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Good volume shipments of Jersey Fresh peaches should be available from very early July until mid September, according to the New Jersey Peach Promotion Council.
Bonnie Lundblad, chair of the Council said, “Our season usually begins with the yellow-fleshed variety Sentry around July 4, with a sprinkling of very early white and yellow fleshed peaches. Our final shipments are around September 15, with the heaviest volume concluding around Labor Day. The late season varieties include Encore, Autumn Glo, Flame Prince and the new variety Tiana.”
Most shipments are destined for New Jersey and the New England and mid Atlantic Regions, from mid-July through Labor Day.
Joe Nichols owner of Nichols Orchards, in Franklin Township on the southern end of Gloucester County reports a lighter than normal crop of peaches and nectarines. Nichols a longtime member of NJPPC, feels he has maybe about 60% because of some spring low temperature injury.
We expect to have peaches and nectarines to wholesale throughout the summer. Since we sell tree-ripened fruit, we expect a strong demand.”
John Maccherone, NJPPC member, with his father Santo John are owners of Circle M Farms in Salem County, New Jersey. They have a full crop of peaches and nectarines this season. “We have many varieties of white and yellow-fleshed peaches and nectarines, most of which are being thinned for improved fruit size and quality,“ said Maccherone. “We expect a much better season with good demand compared to 2021 when the pandemic hampered our marketing program.” The Maccherones pack and wholesale under the Circle M label. They also sell Circle M peach cider drink, growing in popularity at Eastern US Farm Markets.
The New Jersey Peach Promotion Council is a 72-year-old voluntary organization of peach growers, wholesalers, distributors and allied industry that market products needed by the peach industry.

Lemon shipments from Chile began in late April, the same week as the previous season, as reported by the Citrus Committee of Chile.
In the first week of May 20,098 tons of this fruit were shipped, with an accumulated volume of 193 tons, a figure that reflects a decrease of 93% compared to the same date in 2021. 64% of this volume has been destined for the U.S. and the rest for Japan.
Earlier this spring, the Citrus Committee, projected Chile would export a volume of 90,000 tons, which is equivalent to 11 percent less than the previous season.

Blueberries in New Jersey for 2021 had a production value of $78 million. New Jersey annually ranks in the top six in the U.S. in the production of blueberries. Farmers in the Garden State harvested 41 million pounds of blueberries on 7,500 acres last year.
“We are off to an excellent start, and we anticipate it being a good year,” said Paul Macrie, who owns and operates Macrie Brothers Blueberry Farms of Hammonton, NJ with his brothers Nick and Mike. “From what we have seen early on, we think we will harvest a good volume with the juicy, larger-sized berries New Jersey is known for. We expect to be in full production mode within the next week or two.”
The Macrie Brothers have been growing blueberries in New Jersey since 1953. What started as a 26-acre farm has now blossomed into an 800-acre operation. The Macrie Brothers are also an active member of the New Jersey Blueberry Industry Advisory Council.
The blueberry season for New Jersey lasts through the end of July, which is National Blueberry Month. During the peak of blueberry season, production can be as high as 250,000-300,000 crates per day. Eating blueberries is beneficial to health as they are known as the “King of Anti-Oxidants.” Blueberries are low in calories and high in nutrients.

Extra caution is advised if you plan on hauling last season storage potatoes out of Idaho. Some quality problems such as shoulder bruising and hollow heart are being reported.
The problem apparently is resulting from pressure and shoulder bruising (soft, external indents) because of constant contact with adjacent potatoes, or the floor, while the raw product sits in storage piles. Hollow heart (small, irregularly shaped internal craters) develops internally during the season when potatoes grow faster than normal due to adverse weather.
Idaho potato shippers are depleting their supplies from storage, and the Norkotah crop has been exhausted, leaving the Burbank variety until new crop arrives.
Burbanks will be the only variety available for shipping until the new crop of Norkotahs become available in August. Some suppliers expect a potential 7to 14 day shipping gap in early August.
New crop Norkotah harvesting is expected to begin in early August.
Storage supplies are available from many growing areas besides Idaho, including Colorado, Washington, Oregon, and Wisconsin.

