Posts Tagged “tomato shipments”

Oceanside, CA — The only pole-grown operation west of the Mississippi, Oceanside Pole began shipping the season’s first vine-ripened tomatoes at the end of June alongside exclusive marketer Oppy.
The first harvest of roma tomatoes is anticipated in late June, followed by rounds in mid-July. Peak volume is expected from late August through September and October, culminating around the Thanksgiving season.
Oceanside Pole expects 3.4 million cases of rounds and romas from its 700-acre farm in California in addition to 160 acres out of Mexico, all produced to the same high standards upheld by its management teams and growers, ensuring a consistent product. The unique growing method raises fruit off the ground to improve airflow — and therefore tomato quality — to ripen to its juicy, robust taste, naturally on the vine, then harvested at retail specifications to arrive at precise perfection.
“Each plant is harvested an average of 18 times, ensuring tomatoes are hand-selected to specific ripeness,” said Senior Sales Representative James Galindo. “We even pick, ship and deliver to retailers within 24 hours, ensuring their shoppers have the exact tomatoes they’re looking for on their shelves.”

Florida mature green tomato volume is surging, while vine-ripes and romas from Mexico on in a seasonal decline.
Good growing weather in Florida is resulting in shipments of good volume for tomatoes from the Ruskin/Palmetto, FL region. About 400 truckloads per week are being shipped.
Meanwhile, vine ripe tomatoes will continue to decline this month. Just under 500 truckloads crossed the Mexican border into the Lower Rio Grande Valley of Texas last week. About 250 truckloads of Mexican tomatoes crossed through Nogales, AZ.
In Western Mexico there is a mixture of a new crop coming on with an existing crop. Grape tomato shipments with transition to Baja California during the next month crossing into San Diego.
The California desert region will start limited shipments of round tomatoes in mid-May, with the bulk of the California summer season beginning in mid-June.

Stormy summer weather limited tomato shipments from the East Coast, while California loadings have remained steady.
Markon Cooperative reports the “East Coast has lower volume due to previous tropical storms that impacted plant health and reduced yields” and “Tennessee and North Carolina regions are expected to have a shorter season this year; additional grading is required.”
Florida is still a fews weeks away from commercial production.
Meanwhile, California round and Roma tomato production is steady.
“Round tomatoes from Northern California are of good quality; 6×6 and 6×7 sizes dominate the crop,” Markon said. “Roma quality is good; large to jumbo sizes are more prevalent.”
Mexico sees steady volume as it works through previous weather-related quality issues.
“Vine-ripe and Roma volume in Jalisco and San Luis Potosi is on the lighter side due to prior rain storms. Overall volume had increased by mid-October.
As New Jersey vegetable shipments get underway, here is a look at last season’s volume to add some perspective as to what to expect this summer.
Bell peppers and tomatoes saw significant shipping increases in 2017, while sweet corn acreage was stable.
New Jersey’s top vegetables in 2017 were tomatoes, bell peppers and sweet corn, and total acreage for vegetable crops topped 35,000 acres.
The USDA’s National Agricultural Statistics Service reports shipments for 18 vegetables tracked in New Jersey totaled 507.8 million pounds, with area harvested estimated at 35,100 acres.
2017 harvested vegetable acreage of 35,100 was up 1.4 percent from 2016, when 34,600 acres of vegetables were harvested.
According to the USDA, tomatoes, bell peppers and sweet corn together accounted for 51 percent of total vegetable production in the state.
The total value of utilized production in the state was $193.8 million, and tomatoes, bell peppers and sweet corn together accounted for 48 percent of the total.
Sweet Corn Shipments
- Sweet corn topped all vegetable crops in terms of acreage, with 6,200 acres harvested in 2017, down slightly from 6,400 acres harvested in 2016.
- Sweet corn production of 601,400 cwt. in 2017 compares to 595,000 cwt. in 2016, according to USDA statistics.
- Value of sweet corn production in 2017 totaled $18.04 million, up from $17.29 million in 2016.
Tomato Shipments
- Tomato harvested acreage in 2017 totaled 4,000 acres, up 38 percent from 2,900 acres harvested in 2016.
- Production of tomatoes in 2017 totaled 1.12 million cwt., up 42 percent from 791,000 cwt. in 2016.
- Value of tomatoes in New Jersey was $39.2 million in 2017, down from $46.3 million in 2016.
Bell Pepper Shipments
- Bell pepper harvested acreage in 2017 totaled 3,100 acres, up 34 percent from 2,300 acres in 2016.
- Production of bell peppers in 2017 was 868,000 cwt., up from 633,000 cwt. in 2016.
