Produce Shipments from the Northwest, California and Texas

Produce Shipments from the Northwest, California and Texas

Storage supplies of onions  from the Northwest are as low as they have been in many years.  Whether we are talking Idaho, Oregon or Washington state, storage onions and shipments are well below the levels from four years ago.  In fact, there are 10 million pounds fewer onions than in 2009.

If  you are in the Northwest, apples and pears, especially from Washington state, are in much better supply, plus usually pay a better freight rate better than onions.  Idaho has more potatoes than it knows what to do with, so they are moving a lot spuds.


Asparagus shipments are originating primarily from the Delta region of the San Joaquin Valley, although volume has really declined in the past 10 years or so.

In the year 2000, San Joaquin County alone shipped over 63 million pounds of asparagus from 23,600 acres harvested.   By 2011,  county plantings had fallen to 6,400 acres.  The year, available loads are expected to be similar to last year, about 36 million pounds on 11,000 to 12,000 acres statewide.

The Mexican holiday Cinco de Mayo is May 5th and record avocado shipments of avocados are being predicted leading up to this event.  California loadings will be going full bore during April as the state  expects to ship about  87.3 million pounds of avocados – just for Cinco de Mayo!  In total, about 515 million pounds of avocados should be transported in 2013.  This would be one of biggest crops on record. 


Lower Rio Grande Valley sweet onion shipments are normally peaking right now, but 2013 is shaping up for Texas to be more like 2007, as there will be less volume this season.

I was on the Atlanta State Farmers Market last week and talked with a trucker who was being unloaded.  He had onions on a flatbed trailer.  He’d just arrived from South Texas.  However, onion loads will be off sharply this year from Texas and Mexico.  In south Texas you probably will have better luck getting Mexican produce items ranging from veggies to tropical fruits, as well as Lower Rio Grade Valley citrus.

South Texas produce – grossing about $2700 to Atlanta.

Southern California avocados, berries, citrus – about $6800 to New York City.

Idaho potatoes – about $2800 to Chicago.

Yakima Valley apples and pears – about $4300 to Dallas