Posts Tagged “conventional”

Is Organic Really Better than Conventional Produce?

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Published research from Stanford University reafirms what I have believed to be true for years.  While organic fresh fruits and vegetables are touted by many to be more safe and more nutritious than conventional fresh produce, findings do not support that popular notion.

What you often can count on is organic produce costing more than regularly grown produce.  While the research affirms the fact that certified organic produce has less pesticide residues than conventional food, it is no big deal.  The pesticide residues on conventional produce are well within Federal requirements.  These residues are so low they are not harmful.

I have met and got to know many large, commerical growers of produce over the years.  They are for the most part, good, honest, decent people.  They have families and would never intentionally risk the lives of consumers or their families or friends by excessively using pesticides and other chemicals.

The research was published September 4 in the Annals of Internal Medicine.

Does organic produce taste better than convention produce?  Sometimes, sometimes not.   It is similar to buying a branded fruit or vegetable versus a generic brand in your supermarket.  The branded item may cost more, but by no means is it assured of tasting better than a similar non-branded product.

Over the decades less and less pesticides have been used on conventional fresh fruits and vegetables, as technology and advances in agriculture have progressed.  A noble goal is that someday it will be economically viable to grow fresh produce without the use of any chemicals.

Meanwhile, I will continue to base my produce shopping decisions on quality and price.  — Bill Martin








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