The Chilean citrus season kicked off in mid-April when the first shipment of clementines set sail for the U.S. market.
Chile will supply clementines, mandarins, navels and lemons to the U.S. market, with promotional support starting in June and continuing through October, according to a news release.
The current total Chilean Citrus forecast across categories is as follows:
- Clementines: 45,000 tons
- Mandarins: 120,000 tons
- Navels: 90,000 tons
- Lemons: 90,000 tons
Logistical and climatic issues have impacted overall volume, resulting in an anticipated 12% decrease from 2021. Nonetheless, Juan Enrique Ortuzar, president of the Chilean Citrus Committee, remains optimistic about the industry’s future.
“We are facing a challenging season in many respects, but citrus has grown into an incredibly strong, year-round category,” Ortuzar said in the release. “Chilean citrus volume has increased by 25% over the past five years. With our quality proposition, we believe there will continue to be growth opportunities.”
The U.S. received 88% of all Chilean citrus exports in 2021, with 97% of clementines and mandarins shipped to the U.S. Volume will be lower this year, especially for clementines, where a volume decrease of 35% is anticipated, but the U.S. will continue to receive the majority of Chilean citrus exports. To support this volume, the Citrus Committee is finalizing a robust marketing campaign that will help build demand and drive sales at the retail level.

New Jersey is one of the top 10 producers nationally for blueberries, cranberries (processed), spinach, squash and many other crops, according the New Jersey Department of Agriculture.
Consalo Family Farms of Vineland, NJ grows a full line of produce in New Jersey, with a history in the state dating back to 1927.
There are more than 100 different varieties of produce grown in New Jersey. These items range from methi, to daikon radishes, and bok choy plus more traditional items like cilantro, dill, romaine lettuce, and beets.
New Jersey grown produce is shipped by truck to retailers up and down the East Coast. Vegetable loadings begin in April and usually extending into November for some crops. New Jersey blueberries are available June through early August.
Sunny Valley International of Glassboro, NJ, has been a leading marketer of New Jersey stone fruit and blueberries for nearly 30 years.

There was a 23 % drop in Florida avocado shipments during the 2021 season, according the the USDA.
The Sunshine state totaled 1.11 million 25-pound cartons in 20. There was a 39% plunge to 1.83 million cartons in 2019. The decline in volume has corresponded with a dip in Florida avocado bearing acreage.
Florida avocado bearing acreage in 2021 was 4,400 acres, down 4% from 4,600 acres in 2020, off 27% from 6,000 acres in 2019 and 24% off from 5,800 acres from 2018.
Florida avocados are available year-round, but the heaviest volume from the state in 2021 ran from June through December.
The top shipment month for Florida avocados in 2021 was August, when shippers moved 225,200 cartons, or about 20% of the state’s total annual fresh shipments.
In 2021, August was followed in importance by July, which featured 201,600 cartons, or about 18% of annual volume. September shipments were 196,800 cartons, or about 18% of annual volume.
A crop estimate for 2022 has yet to be issued.
Brooks Tropicals LLC of Homestead, FL will see an increase in Florida avocado production because of new grafts bearing fruit.
The company has invested in recent years over $1 million in transitioning some varieties into others based on various production, harvest, and fruit characteristics. Overall, Florida avocado industry acreage has shrunk though, due to economic forces (land value) and devastation brought on by the Laurel Wilt virus.
Brooks is the second-largest importer of tropical avocados and representing about 35% of the Florida industry – combining to make Brooks Tropicals the single largest distributor of tropical avocados in North America.

