Posts Tagged “North Carolina produce shipments”

The South Carolina Specialty Crop Growers Association reports
it has been a favorable beginning to the season in South Carolina.
Unlike recent seasons, blueberries and peaches have not been hit with late freezes. The result has been increased volume and better quality.
South Carolina growers are hit a peak in the strawberry season nearly a month ago, and blueberries and blackberries followedsuit.
Peach shipments have ramped entering the summer months alongside other summer crops like peppers, watermelon and squash.
In North Carolina it is a similar situation.
Jackson Farming Co. in Autryville, N.C., wrapped up its spring broccoli season early in part to a warmer-than-normal spring growing season.
Cantaloupe loadings got underway in late June. The company’s
honeydew loading started in early July, which followed seedless and watermelon with seeds the last week of June.
The farm is still using shipping sweet potatoes from storage and crews are planting this fall’s crop. Harvest should begin in late August or early September.
An increase in watermelon production is expected for North Carolina growers this year, with cantaloupe remaining level. Spring broccoli production remained the same.
Many growers in North Carolina plant both tobacco and sweet potatoes as the seasons are complementary. However, many growers opted to expand sweet potato acres as the tobacco market waned. It is estimated that 2021 was the largest sweet potato acreage of about 130,000. Since then, the acreage has started to drop to 85,000 in 2022 and 80,000 in 2023.

North Carolina fresh fruit and vegetable shipments rose 6% in 2022 when compared with 2021, according to USDA data.
Total North Carolina truck shipments of fresh produce commodities in 2022 totaled 1.1 billion pounds, up from 1.04 billion pounds the USDA reported in 2021.
The biggest month for North Carolina fresh produce shipments in 2022 was July, when the USDA said state’s shippers moved 305.2 million pounds of fresh fruits and vegetables. February was the lowest month for shipments, with the USDA reporting 43.6 million pounds of produce moved that month.
The biggest fresh commodity in the state is sweet potatoes, and the USDA reported truck shipments of 494.9 million pounds for 2022, down about 6% from 524.7 million pounds in 2021. The biggest month for North Carolina sweet potato truck shipments in 2022 was April, when the state’s shippers moved 52.6 million pounds for the month.
Here are USDA reported annual truck shipments for North Carolina fresh produce items in 2022, with percentage change from 2021:
- Apples: 7.3 million pounds, up 115%.
- Beans: 7 million pounds, up 35%.
- Blueberries: 21.2 million pounds, up 27%.
- Organic blueberries: 400,000 pounds, unchanged.
- Broccoli: 3.3 million pounds, up 22%.
- Cabbage: 37 million pounds, up 17%.
- Cucumbers: 11.4 million, up 20%.
- Eggplant: 2.2 million, up 16%.
- Greens: 15.4 million, up 27%.
- Miscellaneous berries: 5.1 million pounds, up 19%.
- Bell peppers: 33.5 million pounds, up 31%.
- Other peppers: 4.8 million pounds, up 85%.
- Potatoes: 14.1 million pounds, up 2%.
- Chipper potatoes: 210.4 million pounds, up 12%.
- Squash: 4.3 million pounds, up 5%.
- Strawberries: 4.3 million pounds, down 7%.
- Sweet potatoes: 494.4 million pounds, down 6%.
- Tomatoes: 2.4 million pounds, down 8%.
- Grape tomatoes: 300,000 pounds, down 25%.
- Plum tomatoes: 500,000 pounds, up 150%.
- Seeded watermelon: 9.2 million pounds, down 3%.
- Seedless watermelon: 223.2 million pounds, up 24%.
- State total: 1.1 billion pounds, up 6%.

