Posts Tagged “imported Peruvian blueberries”

California Giant Farms of Watsonville, CA is importing blueberries from Chile and expects increased volume from Mexico in 2022.
The company reports adding more growers and increased acreage in Chile.
Blueberry production in Mexico is expected to continually increase in the coming months, with the growing region’s season currently in its early stages. The region, known for its strong spring harvest is on track to produce as expected.
California Giant started domestic harvest in early December, with a gradual increase in volume, and peak shipments occurring in April and May. The California Giant coastal organics program is the perfect complement to its import program for the continuity of supply throughout the year.
The grower/shipper is coming off Peru’s largest production year ever, breaking an all-time high export volume for the third consecutive year. This momentum is expected to continue throughout the Chilean season.