Posts Tagged “California strawberry shipments”

California Giant Berry Farms is Reporting Good Volume Ahead for Strawberries, Including Florida

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California Giant Berry Farms of Watsonville, CA is reporting good volumes and shipments of fresh strawberries leading up to Valentine’s Day, both on the West Coast and from Florida.

The grower/shipper’s latest forecast shows strong volumes of organic and conventionally grown strawberries in the next few weeks, which includes volumes from its Fresh From Florida-labeled product.

California Giant reports its Florida growers will have peak volumes from mid-February to mid-March. This is the second year featuring its Fresh From Florida label — an addition to the classic California Giant insignia which promotes Florida agricultural products through consumer marketing campaigns, partnerships with domestic and international retailers.

The company praised Florida growers for overcoming significant setbacks caused by Hurricane Milton, which delayed the start of the season.

California Giant expects its conventional and organic crop from Santa Maria, CA to increase week over week, barring any major weather events. California Giant reports Mexican strawberries are in peak production and will span the month of February into March. Combined, the Florida, California and Mexican production is set to provide ample volume for Valentine’s Day.

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California Strawberry Supplies are Increasing

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Higher volume will hopefully translate into more loading opportunities for California strawberries.

Strawberry supply exceeds demand; falling prices are forecast through next week, according to Markhon

of Salinas, CA.

Santa Maria, California

  • Growers will start harvesting the winter crop next week
  • Size currently ranges from medium (20 to 24 berries per 1-pound clamshell)
  • Quality is fair; color and appearance have improved
  • Expect markets to remain low for another week

Oxnard, California

  • MFC Strawberries are sporadic; packer label will be shipped as necessary
  • Volume is decreasing
  • Size currently ranges from medium to large (21 to 24 berries per 1-pound clamshell)
  • Quality is good; color is deep red and flavor is sweet
  • Prices will remain soft

Mexico (into South Texas)

  • Volume has increased
  • Size currently ranges from medium to large (18 to 24 berries per 1-pound clamshell)
  • Quality is good; some white shoulders have been reported
  • Expect increasing yields (crossing into San Juan, Texas)
  • Markets will remain low for the next seven days


  • Growers are shipping berries in a limited manner
  • Cooler weather is forecast for next week
  • Expect to see smaller fruit with some green tips due to low temperatures
  • Quality will slowly improve week after week
  • Prices will inch up

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Santa Mara Spring Vegetable Shipments are Getting on Track

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It is springtime in the Santa Maria Valley and a wide variety of fresh fruits and vegetables are being shipped.

Babe Farms of Santa Maria, CA will have a good selection of specialty root vegetables, baby head lettuces, friseé, fennel, celery root and Baby Butter Cakes lettuces.

The company reports mostly favorable weather resulting in good condition and quality on all of its products.

Beachside Produce LLC, of Nipomo, CA is known for its broccoli crowns but also grows cauliflower, celery, cello lettuce and a full line of Western vegetables as well as a variety of Asian vegetables in a partnership with Pismo-Oceano Vegetable Exchange of Oceano, CA

Above average rainfall has disrupted some of the growing season, but weather improvements is getting the season back on a more predictable track.

Corona Marketing of Santa Maria is loading strawberries as well as squash, chili peppers (starting in July) and green beans this spring. Overall volume is expected to be similar to a year ago.

Pacific Coast Produce of Santa Maria began strawberry shipments in March and will continue into the summer.

Pacific Coast Produce started its summer vegetable program, which consists of eight kinds of chili peppers and includes conventional and organic green and yellow squash, in early May and continues through November.

The company’s core products are broccoli, celery and cauliflower. Quality is excellent on all commodities, and volume will be similar to last year.

Gold Coast Packing Inc. of Santa Maria specializes in value-added items, ranging from small-format 12-ounce packs of broccoli florets to 2-pound packages of items that are more specific for retail.

Gold Coast also is developing salad kits for retailers. That program was launched last summer with Costco with a Better Than a Burger salad kit.

The company also offers broccoli florets, cauliflower florets, spinach, Brussels sprouts, cilantro and various product blends.

California’s Santa Maria growing area includes up to 50,000 acres of farmland in the Santa Maria Valley, which is made up of acreage in Santa Barbara and San Luis Obispo counties, and additional land outside the valley.

