Archive For The “News” Category

Raspberry Consumption Continues to Make Impressive Gains

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The USDA reports that raspberry retail per capita consumption rose from 0.2 pounds in 2010 to 0.8 pounds in 2021.

The total domestic and imported raspberry supply increased from just 111 million pounds in 2010 to 352 million pounds in 2021.

The share of supply provided by imports also has increased sharply in the past decade. Imports only accounted for 29% of total supply in 2010 but increased to 68% in 2021, according to the USDA.

California was the only source of domestic raspberry truck shipments reported by the USDA. California raspberry shipments are most active from May through October.

The USDA reported raspberry imports in 2022 from Canada, Guatemala and Mexico — with Mexico accounting for more than 99% of total imports.

Percent of raspberries accounted by imports:

  • 2010: 29%
  • 2011: 29%
  • 2012: 38%
  • 2013: 40%
  • 2014: 32%
  • 2015: 45%
  • 2016: 45%
  • 2017: 46%
  • 2018: 59%
  • 2019: 57%
  • 2020: 60%
  • 2021: 64%

Source: USDA

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Automation and Freight Brokerage: Artificial Efficiency Versus Human Vigilance

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By Jake Diana, ALC San Francisco

When it comes to the rapid advancement of AI and automated technology, there are few topics more controversial than autonomous vehicles. Many states are not only utilizing, but actively encouraging the implementation of autonomous trucking technologies. From Elon Musk’s Tesla line featuring autopilot mode to the seemingly endless supply of Waymo driverless vehicles throughout major California cities like San Francisco and Los Angeles, it seems that autonomous transportation is becoming less and less avoidable in today’s society.

For some folks, it is evidence of the state’s willingness to change with the times and adapt in ways that allow for a more streamlined future. For others, autonomous vehicles represent a threat to the economy, potentially taking the livelihoods of thousands of hard-working industry veterans by eliminating the need for truck drivers. 

On May 31, 2023, the California State Assembly voted to ban driverless trucks from operating within state lines, mandating the presence of a safety driver within these vehicles. Should this bill (AB 316) pass in the California State Senate, California would fall further behind in terms of implementing autonomous technology into the trucking logistics industry. Jeff Farrah, executive director of the AVIA (Autonomous Vehicle Industry Association), stated directly after that “AB 316 undermines California’s law enforcement and safety officials as they seek to regulate and conduct oversight over life-saving autonomous trucks” in reference to the often utilized argument that the use of self-driving vehicles actually increases road safety and causes a regression in transportation-related deaths. Industry veterans strongly refute this argument, believing that their experience and human characteristics allow for better results.

Fernando Reyes, Teamster Local 350 member, advocated for trucks needing drivers, stating: “…the thought of it barreling down the highway with no driver is a terrifying thought and it isn’t safe…”. He goes on to elaborate further into the safety risks posed by a lack of drivers, saying, “…I know to look out for people texting while driving, potholes in the middle of the road and folks on the side of the highway…”. Clearly, this is a divisive issue featuring some strong points on both sides, yet how does it affect freight brokerage companies? 

The answer is that a potential monopoly on trucking due to utilizing autonomous trucks could be just as devastating for brokerages as the carriers themselves. Automated transportation would have a cascading effect on the industry as a whole, as the need for drivers would be eliminated. If there were no drivers involved, there would be no dispatchers. Therefore, shippers would likely come to the conclusion that they would be better served purchasing automated trucks and their accompanying tracking/logistical management systems. Most, if not all, brokerages would be forced to end operation given that much of the moment-to-moment load management would become obsolete as driver error would be eliminated. Rate negotiations would cease, as shippers would own their own fleets in entirety and therefore have no reason to seek outside guidance or management.

However, the need for truck drivers for produce and perishable products is an entirely different conversation. Most of these loads are multi-pick, where a human is needed, so they will probably not see driverless vehicles in the future. As of now, it seems that fully autonomous freight transportation is still decades away from being viable – seemingly in step with the gradual implementation of autonomous technology across all sectors of the world.


Jake Diana graduated in 2020 from the University of Oregon with a Bachelor of Arts degree in General Social Sciences. Diana joined the ALC San Francisco office in August 2022 as a broker’s assistant, before being promoted to carrier sales representative, and most recently to carrier sales manager. He is a high-energy individual with a passion for competition, teamwork, and tech.

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Food Inflation is the Highest Since 1978: Rabobank BBQ Index Rates for Last 4 Years

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Celebrating summer with a barbeque event will be costlier this year, a new economic analysis from Rabobank shows.

