Archive For The “Zingers” Category

The “Mooching Generation”

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IMG_6361We have become a fiscally irresponsible country.  It is immoral to mooch off of other people, let alone mooch off of future generations that have not even been born yet, through government handouts.

They are truly defenseless. These left wing idiots coupled with the new “mooching generation” of voters will soon destroy the country that our ancestors gave their lives to build, defend, and cherish.

And most of us that take personal responsibility for our lives can only sit back and watch.  Why, because we are now the minority.  Recently the top communist bozo running for office, Bernie Sanders, said that it would be cheaper to pay for college than put them in jail.  So in his very small and little mind if you don’t go to college, then you end up in jail.  I guess the effects of large marijuana consumption are finally taking a toll on him.

Maybe we should change The Pledge of Allegiance to…” I pledge allegiance to the flag of the United Moochers of America.  And to the entitlements for which we stand, one nation under massive debt, divided by class and envy, with overburdening taxes for all.”

The sad part is that this country was founded by people trying to escape an overburdening government. They moved to a new land where they could live free and experience life by following their own pathway. I know there will not be many liberals who will read the words on this page, but for those who do, I beg you to stop and think about us all.  In respect for them we should all consider this before casting our vote in November. 

Larry Oscar is a graduate from the University of Tulsa and holds a degree in electrical engineering. He is retired and lives with his wife on a lake in Oklahoma where he brews his own beer, sails, and is a member of numerous clubs and organizations.


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Something to Think about Before November Elections

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IMG_6364By Larry Oscar

The New Year is here, and, being an election year, you can count on a lot of laughs as the political clowns running for office get cranked up.

Over the past eight years we have seen a rapid decline in the United States economy and the standard of living for Americans. The average income for US households has fallen from $57k per year to $53k per year, a 7% decline.

We are still the leading country in average income per household, but if this trend continues future generations of Americans can expect to see their hopes for a better life than their parents evaporate. Not many people thought our country would decline so rapidly. However, it was President Ronald Reagan who said, “Freedom is never more than one generation away from extinction. “

The poor leadership this country has suffered through for the past eight years has not only led to an economic decline, but our country is now in decline when it comes to worldwide leadership and influence with other nations.  When our politicians started buying votes with promises of government handouts our fate was sealed. It was Thomas Jefferson who said “Democracy will cease to exist when people realize they can vote themselves more money“.

Tom was obviously right about that one.  It is my belief that our politicians don’t realize the extent of the damage to our society that their behavior has caused.  Our president is supposed to be the president of ALL Americans; not just the poor, or middle class, but all of us.  That includes the poor, middle class, and yes even the rich.

Instead we have seen these politicians proclaim that they “ want to be for the middle class”, or “I am a champion of the poor and the downtrodden.”  Then they proceed to make promises of big government handouts and entitlements in return for votes.  It is illegal to offer money for votes, and it is immoral to offer government handouts for votes when they are funded with other people’s earnings.

These same politicians preach about immorality and fairness, and then the hypocrites turn around in the next breath and try to buy your vote with promises of monetary government handouts. Unfortunately, I don’t think Americans are smart enough to see through this and realize the damage it is doing to the fabric of this country.

The people who vote for these bozos are indeed selfish and unpatriotic. They are cutting off the opportunity for their children and grandchildren to have a prosperous and productive life. The future Star Trek movies will no longer have the Vulcan phrase “Live long and prosper”.  It will be “Live long so you can pay for your grandfathers’ debt.”

Our founding fathers and ancestors would be appalled at what we have become.

Larry Oscar is a graduate from the University of Tulsa and holds a degree in electrical engineering. He is retired and lives with his wife on a lake in Oklahoma where he brews his own beer, sails, and is a member of numerous clubs and organizations.


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Liberty is More Important Than Life Itself

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IMG_6361By Larry Oscar

Just smack me down with Hillary’s e-mails!  It’s presidential election time again, and this election cycle may prove to be the most entertaining in decades.

And it would be far more fun if it the world was not in such a state of chaos.  For that reason alone all Americans should step back and take a hard look at what this nation has become over the last several years.  We have gone from the world’s leader in individual liberty to just another nation of moochers with our hands out waiting for a government check.

