Strawberry prices are starting to ease due to increased availability. Quality has improved in all regions, according to a news release from Markon Cooperative of Salinas, CA.
Santa Maria, CA
- Markon First Crop (MFC) Strawberries are available
- The fall crop has passed its peak; volume is downtrending
- Size currently ranges from 12 to 16 berries per 1-pound clamshell
- Quality is good; color is improving daily
- White shoulders have been reported
Oxnard, CA
- MFC Strawberries are available
- The season is at its peak and will end in mid-April
- Volume is steady
- Size currently ranges from 10 to 16 berries per 1-pound clamshell
- Quality is good; color is deep red color and flavor is sweet
Mexico (into South Texas)
- Peak season has passed
- Size currently ranges from 16 to 24 berries per 1-pound clamshell
- Quality is good; uneven ripening and light bruising have been reported
- Harvesting will run through mid-March
- MFC Strawberries are available
- The season will run through mid-March due to the late start and cooler weather
- Volume has increased
- Size currently ranges from 12-16 berries per 1-pound clamshell
- Quality is good; some misshaped berries have been reported due to January’s cold snap