Premium Exhaust Manifolds

By Bully Dog

Let the engine of your rig breath easy with Bully Dog’s premium exhaust manifolds! Stock manifolds are often leaky, which can keep your engine from exhaling efficiently and choke your truck’s performance. Bully Dog exhaust manifolds are carefully designed to fit the stock mounting points, which reduces install headaches and the amount of hardware needed.

Heavy Duty trucks are the workhorses of the open road. Bully Dog gets that, and we’ve built our manifolds to withstand the high temps and long hours they’re sure to endure. While stock manifolds are generally made from cast iron, we have chosen to use a premium alloy that expands and contracts at a more consistent rate than cast iron. This will reduce leaks around the joints and prevent cracking. We’ve also coated every manifold with temperature-resistant ceramic, which contains engine heat within the manifold where it belongs and reduces the temperatures radiating from the manifold by up to 300 degrees.

With a Bully Dog manifold, your truck can also flow more air safely, with no clamps. Stock manifolds with multiple parts are put together loosely, and loose connections equal leaks. Every Bully Dog manifold is pressure fit together. What does this mean for you? Less leaks and more performance!

We have adjusted all the angles of the manifold, making them more gradual and producing up to 20% better airflow. In English? Better airflow means exhaust escapes quicker, your turbo flows better and you get faster-acting performance!

Instead of letting your truck puff along with a restrictive exhaust, give it the tools it needs to exhale smoothly. And just because you’re special, we’ve hand ported and polished every manifold, reducing back pressure and giving your engine every opportunity to breath easy.

Find out more online or contact your local Bully Dog dealer today.