Posts Tagged “Desert vegetable shipments”
Phoenix, AZ — Arizona is known as the winter lettuce capital of the US providing Americans with an abundance of lettuce and leafy greens from November to March.
According to United States Department of Agriculture statistics Arizona farmers grow approximately 25% of the total U.S. lettuce supply each year. On an annual basis the leafy greens farming community in Arizona generates a $2 billion impact.
“Right now, Arizona farms are actively growing and harvesting some types of leafy greens including spinach, kale, arugula, spring mix, Swiss chard and romaine lettuce.” said Teressa Lopez, Administrator of the Arizona LGMA program.
To celebrate the start of harvest Arizona growers and shippers are celebrating the 12th annual Arizona Leafy Greens Month.
Since the first celebration, Arizona farmers have produced more than 100 billion servings of lettuce (based on the average production of 9 billion servings per year).

Winter Iceberg and leaf lettuce shipments from the California and Arizona deserts have been practically non existent for the past week due the cold and wet weather. The situation could last into mid February.
The desert region received ¾” – 1+” of rain between Sunday, January 21 and Monday, January 22. Many growers were forced to cancel harvesting operations due to extremely muddy field conditions, according to Markon of Salinas, CA.
Over the past three weeks, the region has experienced freezing morning temperatures followed by above-normal humidity, and now significant rainfall. The erratic weather has caused many quality and shelf-life concerns to develop which will last for two to three weeks at minimum.
Markon inspectors are working with suppliers to minimize some of the following issues in lettuce and tender leaf items, but many cannot be avoided completely:
- Bottom rot
- Decreased case weights for commodity lettuce items
- Discoloration and/or decay on epidermal blistering and peeling
- Dirt/mud on the product
- Increased mildew pressure
- Premature pinking in some commodity and/or value-added salads or Washed & Trimmed leaf lettuce packs
- Reduced shelf-life potential
- Yellowing leaves/discoloration
- Ordering for quick turns is highly recommended

A series of winter cold fronts are expected over the next week in the Arizona-California desert growing region, bringing a pattern of light rain followed by cool temperatures and lettuce ice conditions, according to a press release by Markon Cooperative of Salinas, CA.
Light rain is forecast for Sunday, January 7, but less than .10 inches of rain is expected.
Temperatures will cool significantly through most of next week, starting on Monday, January 8. Morning lows will drop below freezing, and widespread lettuce ice is forecast across all desert valleys.
Significant production and loading delays will occur next week. Markon will work with suppliers to build inventory leading into these weather challenges in order to minimize disruptions.
Markon inspectors will continue to monitor weather forecasts closely and will update further as needed.

California’s desert regions shift into high gear with winter vegetable shipments as many other parts of the country go into the proverbial deep freeze.
Imperial County grows more than 65 commodities, with head and leaf lettuces, broccoli, spinach and carrots among its primary crops. Likewise, Coachella Valley grows everything from cabbage to carrots to cauliflower.
Due to mild temperatures in these Colorado Desert regions, along with Central Coast locations such as Salinas and Oxnard, produce haulers have loading opportunities throughout the winter for fresh produce including broccoli, cauliflower, cabbage, carrots, lettuces and celery.
When cooler temperatures hit Northern California and the weather becomes wetter in the winter months, many growers head south for the season to Yuma, AZ., or Mexico. However, some prefer to farm certain commodities in California’s desert regions.
Ocean Mist Farms in Castroville, Calif., grows a small percentage of its winter crops in Yuma, as well as Salinas Valley and Oxnard, yet the company reserves Coachella Valley as its primary winter growing region due to its abundant resources and ideal winter climate. The company’s winter crops grown in Southern California include artichokes, broccoli, Brussels sprouts, cabbage, cauliflower, celery, fennel, lettuces and spinach.
Higher than normal temperatures have led to an earlier-than-usual harvest for some crops and may cause issues with seed stems in the romaine and iceberg lettuces.
To help mitigate the issue, growers will often harvest the lettuce a bit earlier, which leads to smaller sizing and lower weight.
However, the romaine crop looks good, and the growing conditions have been very nice.
Boskovich Farms in Oxnard, grows spinach and cilantro crops as well as parsley, cabbage, celery and bok choy on its Ventura County farmland.
Ocean Mist expresses confidence it will be able to provide a strong supply of winter vegetables and was in full production for Coachella Valley crops Nov. 27.