But the politicians are out in force promising even more government handouts for your vote.  Funny thing, if a politician was to offer you a dime for your vote it would be illegal, but they can offer you a big fat welfare check for your vote, and somehow that’s okay.  It should be illegal for any politician to offer anything of monetary value for your vote.  The left wing party of our nation has a distorted collection of welfare promising “vote suckers.”  They range from a mad socialist from Vermont; a Muppet version of Miss Piggy;  to old Gaffy Duck Joe himself.

All of them claim to be the champion of the poor, the downtrodden, and the ever shrinking middle class.  And their solution to all of the ills of these “oppressed” groups is to take more money from the producers in our nation and distribute it to the non-producers.  Never mind that this didn’t work out so well in the former Soviet Union, North Korea, East Germany, Cuba, Venezuela, or any other socialist nation.

Old Gaffy Duck Joe recently proclaimed that corporations should do the “patriotic” thing and gladly pay more taxes.  I guess old Gaffy flunked his history class.  I seem to recall the patriots were the ones who dumped the tea into Boston harbor in protest of high taxation.  It is time for Americans to restore our country’s commitment to individual liberty.  There is a movement taking hold in this country and that is one reason the controversial New Yorker Donald Trump has been drawing huge crowds.  New Yorkers are not known for their calm cool demeanor, and “The Donald” is no exception.

The United States was a beacon of hope for liberty for the entire world at one time, and we need to reclaim that title.  When immigrants came to America the first thing they saw was a statue standing tall in the New York harbor that was given to us by France.  It was the Statue of Liberty.  It’s not the statue of welfare handouts, or gay rights, or illegal immigration, or political correctness, or even right-to-life, but the statue of LIBERTY!

Liberty is the main founding principal that this county was built upon. It is our national belief that liberty is more important than life itself.  Liberty is what we fought and died for in every war this country has ever fought.  And just in case some of you don’t know.  The belief in liberty is why about 500,000 mainly white men fought and died to set the black man in this country free.

A fact that those who live in Baltimore and Fergusson need to think about.  When you yield your individual liberties in exchange for big government handouts, excessive government regulations, or government social laws that favor ones religious beliefs, you are carving out the path to your own destruction.  Liberty costs lives.  We pay the price in lives every year for our liberties.  Over 30,000 lives per year to have the liberty to own and drive an automobile.  Over 4,500 lives per year to keep and bear arms.  And we will pay a high cost in lives to maintain and ensure that our military is ready to defend our liberties in a world where those would take it away and remove your head.

America may be at a crossroads. Those of us whose parents fought against tyranny and won will soon be gone.  We have now raised a generation who have never lost their liberties.  They don’t know or understand the value that individual liberty adds to their life.  And the big question is will they wake up and work to restore the greatness of America that brought hope to the rest of the world?  Or will they sell their liberty for the promise of a government regulated and controlled life?  Will they yield to the cry of those politicians who cry out,  “We are all in this together.  The government is here to help and, of course, I need to be in charge?”

What this nation and the world needs right now is a Patrick Henry in the White House.

Larry Oscar is a graduate from the University of Tulsa and holds a degree in electrical engineering. He is retired and lives with his wife on a lake in Oklahoma where he brews his own beer, sails, and is a member of numerous clubs and organizations.

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The Corruption and Incompetence of Big Government

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IMG_6360By Larry Oscar

Just as you think the news about our government couldn’t get any worse, it inevitably does. It seems that every week we get some new revelation about how more corrupt or incompetent one of our government agencies has become.

If you recall about seven years ago the incompetent politicians in Washington were saying the banks were corrupt and too big to manage.  If anything is “too big to manage” it is our government.  The politicians were scrambling trying to pin the blame for the housing collapse on the banks making those “risky loans”.  The very loans than the US Attorney General, Janet Reno in 1995, had forced the banks to make or face a federal lawsuit under the Community Reinvestment Act.

Now we have that filthy rich socialist Elizabeth Warren from the left wing state of Massachusetts crying out again that the banks are too big to manage and should be broken up. Oh that’s a great idea. Nothing like letting China have the only large bank in the global market place. I’m sure that will be good for all of the rest of the free world. Maybe it’s just the fact that I’m getting old, but it sure appears to me that the decline of the United States is accelerating at an ever increasing pace.

