California Rains Hinder Strawberry Shipments; Potential Quality Problems Increase

California Rains Hinder Strawberry Shipments; Potential Quality Problems Increase

Persistent rain has cancelled harvesting in the Santa Maria/Oxnard, California, growing regions for Sunday, February 16 through Tuesday, February 18. Demand exceeds supply in all California growing regions, according to a news release from Markon Cooperative of Salinas, CA.

The Santa Maria and Oxnard regions received almost two inches of rain in the last week. Suppliers did not harvest again until Wednesday, February 19.

Quality will be a challenge, with concerns including excessive bruising and pin rot.

Shippers will rely on transfers of Mexican-grown fruit to supplement California shipments through next week. Last week also saw days that were too rainy to harvest in the Santa Maria and Oxnard growing regions.