The U.S. is expects to import a record amount of Peruvian avocados this summer, an unprecedented 250 million pounds — according to the Peruvian Avocado Commission. The increase in Peru’s avocado export volume from last year will allow the South American country to play an important role in supplying avocados to the U.S. market.
McDaniel Fruit Co. of Fallbrook, CA report the additional volume fits well into the U.S. market, which is facing a shorter than typical California avocado season, plus there was volatility in the Mexican market transitioning into the new crop. Sizing will peak on 48s and larger, which will complement the introduction of the Mexican flora loca crop, which typically consists of smaller avocados.
And as global supply chain disruption persists, elevated volume on Peruvian avocados will further help suppliers and retailers keep pace with demand.
There also are Global conflicts and challenges in the supply chain which seem to change weekly, resulting in struggles with movement around the globe. The Russian invasion of Ukraine has pressures growers to ship bigger volumes to the North American market. The company predicts a 30% increase in Peruvian avocado supply compared to last year because of these factors.

Oppy is ready for the Orchard View cherry season which has just got underway from The Dalles, OR. While other cherry growers in the area apparently have reduced crops from Oregon, the Orchard View, located on the Columbia River is more fortunate this season.
Orchard View pointed out in The Dalles, there is a microclimate in the hillsides of the Columbia River Gorge protecting the company from a cold snap and encourages bees to migrate and pollinate as they sense warmer weather.
The harvest just started within the past week, and shipments will continue through July.
Last year Oppy expanded its import stone fruit program from Chile, Argentina and New Zealand, doubling volumes to cater to increasing market demand. With nearly year-round availability, cherry offerings are available May through January for the second time.
Growing, marketing and distributing fresh produce from around the globe for more than 160 years, Oppy of Vancouver, BC has over 50 million boxes of fresh fruits and vegetables grown on every continent moving through its supply chain annually It also offers popular favorites from avocados and berries to apples and oranges year-round, alongside innovative seasonal specialties. Over the years, Oppy has introduced North Americans to a number of items across its diverse produce range, including Granny Smith, JAZZ and Envy apples, as well as green and gold kiwifruit.
Tucked away on protected hillsides along the Columbia River Gorge, Orchard View Cherries grow plump and flavorful. For four generations, the Bailey family has perfected the art of cherry growing.
The company has 14,000 tons of cherry varieties grown annually on over 3,200 acres. Orchard View is unique in that it grows only cherries, unlike many other producers in the region who grow numerous other items, so it can channel specific into cherry production.

Cape Town South Africa – Summer Citrus from South Africa (SCSA) announces the start of its 2022 season with the arrival of its first conventional vessel to the U.S. this week.
The vessel will arrive at PhilaPort, The Port of Philadelphia and contain 3,900 pallets of Clementines and Navel Oranges. Based on market demand, Easy Peelers are now the largest portion of SCSA’s product offering accounting for almost 50% of planned shipments this season.
“Quality of fruit this season is excellent, and volumes are on-par with what we anticipated,” said Suhanra Conradie, CEO of Summer Citrus from South Africa. “Retailers should be prepped, stocked and ready for the busy citrus demand this summer.”
This season does not come without its challenges. Due to logistics and supply-chain hurdles, SCSA is unable to ship containers directly to Packer Avenue, Philadelphia, which would have accounted for almost 30% of shipments for the summer.
“It is no secret that there are issues with the supply chain and logistics, however our sophisticated business model ensures that we are prepared and able to adjusts plans as needed,” said Conradie.
To offset some of the logistical problems, SCSA will be loading a few additional conventional vessels with containers that will be shipped via Port Newark in New Jersey. Additionally, some of the larger importers will be adding the Port of Savannah, GA as the point of entry for containers from Capetown.
“We are thankful to all of our business and logistics partners who make every season possible AND successful,” concluded Conradie.
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About Summer Citrus from South Africa (SCSA)
Summer Citrus from South Africa represents a group of South African citrus growers who consolidate their logistics, marketing and sales efforts to bring the finest citrus fruit to market during the U.S. summer season. Established in 1999 and re-branded for expanded marketing efforts in 2016, the group provides Navels, Midknights, East Peelers, Star Ruby Grapefruit and Cara-Cara oranges for the U.S. market. For more information about Summer Citrus from South Africa, and visit the brand’sFacebook,Instagram andTwitter pages.