The 2023 Rabobank BBQ Index reveals a 10-person barbecue will cost nearly $100 this year, according to a news release. In fact, food items listed on the barbecue menu have jumped 31% since 2018, according to Rabobank.

The Russia-Ukraine war, severe drought, higher wages and rising costs of farm inputs, transportation and energy have combined to fuel broad-based inflation throughout the supply chain.


The 2023 Rabobank BBQ Index, which measures the cost of staple ingredients for a 10-person barbecue, shows that it will cost $97 to host a cookout on Independence Day this year, up from $73 in 2018.

Food prices have shot up 31% in the last four years, the biggest four-year gain since the late 1970s oil crisis, according to Rabobank.

Here are price increases over the last four years, according to Rabobank:

  • Soda: 53%.
  • White bread: 51%.
  • Potato chips: 46%.
  • Chicken: 37%.
  • Lettuce: 29%.
  • Ground beef: 25%.
  • Beer: 22%.

Despite the elevated food costs, Rabobank analysts said many consumers — particularly those under 40 — are now prioritizing experiences over goods and are willing to splurge for a special occasion.

“Consumers have taken some heavy punches but they’re still standing,” Tom Bailey, senior consumer foods analyst at Rabobank, said in the report. “They’re being shrewd in areas that don’t enrich experiences, while giving in to the urge to splurge where it matters most. With that mindset, look for spending to heat up this summer on quality meats and drinks — the recipe for a memorable barbecue.”

The trend to value “experience over things” was emerging before COVID-19, but Rabobank analysts said the shift has accelerated, especially for millennials and Generation Z. For baby boomers, spending on travel and food has increased, in part thanks to an 8.7% cost-of-living adjustment to their Social Security benefits this year, according to Rabobank.

A healthy labor market is also keeping consumers willing to spend their money. The May jobs report showed that unemployment sits at 3.7%, down from its pandemic peak of 14.7% just three years ago, Rabobank economists said.

“Steady work makes it easier to justify increased spending when budgets are tight,” Bailey said in the report. “Rather than trading down to soften the blow of stubbornly high inflation, we may see consumers trading up to more premium products.”  

The Rabobank BBQ Index, according to the report, assumes an average American barbecue event on the Fourth of July with 10 adults, with each consuming the same amount of food and beverages.

The index assumes each person will consume one cheeseburger with lettuce and tomato, one chicken sandwich with lettuce, tomato and a slice of cheese, two handfuls of chips, a beer, a soda and a few scoops of ice cream.

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Strawberry Imports Soar as Consumption Grows

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USDA data shows strawberry consumption continues to surge.

Retail per capita availability of strawberries has grown from 5.3 pounds in 2016 to 6.7 pounds in 2021, according to the USDA.

Both domestic and import supplies of strawberries have increased in the past two decades, but the growth of imports has been much stronger.

The USDA estimates that domestic strawberry output increased from 1.77 billion pounds in 2016 to 2.17 billion pounds in 2021, a gain of 23% in that five-year period.

At the same time, imports of strawberries increased 43% from 2016 to 2021, rising from 365 million pounds in 2016 to 521 million pounds in 2021.

As a percent of the total strawberry supply in the U.S., the USDA reports that imports accounted for 19% of the total supply in 2021, up from 17% in 2016 and up from just 7% in 2000.

The peak month for domestic strawberry availability in 2022 was May, when shipments accounted for 15% of the total annual supply. Other top months for strawberry shipments include June (14%), April (11%), July (11%) and March (9%). The month with the smallest domestic shipments in 2022 was December, when just 3% of the domestic annual volume was shipped, according to USDA truck shipment data for conventional fruit.

Imported strawberry volume, dominated by Mexico, is active year-round. However, the top months for strawberry imports were February (18% of total annual volume), March (18%), January (16%) and April (14%). The smallest import volumes were recorded in August and September, which both accounted for less than 1% of the total imported annual volume.

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Mexican Tomato Exports to the U.S. to Continue Rise

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Mexican fresh tomato shipments for 2023 are predicted to hit 3.87 million metric tons, a 2% increase over the Mexican government’s official 2022 production estimate of 3.8 million metric tons, according to the USDA.

“Stable U.S. demand and increasing adoption of greenhouse technologies account for the uptick in year-on-year production growth,” the report said.

The USDA also forecasts Mexico’s 2023 fresh tomato exports at 2.06 million metric tons, a 5% increase over 2022, due to expected higher production, stagnant domestic consumption and robust U.S. demand.

