventional apple. The Shannon Index is a measure of both the number of species and the degree of uniformity in their distribution. The better the biodiversity, the higher the score. Strikingly, the majority of bacteria were not on the skin. The largest quantity of bacteria and greatest differences in biodiversity were detected in the flesh and the core. Volkert Engelsman, CEO of Eosta: “It has long been known that intensive agriculture reduces the diversity of the microbiome in the soil. But now there is also evidence that intensive agriculture impoverishes the microbiome in our food. And that may not be beneficial to health.”

Bac2food will study this subject in-depth

Marco van Es, founder of stichting Bac2nature (Bac2nature Foundation), which studies the relationship between biodiversity and health dares to make an emphatic statement: “Biodiversity is at the core of our health.” In 2020, the foundation and Maastricht University jointly set up a research programme that is currently studying the links between microbial diversity in food and digestion in greater depth. The significant reduction in the cost of DNA analysis has made it much easier to study the biodiversity of microbiomes in food and in the body. Eosta is one of the players supporting the research.

The importance of microbiomes for health

The microbiome has a significant effect on health. Research has revealed that microbes can play a major role in malnourishment and obesity, and affect all our organs through the immune, nervous and vascular systems. By far the most bacteria (and moulds and other micro-organisms) in the human body are in our digestive system. There are approximately 100 times more bacteria in our intestines than on our skin (ten times as many in the lungs). And there also seems to be a clear link between the diversity of the microbiome in the intestines and health. Studies have highlighted a number of facts, including that healthy people over the age of 90 have greater biodiversity in their guts than average adults.

The importance of diversity in your microbiome
The biodiversity hypothesis, a new version of the old hygiene hypothesis, asserts that contact with the natural environment enriches the human microbiome, which boosts the immune system and provides protection against allergies and inflammatory diseases. Consequently, avoiding contact with natural biodiversity (e.g., by eating large amounts of processed and one-sided food) can have a negative influence on the immune system. Scientists agree that exposure to a highly diverse range of micro-organisms early in life is important for the prevention of an overactive immune system. The soil is an important factor in this. Infants growing up in natural surroundings and playing outside ingest large quantities of soil every day. This makes an important contribution to the development of their immune system.

New techniques make the loss of intestinal biodiversity visible

New organic research techniques are producing breakthroughs in this field. MWAS studies (Metagenome-Wide Association), which strive to map out the relationship between the human microbiome and complex diseases (such as Diabetes 2 or Rheumatoid Arthritis), show that the loss of biodiversity in the intestines is linked to the development of chronic ailments. “Nomics” techniques like genomics are steadily making it easier to unravel the connection between soil biodiversity, plant health, food quality and human health.

Logical from an evolutionary perspective
There are also evolutionary arguments supporting the importance of biodiverse microbiomes in food and our habitat. Humans evolved to exist together with a wide range of organisms in our living space and bodies. “And evolution works in such a way that unavoidable living conditions eventually become necessary living conditions,” says Marco van Es. The western lifestyle has a bad effect on the microbiome in the body. Apparently, peoples who live as hunter-gatherers (e.g., the Hadzas in Tanzania) have the highest level of biodiversity in their guts, followed by peoples who practice traditional agriculture, and people who live in western, urbanised societies languish at the bottom of the scale. In the “blue zones”, regions on earth where people have a very long average life span, people eat a lot of fresh, local and self-grown products – with more biodiversity as a result.

Organic food and health

All of this constitutes a new argument for the potential health-promoting effect of organic food. Although there is no scientific consensus regarding the healthiness of organic food, there are indicators. Firstly, organic food contains fewer pesticides, and it is known that pesticides cause a number of issues, including disrupting the hormonal balance. Considerably fewer pesticides are detected in the urine of people who have an organic diet. Secondly, organic foods frequently contain more nutrients such as antioxidants. The Austrian research is now providing a new argument – the microbiome of organic food has far greater diversity. For that matter, research conducted by Stanford University in 2012 showed that there are fewer multi-resistant (harmful) bacteria present on organic food.

Proof that the food microbiome influences the intestinal microbiome
Although it seems obvious, science does not yet recognise that the food microbiome also has an influence on the microbiome in the body. After all, bacteria that we eat always pass through a bath of stomach acid and other digestive processes. However, a study in the issue of Nature published on 25 May 2020 has now produced the first direct evidence that our food affects the microbiome in our guts – apparently, fermented food increases the level of lactic acid bacteria in our guts and blood. In addition, DNA research clearly points in one direction – the genome suggests that our intestinal bacteria all originated from food bacteria.