Supplies of some California winter vegetables, lettuces in particular, were tight for Thanksgiving, but availability was good on others, and volume overall should increase by Christmas.
Ocean Mist Farms of Castroville, CA report the lettuce shortage started as the Salinas season was completed.
Salinas was described and being “…a rough end to the season,” with severe virus problems in the Salinas Valley.
F.O.B. prices for 24-count cartons of romaine lettuce were in the $80 range in early November, according to the USDA. A year earlier, they were less than half that.
Ocean Mist began sourcing lettuce out of Yuma, AZ, just prior to Thanksgiving week.
Boskovich Farms of Oxnard, CA report disease problems with California celery as well.
The Nunes Co., of Salinas notes volume for broccoli and cauliflower could be down due to cooler than normal weather. The company transitioned to its Arizona and Mexico desert growing areas in early November.
Despite the gloomy outlook for some items, growers were optimistic about other commodities.
Progressive Produce LLC of Los Angeles has positive news noting there are plenty of holiday staples like potatoes, onions and asparagus available, with good quality.
Progressive Produce sources from Colorado, Washington, California and Idaho during the winter.
The Nunes Co. will ship 40 conventional and 30 organic products this fall and winter. Its core items include organic and conventional romaine, iceberg and leaf lettuces, cauliflower, broccoli and celery. Celery, broccoli and cauliflower shipments are especially good during the holidays.
Coastline Family Farms of Salinas will continue to ship full line of over 25 products this season, including iceberg lettuce, broccoli bunches and crowns, cauliflower, naked and sleeved celery, romaine cartons, romaine hearts, green and red leaf lettuces, green onions and a full line of bunching items.
The company began shipping from the desert in Yuma the first week of November with iceberg and romaine lettuce. Its other vegetable items come of Brawley, CA in the Imperial Valley, which started started right after Thanksgiving.
About 75% of Ocean Mist Farms’ winter volume comes from California’s Coachella Valley, Munger said, and 25% comes from Yuma.
The transition to Coachella from the Salinas area took place by the third week of November for most items.
Ocean Mist is the largest artichoke grower in North America, although the company also ships 30 other items, including broccoli, Brussels sprouts, cauliflower, celery, leaf lettuces: iceberg, romaine, romaine hearts, yellow and green leaf lettuce, spinach; and some specialty items like anise and escarole.
Boskovich Farms of Oxnard is shipping onions, radishes, kale, romaine hearts and beets from Mexico. The company also grows parsley, cilantro, spinach and celery year-round in Oxnard.

Peppers shipments for Prime Time International are winding down from Mexico and transitioning to the Coachella Valley.
For the next two and one-half months the California desert will be primary source of shipments for the company, based in La Quinta, CA.P
Prime Time is growing and shipping green, red, and yellow Bell peppers, along with white and bi-color sweet corn, eggplant and chilies.
The company continues to pack hot house Bell peppers, asparagus and sweet mini peppers in various regions across Mainland and Baja Mexico throughout the summer.
The transition to the Coachella Valley is underway now and will continue to migrate north in early summer to the San Joaquin Valley and Central Coast of California. The California desert’s warm, dry climate allows for peak growing conditions in the springtime.
Volume, quality and size peak in April, May and early June in Coachella.
The Coachella Valley has had a warm winter and early spring, leading Prime Time to expect an earlier start to the season. Sweet corn and Bell peppers are starting nearly two weeks earlier than usual for Prime Time. The company usually begins peak volume for the Memorial Day weekend, and this is expected again this season.

While Arizona-California desert growers and shippers have experienced a cool down this week in the midi-60s and low 70s, it follows ideal weather conditions with highs in the 80s last week. But overall, desert vegetable volume is increasing.
In the meantime, green leaf, iceberg, and romaine lettuce volume is good, thanks in part because these are winter varieties which have been developed to have favorable quality and availability during the colder months.
The first crop premium Iceberg availability is inconsistent due to low weights, although premium Green Leaf and Romaine are readily available.
Both Arizona and California desert shipments are in full swing.
Lettuce and leaf quality are good, although growth cracking, mildew, fringe burn, and seeder exist in some lots. As a result, it’s important, as always, to be aware of what is being loaded onto the truck and that the receiver is aware of it.
Shipments have been moderate since Thanksgiving and loadings are starting to ramp up for the holidays.
Broccoli shipments are increasing from the Arizona and California desert regions. Overall quality is good, although pin rot is affecting some lots.
Cauliflower volume also is increasing with good quality great color and ideal size being reported.