Commodities are led by Strawberries, followed by cauliflower, broccoli, lettuce and avocados. There has been a decrease in vegetable acres planted in recent years and an increase in strawberries,

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California Strawberry Shipments Hitting a Peak for the Next Several Weeks

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California hit a volume record for the week ending April 27th shipping over 9.8 million trays of strawberries. The last time California hit even close to that number was back in 2018 at 9.7 million trays in late May, according to Bobalu Berry Farms of Oxnard in a news release.

The week ending May 11th there were still over 9.3 million despite a little rain hitting northern districts. Bobalu expects to see peak numbers for the next several weeks as the northern districts increase their weekly volume. This is all good news for providing a great opportunity for promotions nationwide as “Strawberry Month” reigns during the month of May. June volume will be similar and the company expects see another peak in strawberries from California during this coming month.

Oxnard continues to see optimum weather keeping our fruit size and volume steady. We also benefit from our on-site processing facility keeping our fields clean and diverting lesser quality fruit to the freezer when needed. We will continue to ship from Oxnard during the month of May and focus on highest quality and maintain our three-day harvest rotation.

The fields still look great, the plants are very healthy, and the fruit has excellent flavor with these mild daytime and night time temperatures.

We have enough acreage in Oxnard allowing us to maintain our volume levels there as we wait for our Santa Maria fields to transition into peak by early to mid June. Our Santa Maria program is primarily on the westside of town so this region follows the same harvest trend as the Watsonville/Salinas region. The plants in Santa Maria are setting up to provide some excellent fruit.

Once these ranches in Santa Maria hit peak volume numbers, they will carry us well into the fall before our fall crop kicks in.

A bountiful harvest of California strawberries has arrived for California Giant Berry Farms of Watsonville, CA as the company shares news of giant volumes of its cornerstone product. The berry purveyor’s high yields and volumes of excellent quality fruit ensures peak promotable volumes of California strawberries throughout the coming months. 

“Our season started off strong, with healthy plants from the beginning,” said Nick Chappell, director of sales at California Giant Berry Farms. “Despite some fruit culling due to rain early in our season, our plants have otherwise seen optimal growing conditions — which translates into the high-quality, sizeable, and flavorful fruit California Giant is known for.”  

Out of the Santa Maria region, California Giant is reporting sizeable, high-quality conventional and organic fruit. The region is currently peaking and will continue to produce abundant harvests throughout the month. The Watsonville and Salinas growing region is seeing week-over-week increases in volumes, with estimates projecting substantial harvested volumes now and spanning to late-June. The region’s ranches are reporting excellent quality and flavor, alongside sizable fruit.   

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California Strawberry Shipper Getting off to Much Better Start Than a Year Ago

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(Note: Since this press release the state of California has issued a state of emergency that covers Los Angeles, Orange, Riverside, San Bernardino, San Diego, San Luis Obispo, Santa Barbara and Ventura counties in Southern California due to torrential rains and flooding. Strawberries could be a primary crop adversely affected by this weather. An update will be provided on how crops and shipments are affected.)

By Bobalu Berry Farms

Oxnard, CA — As the company heads into the 2024 strawberry season, partners at Bobalu Berry Farms are reviewing how the crop looks today compared to the very unsettled beginning at this same time last year. 

Thankfully, January has been much more forgiving in 2024 than 2023 with the volume coming out of Oxnard, currently double of what it was at this time in 2023.  The plants are healthy, staying somewhat dry, and providing excellent fruit, even though we are still technically in Winter.

The Oxnard region has received its share of rain already, but with dry days in-between and nice breezes, the plants are thriving.  Additionally, Santa Maria is showing some signs that the spring season there will begin very soon.

“While this is all very good news for our strawberries, the challenge we are facing now is the inclement weather in our receiving markets”, says Anthony Gallino, VP of Sales.  “When you can’t get trucks to the east coast due to blizzard conditions and flooding rain, that affects all of us”, he adds.

Consumers typically begin filling up their shopping carts at this time of year with fresh strawberries from California to help them get that taste of Spring during the winter across the country.  However, when they can’t get to the store due to weather conditions, demand takes a hit, so the Bobalu team is working to keep the pipeline full, and is diverting some fruit to markets that are not impacted by weather at this time.