Balance between hygiene and biodiversity

According to Marco van Es at Bac2nature, a crucial question is – what is the best way to influence the biodiversity in your body with your food and lifestyle? You cannot just eat mud and rotting food because cases of large-scale food poisoning in the past have shown us that a lack of hygiene can be fatal. The question is – what is the best way to combine food safety and exposure to a microbiome?

Bac2food study: first results at the end of 2021

A great deal of research is needed to answer this. Since April 2021, Eosta has supported the Bac2food project, which is studying whether eating raw, fresh fruit and vegetables, grown with a rich microbiome, has an effect on the health of the digestive process. In the first instance, the research is studying the effect on digestion, which is modelled using an artificial digestive tract. The first results are expected in October or November 2021 and will be published in early 2022. The research is being conducted by Iris van Zoelen at Maastricht University under the supervision of professor Koen Venema (Maastricht) and professor Roel Kort (VU Amsterdam). It focuses specifically on growing methods for tomatoes, cucumber, paprika and lettuce. It must be noted that tomatoes, cucumber and paprika are grown in greenhouses, while lettuce is grown in soil outdoors.

The wider connection – biodiversity is crucial for the continued existence of humanity

Naturally, biodiversity is not only important in our body. The loss of biodiversity on earth is creating vulnerabilities in all areas – ecosystem services such as fertile soils, water availability and even the climate are affected by it. The same applies to the origination of zoonoses and new viruses such as Covid-19. In 2016, a joint venture including Stanford, Berkeley and New York universities asserted that the effect of the microbiome is an extremely important factor in all of the challenges facing humanity in the field of food, energy, clean water, health and ecosystems. In recent years, the NWO has also issued various research calls for more research on micro and macro biodiversity.

Biodiversity: potential USP for organic food

Volkert Engelsman, CEO of van Eosta: “We have degraded the macro-biodiversity of the planet, so we are now being troubled by the micro-biodiversity, with Corona as the current low point. It is becoming clear in a host of domains that biodiversity equals vitality. And that may well be a mega-unique selling point for organic produce. Humans are made from biodiversity. The cells in our bodies are full of material from micro-organisms, from our mitochondria to remnants of viral DNA. We must realise that microscopic life on earth is a precondition for life itself. Bacteria were always regarded as an enemy, as pathogens, in the past. In recent years it has become clear at break-neck speed that bacteria are, in the first place, partners and essential helpers that maintain the balance of human health and the health of the planet. This is why we must back away from chemistry and return to biology.”

In short: eat BIOdiVERSE

Engelsman continues: “Tim Spector, professor of genetic epidemiology in London, wrote in his book The Diet Myth that the diversity of microbes in our bodies is now 30% less than 50 years ago. A diet of junk food dramatically reduces the healthy microbiome in the guts in two days. In short – a great deal of research must still be carried out, but in the meantime you would be wise to eat ‘biodiverse’. In other words, fresh and organic. According to Tim Spector, the only common factor in a healthy diet, healthy guts and a healthy body is diversity. And that is perfectly appropriate for the organic agriculture approach.”

Eosta, with Nature & More as its consumer brand and transparency system, is Europe’s most awarded distributor of organic fruit and vegetables. Eosta is known for its sustainability campaigns such as Living Wage, True Cost of Food and Dr. Goodfood. In 2018, the company won the King William I Plaque for Sustainable Entrepreneurship and in 2019 the European Business Award for the Environment. See also and

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Avocados Change Belly Fat Distribution in Women, Controlled Study Finds

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An avocado a day could help redistribute belly fat in women toward a healthier profile, according to a new study from the University of Illinois Urbana-Champaign and collaborators.

105 adults with overweight and obesity participated in a randomized controlled trial that provided one meal a day for 12 weeks. Women who consumed avocado as part of their daily meal had a reduction in deeper visceral abdominal fat.

Led by Naiman Khan, an Illinois professor of kinesiology and community health, the researchers published their study, funded by the Hass Avocado Board, in the Journal of Nutrition.

“The goal wasn’t weight loss; we were interested in understanding what eating an avocado does to the way individuals store their body fat. The location of fat in the body plays an important role in health,” Khan said.