Near perfect growing conditions have been going on in the desert areas of California and Arizona. The Yuma, AZ forecast has highs in the low to mid 70s going well into December. If this continues there should be good, steady lettuce shipments with nice quality.
Coastline Family Farms of Salinas, CA launched its iceberg lettuce season in Yuma the first week of November, but other commodities, including broccoli, cauliflower, mixed leaf, romaine, green leaf and red leaf did not in Salinas until the last few days. The company gets started in the Brawley, CA the week of November 30th.
Boskovich Farms Inc. of Oxnard, CA will ship lettuce out of Yuma, as well as Oxnard this winter, but just about all of its other winter commodities will continue to be shipped exclusively from Oxnard.
The shipper grows green onions, radishes, leeks, beets, kales and Brussels sprouts in Mexico starting in November but will ship them from Oxnard.
Organic greens such as chards, kale and celery are grown in San Luis, Mexico, just south of Yuma.
The company’s Yuma iceberg lettuce program will kicked off the week of November 16 and continues through March.
Boskovich Farms will grow and ship celery, cabbages, romaine lettuce, napa, bok choy, parsleys, cilantro and spinach in Oxnard.
The company reports there will be a bit of a gap in November when Salinas is ending and before the desert gets fully geared.
the week of Oct. 18, which will run th
Peter Rabbit Farms of Coachella, CA, started its bell pepper and leaf lettuce in October and will continue through Christmas. The operation reports a few more green and red bell peppers this season. This will be the first year for its lettuce crop, so supplies are expected to be tight.
North Shore Greenhouses Inc., Thermal, CA is at it busiest time of year with its Roasting Mix which is a blend of rosemary, sage and thyme.
Prime Time International of Coachella, CA started harvest of green bell peppers, eggplant and chili peppers in the desert in October, while beans got underway the first week of November, followed by red bell peppers a couple of weeks later.
The company also started its hothouse production of red, yellow and orange bell peppers in Jalisco, Mexico, and began harvesting elongated red, yellow and orange bell peppers in Vizcaino in Baja California.
The roller coaster ride of western winter desert vegetables has seen peaks and valleys in volume over the past three months and it is not over yet.
Light shipments of Western vegetables occurred in holidays ranging from Thanksgiving and Christmas through New Years and well into January. Then volume experienced a dramatic increase with lettuce and many vegetables heading into February. However, a potential shipping gap is looming as it appears winter vegetable shipments may come to a conclusion in mid- to late March. This would be ahead of the transition for many produce shippers to the Salinas and Santa Maria valleys.
The winter weather forecasts of hugh amounts of rains El Niño in Southern California have failed to materialize. Although a wet March is still being forecast. If that occurs and it drenches the desert, an even earlier end to vegetable shipments would most likely occur.
Some are saying that regardless of the El Niño situation, desert loadings are going to end early. While Salinas Valley vegetable shipments might get an early start, volume still will be light.
There will be some early Salinas fields harvested from mid-March to mid-April, but shipments will be variable at best.
Yuma, AZ vegetables shipments – grossing about $5700 to New York City.
While weather related issues continue to adversely affect produce shipments around the country, keep your fingers crossed shipments are getting back towards a more normal track in the deserts of Arizona and California.
The unprecedented run of low shipments and shipping gaps appears to be over, with the possible exception of celery. This means higher volume and more consistent shipments of various types of lettuce, broccoli and cauliflower.
Since the week of January 11 it has been warmer and temperatures are in the mid- to high 40s for lows and the highs are in the high 60s to low 70s. Let’s hope the good desert weather continues.
Meanwhile, much of Central and Northern California have been hit with above-average rain since the beginning of the year, something the desert areas were spared for the most part.
Growers in the coastal California valleys (Santa Maria and Salinas), which will be shipping the majority of the nation’s vegetable crops in the spring are having a few problems getting into the fields to plant. The shift in lettuce production to Santa Maria typically occurs around April 1. Those fields harvested in April need to be planted this month. If the storms continue, that could be an issue.
There’s complaints about a lot of low produce freight rates now. Just look at the desert, which is grossing under $2 per mile.
Desert vegetable shipments – grossing about $5800 to New York City.