“The fruit from our ranches here in Oxnard and from our partner fields in Mexico is excellent right now and we are ramping up for the Valentine’s Day demand”, says Gallino.  The company expects to have promotable volume to supply their partners with high quality fruit and stems for the upcoming holiday.

Once Bobalu Berry Farms gets into February, the sales team will be focused on promoting the Spring crop from Oxnard, Mexico and Santa Maria as they prepare for an early Easter this year.

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California Strawberry Loadings on Track after Slow Start to Season

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Good quality and volume are being predicted by California strawberry grower-shippers through summer and into fall despite an unfavorable start to the season.

The California Strawberry Commission  of Watsonville, CA reported as of the week ending July 8, the state’s growers had produced about 109 million trays of strawberries this season, down from last year’s 128 million trays to date because of a slow start caused by cool weather and an unusually wet winter and spring.

In fact, Bobalu Berries of Oxnard, CA has called it one of the worst starts in a long time.

However, conditions have improved significantly as the season progressed.

Bobalu reports it has been able to harvest much longer than usual in Oxnard. Historically, the Oxnard strawberry harvest is over by Mother’s Day. This year, the company was able to ship fresh fruit all the way through Memorial Day.

By July, weekly strawberry shipments were comparable to last year’s volume at Bobalu. However, it is unlikely total volume for the season will equal last year.

Seven Seas, of Visalia, CA is part of the Tom Lange Co. Inc., of St. Louis, which believes its volume should be up slightly this summer,

The company produces late-summer and early-fall strawberry crops in Santa Maria, Calif., and Lompoc, Calif., and transitions to Mexico in November for year-round production.

Gem-Pack Berries LLC, of Irvine, CA, which recently partnered withWell-Pict Berries, of Watsonville, CA grows most of its late-summer strawberries in Watsonville, with some fruit coming from Santa Maria. A fall crop is scheduled for the Oxnard district.

Gem-Pack ships strawberries year-round, with volume tapering off in late fall in the northern district just as Oxnard and central Mexico start to increase. Strawberry seasons in Florida and Irvine come into play in early winter.

Naturipe Farms LLC of Salinas, CA will have summer strawberries from the Watsonville/Salinas area and will transition in the fall to its Santa Maria and Oxnard operations.

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Lighter, Later Fruit Loadings from California are Finally about Ready to Crank Up

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A difficult California growing season characterized by rain, snow and unusually low winter temperatures is finally giving away to more promising weather and more shipments of table grapes, strawberries and cherries.

Grape Shipments

The California table grape season starts in the Coachella Valley with harvesting just getting underway.

Harvesting in the San Joaquin Valley (Arvin) should begin in late June or early July. Early expectations are the 2023 crop will be similar or slightly larger than last season’s 95.1 million 19-pound boxes.

Autumn King, Scarlet Royal, Sheegene-20, flame and Sheegene-21 varieties accounted for 47% of the total volume in 2022. Exports accounted for 30% of the volume last season. The top three markets included Canada, Mexico and Taiwan.

Strawberry Shipments

Strawberry volume began recovering from adverse weather in early April, with shipments much lower than last year.

As of the week ending April 1, California shipments of conventional and organic strawberries totaled 8.5 million trays, down from 20 million at the same time in 2022.

Fall-planted acreage for 2023 winter, spring and summer production was 31,852 acres, up from 30,499 in 2022. About 45% of the acreage is in the Watsonville growing region, 34% is in the Santa Maria area and 20% is in Oxnard. Although some acreage was lost due to a levee break along the Pajaro River in March, about 95% of the strawberry crop was undamaged from the storm.

Cherry Shipments

California’s cherry crop will come on seven to 10 days later than usual, with picking beginning in late April or early May. California is the first state to ship cherries each year.

King Fresh Produce LLC of Dinuba, CA expects there will be good volume by May 20, with loadings continuing until about the third week of June.

Growers project this year’s crop will be slightly larger than last year’s 5.2 million 18-pound boxes, which is down from about 10 million boxes the year prior, mostly because of an unusually warm winter.

