MI grass…

MI grass…

IMG_6491It was only a couple of weeks ago when 80 percent of the asparagus fields in west-central Michigan had frost damage, but it has since re-grown.  Shipments have recently resumed and while the crop is now late, loss of volume is expected to be relatively small.  The harvest already was late due to a cold spring and harvesting in southern Michigan didn’t start until about May 9.   Asparagus shipments should continue through June.  Volume in 2014 should be about equal to 2013 Michigan asparagus volume of 20 million pounds.  Around 8 million pounds will to go to the fresh market this year, with the remainder of the total going to the processing market. The fresh market share has risen in two years to about 40 percent from 20-25 percent.  In another two years about half of the state’s asparagus will go to the fresh market.