“In the abdomen, there are two kinds of fat: fat that accumulates right underneath the skin, called subcutaneous fat, and fat that accumulates deeper in the abdomen, known as visceral fat, that surrounds the internal organs. Individuals with a higher proportion of that deeper visceral fat tend to be at a higher risk of developing diabetes. So we were interested in determining whether the ratio of subcutaneous to visceral fat changed with avocado consumption,” he said.

The participants were divided into two groups. One group received meals that incorporated a fresh avocado, while the other group received a meal that had nearly identical ingredients and similar calories but did not contain avocado.

At the beginning and end of the 12 weeks, the researchers measured participants’ abdominal fat and their glucose tolerance, a measure of metabolism and a marker of diabetes.

Female participants who consumed an avocado a day as part of their meal had a reduction in visceral abdominal fat – the hard-to-target fat associated with higher risk – and experienced a reduction in the ratio of visceral fat to subcutaneous fat, indicating a redistribution of fat away from the organs. However, fat distribution in males did not change, and neither males nor females had improvements in glucose tolerance.

“While daily consumption of avocados did not change glucose tolerance, what we learned is that a dietary pattern that includes an avocado every day impacted the way individuals store body fat in a beneficial manner for their health, but the benefits were primarily in females,” Khan said. “It’s important to demonstrate that dietary interventions can modulate fat distribution. Learning that the benefits were only evident in females tells us a little bit about the potential for sex playing a role in dietary intervention responses.”

The researchers said they hope to conduct a follow-up study that would provide participants with all their daily meals and look at additional markers of gut health and physical health to get a more complete picture of the metabolic effects of avocado consumption and determine whether the difference remains between the two sexes.

“Our research not only sheds a valuable light on benefits of daily avocado consumption on the different types of fat distribution across genders, it provides us with a foundation to conduct further work to understand the full impact avocados have on body fat and health,” said study coauthor Richard Mackenzie, a professor of human metabolism at the University of Roehampton in London.

“By taking our research further, we will be able to gain a clearer picture into which types of people would benefit most from incorporating avocados into their diets and deliver valuable data for health care advisers to provide patients with guidance on how to reduce fat storage and the potential dangers of diabetes,” Mackenzie said.

Researchers at the University of Florida and Eastern Illinois University also collaborated on this work.

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Envy Apples Deliver Brand Success in the U.S. Market

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Los Angeles – New Zealand Trade Commissioner, Los Angeles, Haylon Smith, and supermodel and actress, Rachel Hunter, recently joined T&G Global in Los Angeles to celebrate the Envy™ apple brand’s outstanding success in the North American market.

Over the past year, more than 2.1 million cartons of Envy™ apples were sold in the U.S. The in-demand premium apple brand has skyrocketed to the top of the sales charts for a branded apple, earning 18.3% dollar sales growth and 18.0% volume growth (Source: Nielsen, Total U.S., Apple Category, L 52 weeks ending September 11, 2021). In addition, the apple was recognized as “Best in Produce” by Kitchn in its 2021 “Kitchn Essentials: Grocery Edition,” an annual selection of the must-have grocery items hand-picked by Kitchn editors.

First launched in North American produce departments in 2010, after years of extensive evaluation by New Zealand researchers and apple growers to ensure the variety meets and exceeds consumer expectations, Envy™ is an apple renowned for its beautifully balanced flavor, uplifting aroma, crisp texture, and slices that stay white for longer. These are qualities prized by consumers around the globe, including in the U.S., with T&G Global’s recent U.S. shopper study finding Envy™ outperformed popular branded and mainstream apple varieties in frequency of shopping trips, spend per trip, buy rate and average basket size.

Today, Envy™ apples are grown in 15 countries, each carefully selected for its prime growing regions to produce Envy™ apples at the quality international consumers now expect from the brand. In the U.S., Envy™ apples are grown only in Washington state’s pristine apple growing regions.

New Zealand’s Trade Commissioner in Los Angeles, Haylon Smith says “It’s great to see Envy™ supported by its hard working and dedicated apple growing community and its strong supply chain, succeeding in the U.S. market. The U.S. is crowded and competitive, so here at New Zealand Trade and Enterprise we work alongside Kiwi brands to help them grow and succeed. Envy™ has really captured and shared its New Zealand origin story and commitment to harnessing innovation and high quality as part of its premium positioning.”

