Chilean Fruit in Supermarkets

If it were not for the South American country of Chile, we would not have a lot of produce items during the winter (which is Chile’s summer), or at least if so it would be a lot more expensive.  I’ve lamented over the California grape season ending, because their grapes were fabulous this year.  Chile will be stretched to equal the quality and taste of California this winter, and if they do it will probably be later in the season.  Best buys on Chilean grapes at your store should occur during February and March…..There also are peaches, nectarines and plums now available from Chile, as well blueberries and raspberries.

The Chileans do a good job of growing fresh produce, wine grapes and salmon — and they just keep getting better.  I’ve been to Chile and have witnessed it first hand.  A great country — and lovely people!!