- Value of bell pepper production in 2017 was $35.9 million, up a whopping 80 pecent from $19.9 million in 2016.
As produce rates remain higher than normal for this time of the year and equipment and drivers are in short supply, here is a round up of several active shipping areas in the Western half of the United States.
At Nogales, watermelons crossing the border from Mexico are providing the heaviest volume as many winter vegetable items are nearing the end of a season. Over 800 truck loads of Mexican melons are being shipped weekly and volume is still increasing. Mexican tomato shipments are exceeding 600 truck loads a week, with a similar amount of cucumbers. A big crop of Mexican table grapes will be crossing the border in good volume within a couple of weeks….Lettuce from the Yuma area is quickly coming to a seasonal end.
Mexican produce through Nogales – grossing about $3600 to Chicago.
California produce shipments
Salina Valley vegetables lead by broccoli, cauliflower and lettuce are in light, but increasing volume. It will help test the ability of the produce trucking industry to supply the equipment and drivers necessary when the Salinas Valley hits full stride in May, along with fruits and vegetables from the San Joaquin Valley. There’s not numbers yet, but the valley’s stone fruit volume is expected to be down significantly from weather factors. Kern County carrots are averaging over 400 truck loads per week. Many other items will be available for loading in the coming weeks.
Northwest Produce Shipments
As usual Washington apples are the volume leader averaging over 3000 truck load equivalents per week…..Washington’s Columbia Basin and the adjacent Oregon Umatilla Basin are shipping nearly 700 truck loads of onions weekly and about 375 truck loads of potatoes….Meanwhile Idaho is shipping in excess of 1900 truck load equivalents of potatoes weekly.
Yakima Valley apples – grossing about $4000 to Dallas.
Texas Produce Shipments
Mexican avocados and watermelons continue to cross the border at Pharr in heavy volume. Mexican tropical fruits such as mangoes are increasing, as are Mexican tomatoes. Mexican sweet onions continue being imported, but its season will be winding down and sweet onions grown in the Lower Rio Grande Valley are increasing.
Mexican produce through South Texas – grossing about $5800 to New York City.
The last half of summer is typically good for hauling California tomatoes as well as California table grapes.
California’s San Joaquin Valley mature green summer tomato shipments started in late July and will continue into November. About 500 truck loads of mature greens are being loaded weekly.
Caution is recommended when loading this product. There’s been some triple digit weather this season, which can stress the product and lead to quality issues. The weather is supposed to be in the mid to upper 90s this week in the Merced area, but inching towards the 100 mark by next weekend. However, in Brawley, scorching temperatures well above 100 are predicted all week.
In the San Diego and Baja California areas summer vine ripe tomatoes and romas are being shipping in a similar timeframe as those in the San Joaquin Valley. California tomato shipments have been good this summer as weather has impacted tomato seasons in Alabama, Virginia and Tennessee.
California Grape Shipments
Sun Pacific Marketing Cooperative Inc., based in Pasadena, CA is perhaps better known for its easy peel Cuties brand clementines and mandarins, as well as it Mighties brand kiwifruit.
However, it has become a significant player with table grape shipments and this season should move about 4 million cartons of grapes from the San Joaquin Valley. The company is looking to increase it grape volume by as much as 50 percent over the next few seasons.
California has steady loadings with grapes now and is averaging around 1700 truckloads per week. The vast majority of the fruit is still being shipped from the southern half of the valley, but this will gradually shift to greater tonnage coming out of more northern parts of the valley as we approach fall.
During the past decade more than two dozen grape varieties – red, green and black, have been introduced. This is leading to fruit with larger berries, more crunch and sweeter taste.
San Joaquin Valley grapes – grossing about $6200 to New York City.
From Nogales to California, the Northwest and Colorado, here are some springtime loading opportunities with fresh fruits and vegetables.
Nogales Crossings
While springtime crossings of imported Mexican vegetables is past its peak, there are about 1500 truck loads of watermelons being loaded per week, with around 500 truck loads of vine ripe tomatoes available. There’s much less volume with squash, peppers and some other vegetables. Mexican grape loadings should be available in very light volume starting next week, with decent loading opportunities not coming until around the second week of May.
Mexican watermelon and tomato shipments – grossing about $3200 to Chicago.
California Produce Shipments
With lettuce volume crashing in the Imperial Valley and the Yuma area, lettuce loadings have made the seasonal shift to the Huron district on the Westside of the San Joaquin Valley. Huron is moving around 650 loads of head lettuce a week, accounting for nearly 87 percent of the state’s lettuce shipments right now. Huron will continue well into May before giving away to California coastal shipping areas.