Although exports to the U.S. occur year-round and are consistently above 100,000 metric tons per month, the largest volume of exports generally occurs from January to March and from October to December.

In 2022, the report said Mexico exported over 1.81 million metric tons of tomatoes to the U.S. and accounted for about 91% market of tomatoes imported into the U.S.

Sinaloa remains Mexico’s largest tomato-producing state and accounts for 22% of total production, followed by San Luis Potosi, Michoacán, Zacatecas and Jalisco.

Mexico’s tomato exports to the U.S. will remain strong due to robust supplies and flat Mexican consumption.

Mexican tomato production occurs throughout the year with two overlapping production and harvest peaks, the report said. From December to April, the state of Sinaloa — Mexico’s largest open-field and shade house tomato producer — dominates the domestic market and exports over 80% of its crop to the U.S., according to the report.

During the period from May to November, the states of San Luis Potosi followed by Michoacán, Zacatecas, Jalisco, Baja California Sur, Sonora, Morelos, and Puebla become major suppliers, the report said.

According to the Mexican government’s Agrifood and Fisheries Information Service, the official 2022 production estimate reached 3.8 million metric tons.

Sinaloa’s production in 2022 totaled 821,000 metric tons, followed by San Luis Potosi with 475,149 metric tons, Michoacán with 322,153 metric tons, Zacatecas with 244,706 metric tons, Jalisco with 197,946 metric tons and Baja California Sur with 189,659 metric tons.

San Luis Potosi, Michoacán, Zacatecas and Jalisco account for over 55% of national production, but tomatoes are grown throughout the country, the report said.

“While Sinaloa currently remains Mexico’s largest state-level producer, most of the overall production growth is dispersed across San Luis Potosi, Michoacan, Jalisco, as well as other smaller producing states,” the report said.

Mexico exports over half of its annual tomato production, and growers throughout the country use greenhouses, shade houses, high-tunnel systems and other climate-control technologies to supply the U.S. market year-round, the report said. In fact, Mexican government sources reveal that 67% of tomato production is grown under controlled conditions, the report said.

The greatest volume of Mexican tomatoes imported into the U.S. enters through the Laredo (Texas) Customs District, followed by the Nogales (Ariz.) and San Diego Customs Districts, the report said.

The Laredo District has four important ports of entry for fresh tomato shipments, chiefly Pharr, Laredo, Brownsville and Progreso. In comparison, the Nogales and San Diego Customs Districts each have just one port of entry for tomatoes, the report said.

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Truckload Spot Rates Reach a Low Point in June

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BEAVERTON, OR — Truckload freight volumes and spot rates held firm in June while contract rates fell to their lowest points in almost two years, according to DAT Freight & Analytics, operators of the industry’s largest online freight marketplace and DAT iQ data analytics service.

“The gap between spot and contract rates was the narrowest since April 2022,” said Ken Adamo, DAT Chief of Analytics. “Rates for van and refrigerated freight increased for the third straight month, and volumes were almost unchanged from May. These are signs that spot truckload prices have reached the bottom of the current freight cycle.”

The national benchmark contract rate for dry van freight has not increased for 12 consecutive months. At $2.58 per mile, the rate was 70 cents lower than a year ago.

Volumes held steady in June
The DAT Truckload Volume Index (TVI), an indicator of loads moved during a given month, decreased marginally for van and refrigerated (“reefer”) freight and increased slightly for flatbed loads:

  • Van TVI: 230, down 1% from May
  • Reefer TVI: 167, down 3% from May
  • Flatbed TVI: 267, up 2% from May

Van, reefer rates improved
On the spot market, the national benchmark rates for van and reefer freight rose while the flatbed rate declined compared to May:

  • Spot van rate: $2.08 per mile, up 3 cents, the first increase in five months
  • Spot reefer rate: $2.47 a mile, up 3 cents
  • Spot flatbed rate: $2.61 a mile, down 4 cents

Van line haul rates averaged $1.65 a mile, up 4 cents compared to May, while reefer line haul rates averaged $2.01 a mile, up 5 cents. The flatbed line haul rate dipped 2 cents to $2.10 a mile. Line haul rates subtract an amount equal to an average fuel surcharge. Lower diesel prices in June pushed fuel surcharges to 17-month lows, averaging 43 cents a mile for van freight, 46 cents for reefers, and 51 cents for flatbeds.