New Zealand Trade and Enterprise (NZTE), which proactively supports the international growth and success of New Zealand products, has supported Envy™ apples in the U.S. with its “Made with Care” campaign, a global marketing initiative designed to grow awareness, preference and demand for New Zealand food and beverage products around the world.

Another proud New Zealand “export,” internationally acclaimed supermodel, actress and television host Rachel Hunter, has partnered with T&G Global to raise awareness of Envy™ apples. Rachel commented, “Coming from New Zealand, I’ve always had an appreciation for the care and dedication that our growers put into their produce. Almost every industry has faced unique COVID-19 related challenges over the last year and a half, and our community of growers have shown true New Zealand spirit in overcoming these challenges. It was great to meet with Trade Commissioner, Haylon Smith, to celebrate the 2021 season of Envy™ apples grown back home, and the continued success of these beautiful apples which are also grown here in the United States. I have long been a fan of Envy™ apples and it’s wonderful to see delicious Envy™ apples in stores worldwide.”

T&G Global’s Head of Marketing for North America, Cecilia Flores Paez was honored to accept recognition from these well-respected New Zealand representatives. “It is a joy to be a part of this beloved brand that exists today thanks to incredible dedication to innovation and commitment. New Zealand’s apple industry brought a beautiful piece of fruit to the world, truly providing the ultimate apple experience,” she said. “Envy™ continues to earn its success with every single bite, and we are introducing it to more and more consumers now that it is sold in nearly all major supermarkets in North America.”

Envy™ is marketed by CMI Orchards, Rainier Fruit Co. and Oppy. Visit


T&G Global works with passionate growers around the world to produce, sell and deliver the highest-quality fruit. We love fresh produce, so we’re constantly exploring ways to make it more sustainable, fresh and delicious, to help people lead healthier lifestyles. T&G is a leader in the premium apple segment with its Envy™ and JAZZ™ branded varieties.     


Envy™ is a trademarked brand that refers to the Scilate apple variety. It was developed in New Zealand by Plant & Food Research and was patented in 2009. T&G, which owns the Envy™ trademark, began distributing in the U.S. via its marketing partner Oppy. Envy™ is now grown, under license by T&G, in New Zealand, the U.S., Chile, Asia, the UK, France and Australia. Consumers in over 45 countries enjoy eating delicious Envy™ apples. Envy™ is marketed in the U.S. by Oppy, CMI Orchards and Rainier Fruit Co. 


New Zealand Trade and Enterprise (NZTE) is the New Zealand government’s international business development agency. Our job is to support exporters in order to grow a productive, sustainable and inclusive economy. We work with all kinds of innovative businesses, including food producers, Māori land trusts and iwi, tech startups, service providers, manufacturers and more.


Rachel Hunter is an internationally known supermodel from Auckland, New Zealand, who began her successful career at the age of seventeen and has appeared on notable magazine covers and in films and television programs worldwide. Most recently, Rachel embarked on an odyssey exploring beauty and well-being in cultures all over the globe for her acclaimed television program, “Tour of Beauty.”  She has released a best-selling book chronicling her incredible experience.

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Anti-Browning Powder Helps Cut Tomato, Onion, Lettuce Stay Fresh Up to 14 Days

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GOURA HILLS, CA — Restaurants, delis, hotels, grocery stores, convenience stores now have a way to offer fresh cut sandwich set-ups that lasts up to 500 times longer with eatFresh-FC, a blend of organic minerals, fruit acids, and vitamins that prevent oxidation while controlling the growth of yeast, mold and coliform bacteria that can result from aging food.

In a 14-day test, sliced tomato, chopped onions and cut Romaine lettuce were treated with eatFresh-FC and held with no organoleptic change, while yeast, mold, and coliform bacteria remained well under the required threshold.

“It really is visually stunning to see the side by side next to the control in our testing. Having worked in the restaurant world for years, I know it’s cost-efficient and convenient way for food service companies to get strategic about their purchasing and prepping. Since eatFresh-FC can help those sandwich staples last so much longer, maybe you prep once or twice a week instead of everyday,” commented Mareya Ibrahim, Founder, and CEO, eatCleaner®. “As a company, we have been dedicated to food safety and freshness solutions for over a decade, and now, with the rise in popularity of fresh-cut produce, this is an organic, clean label solution that can help companies innovate new products and gain added distribution at a fraction of a penny per serving. And the flavor of eatFresh-FC leaves no aftertaste on the cut produce. As a chef, this was extremely important to me as I was developing the product with my father, an environmental scientist,” added Ibrahim.

