Loading Opportunities Around the USA

Supplies of refrigerated trucking equipment continue to tighten as spring produce volume continues to increase, and is being reflected in rates, which are rising.

The pressure to increased rates on produce loads, as usual, is being led by California.   More specifically, the San Joaquin and Salinas valleys continue to build in volume.  In the San Joqauin Valley, even though an April hail storm knocked out about 15 percent of the stone fruit crop, there will still be around 40 million boxes of peaches, plums and nectarines for hauling this season.  The valley also has a lot of vegetables, which doesn’t even include grape shipments that won’t begin until July.

In New Mexico, one normally doesn’t think of produce loads.  But if you are in the area, onion shipments are in light volume the Hatch (Las Cruces) area.

Peach shipments from the Ft. Valley, GA area are moving in decent volume, although loadings for the overall season are forecast to be down about one-third.  Shipments are expected to finish in late July, a couple of weeks earlier than normal…..South Carolina peach shipments have started and should continue into August.

Georgia peaches  – grossing about $2600 to Baltimore.

$8000-plus loads from Salinas to New York City are becoming more common.