I’m afraid the corruption and incompetence goes all the way to the top. Unfortunately, when you look at downsizing it always comes down to government jobs.  We can’t simplify the tax system with a flat tax or a national sales tax.  Why just think of all those 115,000 IRS workers who would be out of a job.  Not to mention all those tax attorneys or the workers at tax preparation companies. So we have a corrupt IRS that just keeps getting bigger and more evil every day.

We can’t have simple efficient airport security like Israel does.  Oh no, we have to have a bloated 35,000 government worker TSA that is riddled with thieves and has a 95% failure rate on security tests.  It was two years ago that “Mr. Potato Head” in the White House said he was appalled at the Veterans Administration behavior and their miserable performance at the VA Hospitals. He appointed a new head of the VA and assured us that things were going to get straighten out. Guess what? They have actually gotten worse. And no one can be fired at the VA for their poor performance and incompetence . After all, the VA has over 300,000 full time government employees and we can’t afford to upset that rotten apple cart can we?

If we gave all the veterans a health card and let them go to the private sector, like the rest of us, it would eliminate those 300,000 VA government workers.  And everybody has forgotten about the good old Post Office.  Those bozos are so incompetent that the Post Office has lost over $47 billion dollars over the past decade, and still counting, with no profitable year in sight.  Now do you see a trend here? I sure do.

We can’t “right size” our government because we have too many government workers who are dependant on the government for their jobs.  And guess what?  We have 47% of the American voters now getting a handout from one of these government agencies.  Which brings us to the big picture… Greece.

You have been hearing a lot about this socialist nation. They are in debt about $350 billion.  They only have about 11 million people, so that’s about $32,000 dollars of debt per citizen.  How does that relate to us you may ask?  Well, we are over $18 trillion dollars in debt.  That is about $60,000 per US citizen.  Yes folks we are just about in twice as much debt per citizen as Greece.  Which is why “Mr. Potato Head” is carping on “climate change”, and a new tax scheme called “cap and trade” that will get his grubby little hands on even more of our money to grow the government to an even bigger size.  And that will overwhelm our capitalist system of free enterprise. Check your history.

Go back to the late 1950’s and early 1960’s and you will find a gentleman from the former Union of Soviet Socialist Republics named Nikita Khrushchev who said they would not have to fire a shot to defeat the United States.  He said that they would defeat us from within.  Maybe it is just me, but I bet this country will continue to decline at an ever accelerated pace while the future generation we have spawned keeps playing games and texting ho ho’s on their cell phone.

Larry Oscar is a graduate from the University of Tulsa and holds a degree in electrical engineering. He is retired and lives with his wife on a lake in Oklahoma where he brews his own beer, sails, and is a member of numerous clubs and organizations.

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Getting our Nation Back on Track

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IMG_6364By Larry Oscar

As we get things going toward the next big election, things couldn’t heat up more for some Americans. It’s time that we took note of all we have seen in the past eight years and what our country needs to do to get our economy and American values back on track.

The recent situations in Ferguson, MO and Baltimore, MD should make every American sit up and take note.  Both of these situations have resulted in the release of years of frustration by the citizens of these communities and many other communities throughout this country. As a city councilman in Baltimore put it, “The violence is wrong, but it is a reflection of the lack of educational and economic opportunity for the people who live in this community.” Very well put.

And just who caused the educational and economic opportunity to leave the community, and many more just like them throughout the entire country?  Well let’s take a look at both the education issue and the job opportunity issue.  For starters, the education system in this country has been going downhill since the late 1960’s.  To be exact it was 1968 when the federal government and the big teacher unions took over. This is when the central planning liberals in Washington D.C. started telling us what we could do to discipline and teach our children in the individual states.

Big Government, Unions Have Ruined Education

And this is when the big teacher unions decided the union membership handouts were more important than the children’s education.  So why should people in the cities like Baltimore be surprised? After all, my bet is almost 90% or more of the people who live there voted for the very politicians who supported Washington D.C. central planning and the big teacher unions.  The irony is it was one of their favorite sons, Franklin Roosevelt, who warned them about government worker big unions. They didn’t listen did they?