The average shelf life for fresh-cut lettuce is 3-5 days and for tomatoes, it’s 2-3 days. eatFresh-FC can offer 500%+ additional shelf life, saving processors money and keeping food out of landfills. According to the USDA, about 83% of waste comes from homes, food service companies, retailers, and restaurants. eatFresh-FC can help eliminate millions of pounds of waste in the US alone annually.

Ibrahim added that she also developed an approach to packaging the tomatoes to help avoid damaging the slices. “Our customer was concerned that the treated slices would ‘bleed’ out and become mushy, so we created an approach and protocol to protect the tomatoes and deter damage. We love problem solving our customers and welcome the opportunity to think strategically with them,” noted Ibrahim.

eatFresh-FC can also be used in food preparations such as dips, sauces, and ready-to-eat products, thus extending the application of shelf life extension and sensory preservation to other food categories. It has been proven effective on a range of products, from coleslaw to hummus, sushi to chicken lettuce cups. Shelf-life extension of guacamole to 21 days, fruit bowls to 21 days, and apple slices to 26 days have all been proven by 3rd party labs. Also, no special equipment is required to use GGI’s patented solutions.

“Organic food waste and the billions of pounds that are thrown into landfills annually have a significant impact on the environment. As the industry pursues ways to prolong shelf life and offer ready-to-eat solutions for a growing audience desiring convenience, eatFresh-FC will play a critical role and fills a hole that has not been filled in the industry,” mentioned Dr. Shawki Ibrahim, co-inventor, GGI. “Aside from eatFresh-FC, we also produce eatFRESH-FCA, specifically designed for cut avocados and apples, and eatCleaner®, an organic way to cleanse produce and also extend shelf life up to 5x longer. Offering these consumer and commercial solutions will open up distribution channels and help utilize food more efficiently to help prevent hunger and waste,” added Ibrahim.

eatFresh-FC is available in a 3 oz. individual-use packet and in a bulk 50 lb. bag for food processors, retailers, and foodservice companies.

eatCleaner® offers a full line of patented, lab-proven, and organic products for home and foodservice use, including produce washes, wipes, and anti-browning products for cut produce, including avocados, apples, melons, and berries.

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D’Arrigo California: Cooking for a Cure in the Fight Against Breast Cancer

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Salinas, CA: Studies show a diet rich in fresh fruits and vegetables can lower blood pressure and reduce the risk of obesity, glycemic disorders, cancers and cardiovascular diseases.  Produce company, D’Arrigo California is partnering with Candice Walker, foodie influencer of Proportional Plate, to host a virtual and interactive cooking class featuring Andy Boy produce.

“D’Arrigo California is thrilled to get into the kitchen with Candice Walker of Proportional Plate to ‘Cook for a Cure’ benefiting the Breast Cancer Research Foundation (BCRF), a 22-year long partner of our company,” states Claudia Pizarro-Villalobos, Corporate Communications for D’Arrigo California.  “We know that maintaining a well-balanced diet high in fruits, vegetables, and plant-based protein sources can help lower the risk of breast cancer and even improve outcomes after a diagnosis.  Our goal is to educate consumers on how to make easy, delicious and nutritious recipes using our Andy Boy produce.”

On Wednesday, October 27 from 4pm-5:30pm PST, roll up your sleeves and call your girlfriends over to cook-along with Candice Walker.  She will walk you through a step-by-step process of how to make Turkey Lettuce Wraps with Thai Chili Ginger Sauce, Roasted Sweet Baby Broccoli with Piquillo Pepper Romesco, and a Blender Green Juice. 

Register here for the virtual cooking class which is $15 and in honor of Breast Cancer Awareness month 100% of the ticket price will go directly to BCRF.  Once you donate, BCRF will email you an official donation receipt for tax purposes and the process is fast, easy and secure.  In addition, each registered participant will receive the cooking class link, a printable grocery list and recipe cards one week before the class.  If you are tied up on Oct. 27, no problem, the class will be available on demand until Friday, November 26 with paid registration.

