A Post New Year’s Look at California and Idaho Produce Shipments

A Post New Year’s Look at California and Idaho Produce Shipments

DSCN0408Here’s a round up of some major Western U.S. produce shipping areas.

California Citrus Shipments

It has been since early December that  extended nights of freezing settled into the San Joaquin Valley of California, and as of early January it was appearing the total loss of shipments to the remaining on-tree crop could be at least 30 percent or more.  Officials are hoping for more specific information by the end of January.

Citrus growers are finding everything from almost no damage to complete losses in different blocks, and sometimes those blocks are not that far apart.   This has made it really difficult to come up with a good damage estimate number.

Southern California produce shipments- grossing about $4700 to Chicago.

Desert Vegetable Shipments

Meanwhile, California desert vegetable shipments have been more lucky thus far.  Although the Imperial Valley and Yuma vegetable shipping areas had freezing weather,  damage has been minimual.  Some veggies such as lettuce, may look a little “roughed up”, but should be okay for shipping.

Imperial Valley/Yuma District desert veggies – grossing about $6600 to New York City.

Idaho Potato Shipments

Idaho continues to ship spuds primarily from the Upper Valley and the Twin Falls-Burley District.  The state is averaging around 1,300 truck load equivalents per week, with a higher percentage than most produce items moving by rail.

Idaho potatoes – grossing about $5000 to Atlanta.