Load-to-truck ratios reflected seasonal demand
Load-to-truck ratios reflect truckload supply and demand on the DAT One marketplace:

  • The national average van load-to-truck ratio was 2.6, meaning there were 2.6 loads for every van posted to the DAT One marketplace last month. The ratio was 2.5 in May and 3.9 in June 2022.
  • The reefer ratio averaged 3.8, up from 3.6 in May and down from 7.0 in June 2022.
  • The flatbed ratio fell to 9.7, down from 11.7 in May and 37.6 in June 2022.

“Demand for truckload services typically slows at this time of year, but this could change quickly given the threat of strikes in the parcel and less-than-truckload sectors,” Adamo said. “Shippers are putting contingency plans in place and would look to freight brokers and carriers on the spot market to keep their line haul operations moving. Demand for trucks would jump, especially around Louisville, Memphis, Indianapolis, Dallas and other major parcel hubs.”

About the DAT Truckload Volume Index
The DAT Truckload Volume Index reflects the change in the number of loads with a pickup date during that month; the actual index number is normalized each month to accommodate any new data sources without distortion. A baseline of 100 equals the number of loads moved in January 2015, as recorded in DAT RateView, a truckload pricing database and analysis tool with rates paid on an average of 3 million loads per month.

Spot truckload rates are negotiated for each load and paid to the carrier by a freight broker. National average spot rates are derived from payments to carriers by freight brokers, third-party logistics providers and other transportation buyers for hauls of 250 miles or more with a pickup date during the month reported. DAT’s rate analysis is based on $150 billion in annualized freight transactions.

About DAT Freight & Analytics
DAT Freight & Analytics operates the largest truckload freight marketplace in North America. Shippers, transportation brokers, carriers, news organizations and industry analysts rely on DAT for market trends and data insights based on more than 400 million freight matches and a database of $150 billion in annual market transactions.

Founded in 1978, DAT is a business unit of Roper Technologies (Nasdaq: ROP), a constituent of the S&P 500 and Fortune 1000 indices.

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Keeping Your Product Safe and Fresh

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By Bill Bess, ALC

It’s no secret that organized crime, scammers, and thieves are actively working to upset the legitimate flow of freight across the US and Canada. This type of crime has been going on for years, but in the last 12 months thieves have intensified their efforts. Cargo security is a major concern no matter what your role is in the food supply chain. We are all in this together and together we can tighten up our security and make a huge difference.

Allen Lund Company has taken a pro-active approach to identify and eliminate potential security breaches. We have made changes to our on-boarding process, which is closely monitored by our Carrier Resources department. Education and training for brokers has given them the tools to evaluate the potential risk that a carrier might exhibit and react accordingly. Our Accounting department scans thousands of bills of lading and invoices monthly, looking for any inconsistencies. In addition to the internal measures ALC has taken, we share information and best practices with the Transportation Intermediaries Association, CargoNet, Carrier411, and other transportation companies. These policy changes, information sharing, and additional training will continue to make a difference.

What can a shipper or a warehouse do to help prevent your product from being compromised?

  • Prior to loading, have your broker give your shipping department the driver’s name, company name, and trailer number. If the information doesn’t match call the broker.
  • Whenever possible use a temp recorder that has a tracking device built in. These devices have the ability to monitor temps and location.
  • Don’t rely on the pick-up number to verify the carrier.
  • Verify the driver’s name with their license. Insist that the bills are signed legibly by the driver and include their company name. If necessary, have the driver print their name and company name.
  • Driver should arrive with a pre-cooled trailer. Driver should acknowledge that they understand the desired temp and that it is in continuous mode.
  • Most importantly, use a transportation service provider that has the experience and protocols in place that are necessary to protect your product.

We are all in this together with the same basic goal…to deliver the safest and freshest product to our customers.


Bill Bess, Director of Carrier Development, was previously the manager of ALC Orlando, FL, and has been with the Allen Lund Company for 39 years. With over 45 years of experience transporting perishable products, Bess’s expertise includes perishable supply chain protocols, claims resolution, and developing carrier-specific programs for the company.

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Dollar General is Expanding Produce in Stores this Year at the Expense of pOpshelf

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Dollar General is pulling back on “nice to have” investments in favor of “need to have” as inflation and income pressures its bottom line. The move mirrors many of its customers.

Headquartered in Goodlettsville, TN, the company is cutting its pOpshelf concept in 2023, reducing the number of stores in the pipeline to 90, down from 150. The concept, which is focused more on urban shoppers with higher incomes, currently has more than 160 stores in 16 states.

“We are reevaluating our plans with regards to our timing of reaching 1,000 stores by the end of 2025 and plan to provide an updated expectation at a later date,” said CEO Jeff Owen, during the company’s recent earnings call.

