Happy New Year!

The recession of the past four years has presented its challenges for produce haulers, as well as the trucking industry in general.  Hopefully 2012 will result in the economy headed in the right direction, but no one is predicting  a rousing rebound.  When economic conditions start to improve, freight movement increases, resulting in a demand for more equipment and drivers to move it.  The U.S. needs to take actions to become less dependent on foreign oil (how long have we been saying that) to avoid those wild fluctuations in the cost of No. 2 diesel and other fuels.  Meanwhile a new year is upon us, it’s time to dig deep into the well of optimism, reflect on what could have been done differentlt, and vow to make 2012 a year of not only of hope, but progress in making not only our own business better, but contribute to the betterment of this great country.  This is wishing each of you the best of health, happiness and prosperity in the New Year.