How to Improve the Economy

Now let’s take a look a jobs.  It’s actually very simple.  If you want tomatoes what do you have to do?  Obviously you have to grow healthy tomato plants. If you grow poorly watered or cared for tomato plants you will get very few and very small tomatoes.  To get large juicy tomatoes you must grow healthy robust tomato plants. It’s the same for jobs. If you want good paying jobs you must grow strong and healthy businesses. And you must have a variety of healthy small businesses, as well as healthy large businesses.

For several years now our government has been making it harder and harder for small businesses to survive, and even giving large global businesses a financial incentive to leave the country. We have the highest corporate tax in the world. The current liberal philosophy toward business is that the large corporations are “evil,” and if you have a small business you didn’t create it.

Stop Blaming Others

To quote the Clown-in-Chief, “Someone else made that happen.”

My father was a simple man.  He went to night school and studied drafting.  He spent over 40 years at his craft, and he was an exceptional draftsman.  Dad never once complained about what he got paid. He was always there to help me and his values were conservative.  He taught me that almost 100% of the time my problems in life were looking back at me in the mirror every morning. Dad wouldn’t let me blame others.

You know what?  He was right.  Americans of all races, cultures, economic status, and faiths must accept the fact that they alone have voted for and got what we deserve.  If we treat businesses like ATM machines, and continue to let our educational system decline, like it has been for the past 50 years, then we can’t expect our great country and the promise of the opportunity it used to hold, to continue. We are killing the goose who has been laying the golden eggs.

Envy of those who are successful must stop.  It’s time for all Americans to look into the mirror. Don’t expect a superman in Washington to come and save the day.  Our problems are of our own creation.  We need pro business leadership. We need to honor and value the businesses of our nation and the people who built them with their own hands. We need to acknowledge and encourage individual achievement.

Free Handouts vs. Self Reliance

Instead of giving handouts and creating a government dependant class, we need to teach self reliance and standing on your own two feet.  Our country should be a place where it is the easiest place in the world to start a business. We should not be a nation of regulation roadblocks to success.

Hey people.  If you think economic opportunity is bad in Ferguson and Baltimore, you should have been in the former Soviet Union.  Remember….your vote matters.  Vote for someone who is pro business, and let’s gets some decent job growth.

Larry Oscar is a graduate from the University of Tulsa and holds a degree in electrical engineering. He is retired and lives with his wife on a lake in Oklahoma where he brews his own beer, sails, and is a member of numerous clubs and organizations.


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Taking Liberty for Granted

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IMG_6361Leadership is not community organizing.  Leadership is when you step up to the plate, take a firm grip on the bat, and face the challenge of the curve ball on the outside corner.  Thereby, setting the example for others to follow.

From the outset this president has failed miserably when it comes to leadership.  You don’t sit in the White House and wait for things to happen. You don’t constantly carp about Congress’s lack of inaction and then head to the golf course. You don’t blame and criticize the former president for billion dollar deficits while all along creating trillion dollar deficits of your own.

If you ask people who was the worst president in modern history the answer always comes back Jimmy Carter.  But Jimmy Carter was the one who took the bull by the horns and got Egyptian President Anwar El Sadat and the Israeli Prime Minister Menachem Begin to Camp David.

Carter provided the leadership that resulted in the peace agreement between Israel and Egypt which stands to this day.  Not an easy task! For the most part the election of our president is a popularity contest.  The average American on the street doesn’t know the first thing about what goes on in the world. Nor do they seem to care. We are a spoiled lot.  We take our liberty for granted and we don’t understand how easy it is to lose the liberty that so many Americans have given their lives for.

We are too willing to trade liberty for government handouts these days.  Liberty is more important than life itself. It was one of our founding fathers, Patrick Henry, who coined the phrase, “I know what course others may take, but as for me give me liberty or give me death.”

This cell phone generation we are now raising may just wake up one day and find out they live in a far different world than the hope and change they envisioned and voted for.  A world where a
tyrannical government rules them based on a narrow set of religious beliefs and enforces those beliefs with a deadly iron fist. After all, if we don’t guard our liberty and the freedom to live our lives as we wish, we can all say hello to tyranny. Or maybe we should just follow our presidents’ lead and go play golf!