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California Strawberry Volume May Finally Get Going for Mother’s Day

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Strawberry shipments in time for Easter were largely a wash from California, but shippers are counting on a cold and wet early season weather finally giving away to more normal conditions. If this happens there should be decent volume occurring in time for Mother’s Day, May 14, at least for some shippers.

The Salinas Valley was hit by record rain and snowfall followed by flooding and a levee break along the Pajaro River. While there was significant damage to the affected farmers, the outlook for this year’s California strawberry crop is quite good, reports the California Strawberry Commission in Watsonville.

Only about 5% of the strawberry crop was damaged from the storms. Still, the season got off to a slow start, with February and March production well below last year. The number of trays picked as of March 18 was about 5.6 million trays, down from 14 million at the same time in 2022.

Well-Pict Inc. of Watsonville expects to have good volume through mid May and total shipments this season to be similar to last year.

Seven Seas Inc. of Visalia, CA reports strong plants and expects excellent quality despite running later than last season.

Bobalu Berries of Oxnard grows strawberries in Ventura County and Santa Maria and reports its crop is a month behind schedule.

Success Valley Produce LLC of Oxnard, CA reports it is two months behind schedule and supplies will be tight for Mother’s Day.

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Rains Slow Shipments of Southern California Strawberries

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Southern California has escaped the soggy weather compared to other parts of the state, despite periods of heavy rain.

The California Strawberry Commission of Watsonville estimates farms in Ventura County suffered 300 acres of catastrophic losses. Statewide, the losses were 1,840 acres.

The Oxnard district expects 6,358 acres of strawberries this season, an increase of 408 acres compared to 2022.

Naturipe Farms LLC of Salinas, CA notes rains put a damper on early season loadings, which will result in fewer shipments than normal for Valentine’s Day. However, long term, the rainfall should help with plant health, which will lead to improved production and quality. Excellent fruit quality, size and flavor are expected.

Naturipe plans on more volume this year due to slightly more acreage planted than last year.

Oxnard, Calif.-based Bobalu Berries of Oxnard, CA doesn’t plan to ship many berries from its Oxnard or Santa Maria growing areas until at least the end of February. Currently the company is relying on product coming out of Mexico right now.

Well-Pict Inc. of Watsonville, CA also had fewer shipments in January, but in spite of all the rain, the outlook was improving.

The company lost three weeks of production out of Oxnard but was able to pick up much of the slack from its grower in Florida. A good season out of Southern California as planting picks up. Well-Pick is predicting large-size fruit, good volume and good quality.

Seven Seas Fruit of Visalia, CA is part of the Tom Lange Co. of St. Louis and currently has acreage planted in Santa Maria and Lompoc, CA. The company anticipates a mid-March start to the season in those areas.Seven Seas Fruit also is sourcing some fruit from Mexico.

Gem-Pack of Irvine, CA reports volume of conventional and organic strawberries should be up this season compared to last year.

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California Strawberries are Past Peak Volume, but Good Volume Still Remains

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Plenty of quality California strawberries remain for shipping to retail and foodservice companies entering the last half of summer.

Well-Pict Inc. Watsonville, CA came off seven weeks of peak loadings the second week of July when it was estimated to be picking over 100,000 packages a day. Needles too say, volume has been excellent.

The company will be shipping good supplies of strawberries from Watsonville into mid September, although production will be tapering between now and then.

Bobalu Berries of Oxnard, CA will have a fall strawberries in Oxnard for the first time this year.

Oxnard kicks in early September and will complement the Santa Maria crop. This means the company will more late-season fruit at a time strawberry volume tends to drop.

Strawberry taste, size and quality have been good this summer for Gem-Pack Berries LLC, of Irvine, CA. It has been shipping medium and large sized berries.

As of July 9, California growers had shipped nearly 128 million trays of strawberries this year, according to the Watsonville-based California Strawberry Commission. That’s an increase from 112.3 million trays at the same time last year and 121.8 million trays in 2020.

Last year’s total volume was 212.8 million trays, up from 210.2 million in 2020.

Wish Farms of Plant City, FL ships summer berries from Salinas, which includes conventional and organic strawberries.

The company reports good quality this season with high sweetness levels and good flavor and sizing.

It also reports the costs of trucks to deliver products alone has dropped a little but remains 30% higher or more than past seasons.

Loads which were shipping for $5,000 before now are shipping for $8,000.

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