Do you want to live another decade? A new study shows a plant-rich diet can add 10 years to your life.
The study, published in PLOS Medicine, examined a diet which was heavy on fruits, vegetables, beans and grains. According to the models, a 20-year-old who went all-in on the plant-based diet could add 10 years to their life. Even just making a partial change could add six years of life expectancy. And, an 80-year-old who started a plant-based diet could add three years to their life.
The study was conducted by scientists at the University of Bergen, Norway, and titled “Estimating Impact of Food Choices on Life Expectancy: A Modeling Study.
“A sustained dietary change may give substantial health gains for people of all ages both for optimized and feasible changes. Gains are predicted to be larger the earlier the dietary changes are initiated in life,” according to the study authors.
Like the Alliance for Food and Farming’s popular residue calculator, which clearly and visually shows consumers how safe their favorite fruits and vegetables are, the study authors created their own calculator, Food4HealthyLife, where users can calculate how dietary changes can impact their life expectancy.
This new study complements decades of research that verifies consumption of fruits and vegetables prevents diseases, boosts immune function, promotes better health, improves cognition and increases lifespan. It is worth noting that most of these positive health studies were conducted using conventionally grown produce.
The overwhelming nutritional benefits of a produce-rich diet and the equally impressive science showing the safety of all fruits and vegetables is why consumers should ignore efforts by certain groups who attempt to discourage consumption of popular produce items by using inaccurate and inflammatory safety claims.
With only one in 10 of Americans eating enough each day, according to a new analysis from the Centers for Disease Control, consumers should be urged to eat whatever produce they enjoy and is accessible and affordable for them. Organic and conventionally grown – both are safe and can be eaten with confidence.
Let science be your guide and don’t let anyone or any group discourage you from eating the fruits and vegetables you prefer.