North Carolina produce shipments dipped slightly from 2019, U.S. Department of Agriculture statistics show.
Fresh produce shipments in the state totaled 1.09 billion pounds, down 2.3% from 1.11 billion pounds in 2019.
Here are shipment figures by commodity for 2020, compared with 2019 and 2010:
- Sweet potatoes: 532.6 million pounds in 2020, up 1% compared with 525.4 million pounds in 2019 and down 19% from 659.5 million in 2015.
- Seedless watermelon: 143 million pounds in 2020, down 21% compared with 181.5 million pounds in 2019 and down 6% from 152.4 million pounds in 2015.
- Cabbage: 21.3 million pounds in 2020, down 3% compared with 22 million pounds in 2019 and down 40% from 35.1 million pounds in 2015.
- Potatoes: 20.6 million pounds in 2020, up 41% compared with 14.6 million pounds in 2019 and down 2% from 21.1 million pounds in 2015.
- Blueberries: 18.1 million pounds in 2020, down 40% compared with 26.1 million pounds in 2019 and down 48% from 34.3 million pounds in 2015.
Bell peppers: 16.5 million pounds in 2020, down 33% compared with 24.6 million pounds in 2019 and down 32% from 28.4 million pounds in 2015.
Greens: 11.7 million pounds in 2020, down 18% compared with 14.2 million pounds in 2019 and down 59% compared with 28.4 million pounds in 2015.
Apples: 10.8 million pounds in 2020, up 59% compared with 6.8 million pounds in 2019 and up 11% compared with 9.7 million pounds in 2015.
Cucumbers: 10.9 million pounds in 2020, down 5% compared with 11.2 million pounds in 2019 and down 40% compared with 18.1 million pounds in 2015.
Seeded watermelon: 6.7 million pounds in 2020, up 1.5% compared with 6.6 million pounds in 2019 and down 60% compared with 16.7 million pounds in 2015.
Tomatoes: 3.4 million pounds in 2020, down 18% compared with 4.7 million pounds in 2019 and down 32% from 5 million pounds in 2015.
Beans: 2.6 million pounds in 2020, down 44% compared with 4.6 million pounds in 2019 and 63% compared with 7.1 million pounds in 2015.
Both South Carolina and North Carolina are expecting normal shipments of vegetables this summer, despite a a cold and wet spring that delayed plantings on some vegetables. Tropical Storm Ana, which made landfall in South Carolina on May 10, drenched fields in both states and further delayed production of some vegetables.
South Carolina Produce Shipments
Up coming shipments on sweet corn, cabbage, squash, greens, cilantro, parsley, beets, leeks and eggplant look favorable. South Carolina squash loadings started in mid-May, while sweet corn shipments should start next week.
WP Rawl, Pelion, S.C., and Clayton Rawl Farms in Lexington, S.C. are two of the state’s largest vegetable shippers.
South Carolina peach shipments continue, while watermelons will be coming on the latter part of June.
North Carolina Produce Shipments
Cabbage shipments will not get underway until the latter part of June, or early July a week or more later than normal.
Cabbage loadings typically have a gap between the start of coastal production near Elizabeth City, N.C., and the mountain region production near Mount Airy, N.C.. However, this season both shipping areas are expected to start at about the same time. One of the state’s largest cabbage shippers is Hollar & Greene Produce Co. Inc. in Boone, N.C.
North Carolina usually begins sweet corn shipments a week later than Georgia. North Carolina expects to start loading about June 1st….Squash shipments have just started, while potatoes should get underway around June 15-20. Potato acreage remains at 17,000 acres and the state plans to ship red, white and yellow potatoes through late July.
Eastern North Carolinas continues to ship sweet potatoes entering the last couple of months of the season.
North Carolina sweet potatoes – grossing about $2500 to New York City.
Sweet potatoes lead North Carolina produce shipments….We also take a look at the upcoming U.S. cranberry shipping season.
North Carolina Produce Shipments
North Carolina produce shipments were worth $608 million last year, including fruits, vegetables, nuts and berries. However, it was sweet potatoes that led the way.
The Tar Heel state ranks number one in the nation for shipping sweet potatoes, which are not only used as fresh, but in making vodka, butter and chips, as well as microwave-ready yams and even recipes for gourmet meals with sweet potato French fries.
Because of its location in the Southeast, North Carolina’s fresh produce can be shipped to 65 percent of the U.S. population within 24 hours.
North Carolina sweet potatoes from the old season are virtually finished, while the new crop is being harvested and cured. Significant volume is a few weeks away.
Watermelons loadings are on the decline.
North Carolina watermelons – grossing about $1000 to Atlanta.
Cranberry Shipments
U.S. cranberry shipments are predicted to fall 4 perecent in 2014, because of lower production in industry leader Wisconsin. About 8.6 million barrels are expected this year.
Growers in Wisconsin are reporting lower yields than last year.
Cool weather in Wisconsin has resulted in smaller berries, plus there were some losses due to hail damage in late July.
In Massachusetts, reports are mixed. Some growers expect above-average yields due to good pollination, excellent weather and very little rot. Others report lower production due to heat stress.
Oregon and Washington growers are expecting higher yields due to good weather. Shipments are expected to be up in all major-producing states except Wisconsin.
Wisconsin should produce about 5.39 million barrels, Massachusetts 2.07 million barrels, New Jersey 558,000 barrels, Oregon 395,000 barrels and Washington 162,000 barrels. 90 percent of all cranberries are generally for the processing with the balance going to the fresh market. New Jersey has little if any cranberry shipments for the fresh market.
Summer produce shipments continue from the Carolinas, but some items are winding down, while others still have a ways to go before seasonally ending.
Southern South Carolina shipments of peaches and watermelons are running later than usual due to the cold, wet spring. Loadings are expected to continue until around Labor Day. You”ll still find some mixed vegetables in moderate volume coming out of South Carolina, particularly with shippers just south of the state capital of Columbia.
Peach shipments currently are at a peak in South Carolina and will remain so for a couple of more weeks. Volume will then decline, but shipments are expected through Labor Day. Watermelon shipments are on the final leg of the season.
Georgia peach volume is on the decline, while New Jersey volume is just getting underway and remains light.
While South Carolina watermelon volume is light and on the decline, North Carolina melons are increasing in volume….In the Western region of North Carolina a new season has started with tomatoes, with light to moderate volume….Potato shipments from the Elizabeth City area of North Carolina are on in a seasonal decline.
North Carolina sweet potato shipments are lighter than normal for the old crop that is finishing up. Loadings for the new sweet crop are still a few weeks away.
North Carolina sweet potatoes – grossing about $1500 to Atlanta.
North Carolina watermelons – about $2300 to New York City.