Kalettes are 1st New Veggie in a Decade

KalettesThe coloring of Kalettes® is stunning in its raw state. These “kale sprouts” are a colorful combination of purple stems and green leaves with a purple hue. The size of Kalettes® will vary due to the way they grow on the plant stalk and because they are hand harvested. Look for Kalettes® with hydrated leaves that have no yellowing or browning. The stems should look freshly cut; this is a great way to gauge the age of product.

Preparing Kalettes


Kalettes® must be kept refrigerated at all times until they are ready to be used. Refrigerate in the crisper drawer of the refrigerator. To refresh, trim ends and submerge in ice water for a few minutes to re-crisp.


Always rinse Kalettes® before using under cool water. Similar to how to prepare Brussels sprouts, trim the end off of each Kalette® to re-fresh the stem.


Kalettes® can be cooked and served in their whole state. Sauteing or steaming is the ideal application for using whole Kalettes®.


What makes Kalettes® unique is that you get both the kale leaves and soft stems all in one vegetable, creating a medley of texture. Chop the entire Kalette® including the stem when preparing to cook. The smaller the stem pieces, the faster they will soften when cooked.

Cooking with Kalettes

How to Cook

Kalettes® are very versatile and may be sautéed, roasted, grilled or eaten raw. Here are a few ideas of how to use Kalettes® after rinsing.

The ways to cook Kalettes® are endless. Below are a few ideas of how to use Kalettes® after rinsing.


To roast, place Kalettes® (either whole or chopped) in a roasting pan or baking sheet, coat with olive oil and bake at 475 degrees for 10 minutes.


Sauté chopped Kalettes® in a large pan for 5-7 minutes, covering for increased tenderness.


Grill whole Kalettes® in a grill basket over medium heat for 10 minutes or until
slightly charred.


For extra texture, flavor and color add chopped Kalettes® to any salad blend.

As An Additional Ingredient

For extra texture, flavor and color add chopped Kalettes® to any recipe you would normally add a vegetable to (i.e.: green onions or bell peppers.) The sweet flavor of the Kalettes® pairs well with tomatoes. Add chopped Kalettes® to eggs, quiche, stuffing, pasta sauces…the uses are endless.