Reductions in SNAP dollars and lower-than-usual tax returns hit Dollar General customers hard, Owen said. That resulted in less discretionary spending, and lower sales in non-consumables.  

“Unfortunately, our customers are saying they’re having to rely more on food banks, savings, and credit cards,” Owen said.  

One area Dollar General continues to focus on is its DG Fresh, and fresh produce initiatives. DG Fresh has enhanced profitability of perishables for the company, and while it continues to focus on frozen and refrigerated foods, fresh produce is still on the radar.  

“While produce is not currently serviced by our internal supply chain, we continue to believe that DG Fresh provides a potential path forward to expanding our produce offering to more than 10,000 stores over time,” Owen said.  

By the end of the first quarter, March 31, Dollar General offered fresh produce in nearly 3,900 of 19,000 stores. Owen said the company is on track to expand that number to 5,000 by the end of 2023. 


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Popularity of Envy Apples Continues to Increase

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Wenatchee, WA: CMI Orchards’ hottest CatStats report shows Envy™ apples dominate as the biggest star of the summer. Originally from New Zealand and crafted through natural plant-breeding methods, this cross between Gala and Braeburn quickly emerged as the apple that has everything. Sweet and crunchy, with white flesh that stays white even after being cut, Envy™ apples command a strong brand following and over-the-top consumer desire that keeps them consistently at the top of the charts in the apple market.

Danelle Huber, CMI’s Senior Marketing Manager, reports Envy™’s top-notch rankings with consumers is just one small indicator of the apple’s consistent and steadfast popularity. According to NielsenIQ, the demand for this apple is surging. “Envy™’s popularity has been skyrocketing over the last 52 week period. With a 19% increase in sales and a 28% increase in volume across the United States, Envy™ secures the 8th most popular spot in the U.S. right now.” She adds that this means Envy™ makes up nearly a quarter of branded, high-flavor apple sales volume.

NielsenIQ also reports over the last six months that the Mountain, West North Central, and East North Central divisions enjoyed the largest increases in the Consumer Demand Index, putting Envy™ as the #1 branded apple of choice in the South region and #2 in all the others. This marks a total growth across US regions between 23% and 44.2%.

“Envy™’s fan base continues to soar. Since arriving to market, this luxury apple continues to break sales records time and time again,” says Rochelle Bohm, Vice President of Marketing at CMI. “Its delicate, sweet flavor and crisp, slow-to-brown flesh leaves customer demand high, while the longevity of its stored life and social media presence feeds a growing fan base.”

Bohm goes on to explain that the powerful global marketing presence of Envy™ apples delivers unparalleled brand awareness, helping retailers significantly boost sales while giving their customers what they crave. “Envy™ delivers year-round opportunities for retailers to build category sales with ease,” she says. “A high-performing apple paired with gorgeous branding and availability in both conventional and organic options make Envy™ the ultimate star of the summer.”

About CMI Orchards and Envy™ apples:

CMI Orchards is one of Washington State’s largest growers, shippers and packers of premium quality conventional and organic apples, pears, and cherries. Based in Wenatchee, WA, CMI Orchards delivers outstanding fruit across the U.S.A. and exports to over 60 countries worldwide.

Envy™ is a registered trademark owned by the T&G group of companies.  Envy™ apples are sold and distributed by exclusive North American sales agents, including Oppy, Rainier and CMI Orchards, under the leadership and support of the local brand marketing team of T&G Global.

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Apples, Oranges are Crowned as Most Popular Fruit Among U.S. Consumers

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The USDA has identified availability and consumption trends for the seven most popular fruits among U.S. consumers, with apples and oranges crowned as top choices.

According to the entity’s Economic Research Service, oranges are followed by bananas, strawberries, pineapples and watermelon. 

But apples are the only fruit in which data were available for all five forms, fresh, canned, frozen, dried, and juice.

“Apples held the top spot for total fruit available for consumption in 2021 with loss-adjusted apple juice availability at 14.7 pounds (1.7 gallons) per person; fresh apples at roughly 9 pounds per person; and canned, dried, and frozen apples totaling to 3.1 pounds per person,” the data revealed.

“Bananas topped the list of most popular fresh fruits at 13.2 pounds per person, while orange juice (16.6 pounds or 1.9 gallons) remained the top fruit juice available for consumption in the U.S.,” the USDA said.

The loss-adjusted food availability data presented modifies parameters for food spoilage, plate waste, and other losses to more closely approximate actual consumption.

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