In fact, Santa Maria Valley has very light loadings of lettuce, celery, cauliflower, broccoli and other vegetables. Heaviest Santa Maria volume is with strawberries, a little over 300 loads per week. Strawberry loadings in California are heaviest out of Ventura County, around 500 loads a week. Santa Maria could be a little frustrating this season. Although new crops are just starting, weather related shipping gaps are seen.
In Kern County around Bakersfield, about 375 truck load equivalents are being loaded weekly. The new crop of stone fruit should have its first pickings the week of April 24th.
Huron lettuce – grossing about $6000 to New York City.
Potato Shipments
As always, Idaho leads potato volume accounting for nearly 1900 truck load equivalents a week, although a substantial amount of this is moving by rail…..Colorado’s San Luis Valley come next in volume averaging around 750 loads a week. The Columbia Basin in southern Washington and adjacent Umatillin Basin in Northern Oregon are shipping about 60 percent of Colorado’s volume.
Twin Falls, ID area potatoes – grossing about $5100 to Atlanta.

Here’s some updates on tomato shipments from Southern California, as well as avocado shipments, which continue to show impressive growth in volume.
California vine-ripe round tomatoes and romas are now in peak volume from Southern California. This season, veteram tomato grower Harry Singh, Jr. and his family—along with exclusive marketer Oppy—celebrate 75 years of producing vine-ripes in Oceanside, CA. .
Priya Singh, general manager, is a third generation grower at the company that became known as West Coast Tomato Growers (WCTG), owners of the Oceanside Pole and Cal-Tom brands, in 2012. Oppy is shipping Oceanside Pole and Cal-Tom vine ripened rounds and romas produced by the Singh family into November.
Southern California tomatoes – grossing about $6300 to New York City.
Avocado Shipments
2016 is off to a good start for avocado shipments, both domestic and for imports. The coming fall shipping season is looking to be even better. From January through May, more than 1 billion pounds of avocados were shipped in the U.S. That is up from 883 million pounds for the same period a year ago.
In all, volume rose 16 percent in 2015 compared to 2014, but for fall, volume grew 21 percent — from 575 million pounds for September through December 2014 to 696 million pounds for the fall of 2015.
The increase was driven by an increase in imports from Mexico, which had its biggest year ever. Mexico was by far the largest source of avocados in 2015, shipping 1.7 billion pounds to the U.S. California was next, with 262 million pounds, followed by Peru with 100 million and Chile with 20 million pounds. Other countries shipped almost 4 million pounds.
Avocado shipments are increasing as consumption by American consumers continues to grow at a very fast pace. Avocado shipments seem to be breaking records nearly every year.
Total volume in the U.S. for 2015 was 2.14 billion pounds, an increase of 15 percent over the 1.85 billion pounds in 2014.
Some California avocado shipments should continue through August. Then the fall crop from Mexico starts ramping up.
Here’s a round up of opportunities for California produce shipments.
Complaints continue to be heard about the lousy westbound freight rates across the country. There also isn’t a lot of excitement over refrigerated loads for fresh fruits and vegetables. Even California seems subdued this summer, the West Coast is still your best bet.
Salinas Valley Produce Shipments
Adequate truck supplies seem to be the norm anymore in California. The reasons given are numerous, but we won’t dwell on that now.
Head lettuce is accounting for around 1,000 truck loads per week in the Salinas Valley, but volume with other types of lettuce (romaine, leaf) are substantially lower. There’s also the usual suspects in the fields ranging from celery to bell peppers, among many others. In the nearby Watsonville district, strawberries are finally in a consistent mode, with both volume and quality. Over 900 truckloads of strawberries are being shipped each week. The Santa Maria district just to the south of Salinas is shipping similar items, but in much less volume.
Salinas vegetables and Watsonville berries – grossing about $7000 to New York City.
San Joaquin Valley Produce Shipments
The heaviest volume out of the San Joaquin Valley now is probably grapes and cantaloupe. Table grapes are heaviest in the Southern part of the valley closer to the Bakersfield area, but are gaining in volume as the season spreads northward in the valley. Cantaloupe loadings are now good out of the Westside district of the San Joaquin Valley from places such as Firebaugh. Both grapes and cantaloupes are averaging around 1,250 truckloads per week.
Growers in Fresno County ship almost 250,000 tons of cantaloupes from 11,400 acres.
Tomato shipments are now originating out of the central valley. There’s also is moderate loadings with peaches. Both items are averaging around 500 truck loads each per week. Nectarines and plums also are being shipped, but in relatively light volume.
San Joaquin Valley produce – grossing about $4100 to Dallas.