Kanzi Apples from Washington State are one of Newer Apple Varieties

KanziWashington-grown Kanzi brand apples are hitting retailers’ shelves on schedule, but production is limited.  However, within five years growers expect to be able to ship half a million cartons annually.

This year’s crop is has turned out very well and  doesn’t have the limitations the previous crop had in relation to a hail storm.  U.S. Growers are adding trees to increase production and meet strong market demand.  With the existing trees in the ground, and new plantings,  it is estimated that within five years, production will hit nearly 500,000 cartons.

Even with that expanding production, demand is great enough to require imported Kanzi apples to supplement the domestic program. The imports are expected in spring after the domestic apples have sold out. Kanzi was originally developed in the European market by Greenstar Kanzi Europe and has features from its parents, Gala and braeburn apple varieties.

Kanzi is fresh bi-colored apple with a unique sweet-sour flavor, now grown in the Washington state’s Wenatchee Valley.

Kanzi, as a name, does not perhaps have the same gravitas as the old heritage apple varieties – yet. Fortunately this is a pretty good apple so we can let the name grow on us. Kanzi has been developed and marketed by Greenstar Kanzi Europe (GKE) and first came on to the market in 2006.  Most supplies are from the Netherlands.