Posts Tagged “West Mexico vegetables”

Improved Weather Helping West Mexico Spring Vegetable Shipments

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West Mexico spring produce shipments are looking up with improved weather following a tough fall/winter season. There are increased supplies and more reasonable prices.

Earth Blend LLC of Nogales, AZ reported January and February supplies were disrupted with low yields for some growers.

The company had a slow start from Hermosillo, Mexico. Cucumbers got underway in late March 20, with watermelons coming on in early April. Honeydew melons kicked off the second week of April, with roma tomatoes showing up in mid-April.

IPR Fresh, Rio Rico, Ariz. adverse weather ranging from hurricanes to rain limited bell pepper shipments. The spring products for IPR Fresh includes red, orange and yellow bell peppers, European cucumbers and watermelons.

Rich River Produce LLC, of Rio Rico, AZ notes water issues remain in certain growing areas, including Culiacan in northern Mexico.

Some growers cut their production 30% to 50% and were shipping only two or three loads of cucumbers or bell peppers a day rather than their usual six or seven loads.

Certain areas, such as Hermosillo, Guaymas and Obregon, had ample water, but cold weather slowed production.

Rich River Produce will transition to Baja California in the summer and focus on chili peppers and cucumbers.

Ciruli Bros. LLC of Rio Rico had good supplies of Champagne mangoes by the end of March.

The company has cucumbers, eggplant, squash and bell peppers for spring shipping.

Ciruli expected volume to be up in the spring, especially on mangoes. Big demand in the U.S. has resulted in double-digit growth in mango sales.

Ciruli Bros. debuted its Rowdy Rabbit organic label last summer and offers an organic line that includes eggplant, squash, bell peppers, colored bell peppers, tomatoes and cucumbers.

Honeydews, seedless watermelons, mini seedless watermelons, kabocha squash, butternut squash and all colors of table grapes will be among the core products shipping from MAS Melons & Grapes of Rio Rico this spring.

Delta Fresh Produce of Nogales will continue to ship roma and round tomatoes and cucumbers out of Sinaloa this spring and will complement them with production on romas and cucumbers out of Sonora. The company also will have blueberries, watermelon, cantaloupe, zucchini, yellow squash, gray squash, green bell peppers and table grapes in Nogales and, for the first time, asparagus that ships from Yuma, AZ.  

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Big Mexican Volume is Crossing US Border; Use Caution with Consigned Produce Loads

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HPnogalesMexician produce is causing a flood of volume crossing the U.S.  border.  In fact it is so much product, combined with lousy winter weather spanning much of the US, it is killing demand (in other words consumers aren’t buying as much and retailers aren’t ordering as much).

A main concern in this situation is some shippers will do just about anything to sell their product before it rots.  That can mean rolling loads of produce unsold — in other words on consignment.  This too often results produce truckers having to change destinations, facing more drops than originally told, etc.

This makes it especially important you are dealing with good, honest shippers, truck brokers, receivers – to make sure you are getting fairly compensated for any additional mileage, drops, etc.

West Mexico vegetables came on strong in February as delayed volumes of tomatoes, bell peppers and cucumbers finally started crossing at Nogales, AZ and in South Texas.  Shippers, meanwhile, were facing poor demand thanks to a series of winter storms in the Midwest and Northeast.

One example is peak supplies of romas are now hitting Nogales three weeks later than normal.

After a lot of cold weather, replantings, etc, the warm weather in Mexico is resulting in big volumes. However, the crappy wether continues in much of the US.

As spring approaches there also big volume with eggplant, vine ripe tomatoes, bell peppers and cucumbers.  This situation is expected to continue for at least another two months.

Mexican produce crossing the border at Nogales – grossing about $3600 to Chicago.


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