“Our goal is to raise awareness and to show our support for all those who have been affected by breast cancer.  We’re excited to have consumers and customers will join us by participating in the ‘Cooking for a Cure’ class with Andy Boy produce, especially since all proceeds will benefit BCRF,” states Candice Walker from Proportional Plate.  Click here and learn why Candice is teaming up with D’Arrigo California to benefit BCRF.                                                           

“BCRF-funded research has shown that there are steps you can take to reduce risk for breast cancer,” said BCRF Chief Scientific Officer, Dr. Dorraya El-Ashry. “We know that proper nutrition and plant-based diets—or diets high in leafy greens, cruciferous vegetables and legumes—play a key role in breast cancer prevention.”

About D’Arrigo California

From the day the company was founded in 1923 by Stefano and Andrea D’Arrigo, two immigrants from Messina, Sicily, innovation has been its hallmark. In addition to its conventional and organic vegetable product line and wine grapes, D’Arrigo offers strategies and solutions to its customers in everything from seed research and development, food safety and sustainability, to entirely new approaches to packaging, harvesting and shipping. The company’s brand, Andy Boy®, is known for signature products like broccoli, broccoli rabe, fennel and romaine hearts.  D’Arrigo California grows not only conventional and organic products year-round, but also provides services that include cross docking, consolidation, custom growing and commercial cooling.  Visit to learn more.

About Candice Walker from Proportional Plate

Proportional Plate is a food and lifestyle blog that encourages readers to educate themselves about their food, learn what foods feel good for them, and to feel proud of the food choices they make. Author of the blog, Candice Walker, creates recipes for a nutritious and sustainable diet that inspires excitement, rather than guilt. Candice prioritizes fresh, locally sourced ingredients, seasonal produce, and recipe methods that anyone, regardless of cooking level, will find accessible. Candice has been featured on several podcasts including AllRecipes, Dishing, Eat Blog Talk, and has done many TV segments for KATU and The Megan Pormer Show. She was recently featured in Perez Hilton’s Who’s Who, WanderCooks Interview series, and has run the successful blog Proportional Plate for the past 5 years.

About the Breast Cancer Research Foundation

Breast cancer is a complex disease with no simple solution. Research is the key to stopping it in its tracks. Founded in 1993 by Evelyn H. Lauder, the Breast Cancer Research Foundation is the largest private funder of breast cancer research in the world. We invest in the best minds in science—from those investigating prevention to metastasis—and foster cross-disciplinary collaboration. Our approach accelerates the entire field and moves us closer to the answers we urgently need. We can’t stop now. Join us in fueling the world’s most promising research. With you, we will be the end of breast cancer. Learn more and get involved at

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With a Pumpkin Shortage Looming, Dole Suggests Carving a Pineapple Instead

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CHARLOTTE, N.C.  – In the face of a possible pumpkin shortage and soaring pumpkin pricesDole Food Company, Inc. is encouraging Halloween revelers to carve a pineapple instead this year.

The pineapple and fresh produce leader is stepping-up this year’s annual Pineapple-O’-Lantern initiative – originally created to promote the nutrition and convenience benefits of the ubiquitous tropical fruit synonymous with Dole’s origins in Hawaii – to help suddenly stranded Halloween lovers without a pumpkin to carve.

In addition to promoting a special recipe, its Pineapple Jack-O’-Lantern and Bountiful Fruit Salad with Orange-Mint Dressing, Dole is offering free, downloadable pineapple Jack-O’-Lantern carving templates on the website to make the process as fun, safe and easy as possible.

“For years we’ve been encouraging fruit-loving families to try something new by carving a pineapple at Halloween and are now expanding our efforts in light of any possible pumpkin scarcity,” said Melanie Marcus, RD, MA, Dole’s nutrition and health communications manager. “Of course, pineapples have an important nutritional profile and are so much easier to prepare and enjoy than pumpkins since you don’t have to cook them.”

According to Marcus, the fruit is low in fat and sodium and high in vitamin C and antioxidants – making it the perfect sweet treat after a night of trick-or-treating.

In addition to the Bountiful Fruit Salad recipe, Marcus recommends Dole’s Pineapple Braised Slow Cooker Chicken and Pineapple-Turmeric Smoothie as other fall favorites. She offers tips for planning a healthier Halloween in her dedicated blog post on the Dole website and points to new studies showing that childhood obesity rose significantly during the pandemic as one reason behind Dole’s expanded healthy Halloween focus this year.

