California Fall Shipments

San Joaquin Valley table grapes shipments should continue into December and they are certainly sweet this late in season, making for great eating.   Over 97 million 19-pound boxes are expected to be shipped from last May to the end of this year.  Other fall fruit available for loadings range from apples and pears to persimmons, pomegranates and figs…. Fall nut shipments have already started for the approaching holidays.  Loadings are expected to be pretty normal for items ranging from almonds to pecans and walnuts…Southern California kiwifruit shipments started about 3 weeks ago, with normal loadings expected to hit nearly 9 million trays for the season…Fall cantaloupe acreage has increased in California from 4,500 to 4,700 acres this fall over last year, but the fear of the listeria contamination of Colorado cantaloupes still is having an adverse affect; more on that later this week.

  • San Joaquin Valley fruit:   About $7,300 to Boston.
  • Salinas Valley veggies:  About $4,400 to Chicago.