Archive For The “Health” Category
With a huge Washington state apple crop in full swing now, choices are good for different varieties of apples in you supermarket. Soaring popularity is the Honeycrisp variety. The Pink Lady also is becoming more popular, while in recent years the Fuji and Gala varieties have become favorites. Washington state hand picks 10 to 12 billion, that’s billion with a “B” apples a year. No machine harvesting is done. The state provides as many apples each season as all the other states combined. Washington also has older varieties such as the Red Delicious and Golden Delicious, Braeburn, Jonagold and Cameo. Many supermarkets will carry recipes and suggestions for what varieties are best for certain uses, or you can look this info up on line.
Sadly, the California table grape season is all but over. The red grapes,
particularly the last half of the season have been fantastic — so firm and sweet! We’re fortunate, because some seasons the fruit has been history before the end of the year….We’ll now starting getting imported grapes. As it typical with early season grapes from just about anywhere, you’ll be disappointed in the first arrivals in your stores. They normally lack the sugar content. Perhaps Chile will prove me wrong this season. Let’s hope. But get prepared for sour grapes at the get go.
Although is primarily for long haul truckers and their profession, Shopping Tips is to help you during visits to the produce department in your local supermarket. Unfortunately, most employees working the produce racks don’t know straight up about the product they are putting on display. This is because so many retail chains don’t take the time to properly train their employees in the care and handling of produce, much less provide them with the information to assist shoppers in making good buying descisions regarding such things as quality and taste. Like just about everything else in American the cost of fresh fruits and vegetables has gone up, so hopefully Shopping Tips will help give you a better bang for your buck at your favorite retail store, roadside stand, or farmer’s market. Eat healthy, feel better, live longer.