For more information, please visit and Dole’s FacebookInstagramTwitter and Pinterest pages. 

About Dole plc

Dole plc is one of the world’s largest producers and marketers of high-quality fresh fruit and fresh vegetables. Dole is an industry leader in many of the products it sells, as well as in nutrition education and research. For more information, please visit

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Fruit Compound in Fruit May Help Prevent Dementia, New Study Cites

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A recent study has added to mounting evidence suggesting that a compound found in apples and other fruits are powerhouses when it comes to preventing dementia.

The peer-reviewed study looking at the impact of flavonoid consumption was published y Walter Willett, MD, DrPH, of Harvard University in Boston, Massachusetts in American Academy of Neurology.

“Our results are exciting because they show that making simple changes to your diet could help prevent cognitive decline,” he says.

According to his study, many flavonoid-rich foods, such as apples and pears, and others fruits and vegetables like strawberries, citrus, celery, peppers, bananas as well as red wine were significantly associated with lower odds of SCD, Subjective Cognitive Decline.

As reported on, the study followed 49,493 women from the Nurses’ Health Study (NHS) (1984-2006) and 27,842 men from the Health Professionals Follow-up Study (HPFS) (1986-2002).

Poisson regression, a generalized linear model form of regression analysis used to model count data and contingency tables, was used to evaluate the associations between dietary flavonoids and subsequent SCD.

For the NHS, long-term average dietary intake was calculated from seven repeated food frequency questionnaires (SFFQs) and SCD was assessed in 2012 and 2014. For the HPFS, average dietary intake was calculated from five repeated SFFQs, and SCD assessed in 2008 and 2012.

The results showed that a higher intake of total flavonoids was associated with lower odds of SCD.

Many flavonoid-rich foods, such as apples/pears, strawberries, citrus, celery, peppers and bananas, were significantly associated with lower odds of SCD. The writer concluded that “our findings support a benefit of higher flavonoid intakes for maintaining cognitive function in US men and women.”

Henk Griessel, a plant biologist by training and Quality Assurance Manager of South Africa-based Tru-Cape Fruit Marketing, says that the company is always looking out for verified studies that prove the healthful benefits of eating apples and pears.

“This study adds to our understanding of why eating fruit and vegetables is so important to reduce the risk of brain-related decline associated with aging,” he said. Adding flavonoids to the group of naturally occurring fruit substances that prevent the many facets of aging underpins the importance of eating more fruit to reduce the risk of dementia. And, don’t forget that red wine is also on that list of flavonoid-rich substances.”

“We already know that DHQ, a form of the antioxidant Quercetin, a plant flavonol from the flavonoid group of polyphenols, has been demonstrated to reduce the inflation-causing free radicals by binding to them.

“Simply put, human deterioration can be likened to metal rusting. We already know that enzymes in antioxidants act as a form of human rust-proofing but what this study seems to also suggest is that those same enzymes reduce and even help repair the kind of brain damage that leads to a host of diseases associated with dementia,” Griessel ends.”

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6 Reasons Brussels Sprouts Are A Nutrition Powerhouse

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By Diana McLean, Ocean Mist Farms

They may be small in size, but Brussels Sprouts are big in nutrition, flavor and versatility!  Packed with vitamins, antioxidants and nutrients, Brussels Sprouts provide important health benefits to keep your body strong, and can be enjoyed raw, grilled, steamed, fried, and roasted.   

Here are six ways Brussels sprouts are good for your health:

1. Brain Health: Brussels sprouts deliver folate, which works with vitamin B12 – found in fish, poultry, meat and dairy – to help prevent cognitive impairment.

3. Eye Health: Brussels sprouts contain disease-fighting phytonutrients, which help protect your eyes from cataracts and age-related macular degeneration.

4. Heart Health: Sprouts are rich in antioxidants, which can help reduce inflammation and promote a healthy heart when part of your regular diet.

5. Gut Health: Just half a cup of Brussels Sprouts contain 2 grams of fiber, which is 8% of your daily fiber needs. Fiber helps support a healthy digestive system and reduces the risk of heart disease.

6. Immune System Health: A 1-cup serving of Brussels Sprouts contains more than 130% of the daily value of vitamin K and high levels of naturally occurring vitamin C as well as B vitamins – all necessary nutrients for a strong immune system.

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