Posts Tagged “Chilean bluesberries”

New Forecast Lowers Volume for Chilean Cherry, Blueberry and Grape Imports

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01152018Volume with imports of Chilean fruit are becoming a little more in focus as forecast evaluations from a big hail storm last November are being summarized.

Export volume of Chilean cherries for the 2018-19 season are projected to be 10.5 percent lower than last season and off 7.1 percent from the initial estimate this year.  Cherry exports are estimated at 33.44 million boxes, down from 37.38 million boxes a year ago.  Peak export shipments of Chile cherries are expected the last week of December and the first week of January, with the season wrapping up by late February.

Most Chilean cherries are exported to China, but the U.S. also receives volume.

Through November 24th, the USDA reported  season-to-date-shipments of Chilean cherries to the U.S. totaled 200,000 pounds, down from 2 million pounds for the same period last year.

Fewer Blueberries

Chilean blueberries apparently had less damage with the hard-hit O’Higgins region representing about 7 percent of the total planted area.  However, hail also was reported in some growing areaser area of blueberries in the Maule Region.  From the metropolitan region of Santiago to the south, over 4,900 acres of blueberries could have some damage from hail storms.

Chilean blueberry exports for 2018-19 are now projected at 100,800 metric tons, 4 percent lower than the 105,000 metric tons initially forecast.  Reduction in volume will be felt in early and mid-season exports.

Through mid-November, about 1,905 metric tons had been exported from Chile, mostly bound for North America.  Peak blueberry shipments are expected from December through February, with shipments continuing into March.

Through November 24th, the USDA reported season-to-date imports of Chilean blueberries totaled 2.4 million pounds, down from 3.7 million pounds the same time last year.

Chilean Grapes

The first Chilean grape imports on the East Coast are expected a few days prior to Christmas.  While some Chilean grape advocates have said North America grape buyers are not interested in older varieties like California’s  flames and red globes, the California grape trade is saying it will be shipping domestic grapes through most of January.

North America is Chile’s biggest grape market, taking 45 percent (39 million boxes) of Chilean grape export volume during the 2017-18 season.

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