Larry Oscar is a graduate from the University of Tulsa and holds a degree in electrical engineering. He is retired and lives with his wife on a lake in Oklahoma where he brews his own beer, sails, and is a member of numerous clubs and organizations.

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Nero Golfs, While Rome Burns

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IMG_6364By Larry Oscar

I guess it wouldn’t be normal if this year didn’t start off with some sort of rant about our screwed up government and the Bozo-in-chief in the White House, so here goes.

Most of us who enjoy movies can remember some of the more famous lines that good movies always seem to have. Take the movie Forest Gump.  One famous line in this movie was “Stupid is, as stupid does.”

I can’t help but think back seven years ago to the presidential campaign when all we heard from the media was how smart Obama is and how he was a shining star of wisdom and intelligence. What a laugh!  This clown can’t think his way out of a paper bag.  I  knew we were in trouble when he wouldn’t release his IQ or his grades.  Obviously they are not something he is very proud of.   After all, we wouldn’t want to destroy the myth would we. Funny how the truth eventually  comes out.

The world is on fire with Islamic fanatics beheading and burning alive any and all people that don’t agree with their version of religion.  Intolerance between nations, religions, and cultures is increasing daily.   And what great leadership is the anointed one providing?  Well, for starters he was at the National Prayer Breakfast recently. Now here he was, standing before people of all faiths, diverse cultures, and nationalities.   People who had come together to demonstrate their respect and tolerance for each other’s faith, as is our  tradition in this country.  These are people who are not trying to kill and behead each other like they are in the rest of the  world.  Here was a golden opportunity to show the world why the United States is an exceptional and tolerant nation, and what does Bozo do?  He gives a rant about the crusades that happened a thousand years ago.

Then he proceeds to lecture us about slavery.   You just can’t make this stuff up folks.  Some people, those that study history, think we are slowly and gradually entering World War III.  And they may be right. What is happening in the Ukraine and with ISIS is very reminiscent of Hitler’s Germany just before WWII.  If so, you
can expect a big announcement soon regarding a “Historically significant and glorious nuclear treaty with  Iran.”  This should just about complete the repetition of history.

It will be like Neville Chamberlain’s peace agreement with Hitler just before Germany invaded Poland.  Meantime, “Nero golfs, while Rome burns.”

Larry Oscar is a graduate from the University of Tulsa and holds a degree in electrical engineering. He is retired and lives with his wife on a lake in Oklahoma where he brews his own beer, sails, and is a member of numerous clubs and organizations.

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Getting Ready for the Zombie Apocalypse

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IMG_6364It’s that time again. Time to look at getting a fresh start on another year. Odd thing is even though many people plan on making some sort of New Year’s resolution few, if any, will follow through with it.

So for 2015 why not go with the flow and start out with a resolution you know you have a good chance of keeping.  Let’s set the bar low.  I’m tired of always “raising the bar.”  Let’s lower it for a change.  One thing I’m going to do is get ready for the obvious upcoming “Zombie Apocalypse.”  Now that’s a low bar. Who would have thought back in the 60’s that here in the modern 21st century we would be facing a horde of zombies.  Now I’m not against all zombies.  fter all, I was married to one for several years.

You would think that the TV and movie writers could come up with something better and be more creative these days.  Zombies have been around for as long as vampires and werewolves have.  They are as old as Godzilla himself.  Zombies have been the subject of films and horror shows from about 1918.  They are also a part of Haitian Voodoo, and people even believe they exist today. I know one thing for sure. You can’t turn on the TV today without a plethora of zombie shows on all kinds of channels and at all times of the day.  I’m expecting those libtards on “The View” to have some zombies on so they can complain about how the average zombie is oppressed by our capitalist society.

After all, zombies have always been exploited by those big Hollywood types. You know the ones I’m referring too.  The ones who got hacked at Sony and had their e-mails reveled that showed how much of a racist and bigot they really are.  The great 1959 Ed Wood movie  Plan 9 from Outer Space  had actor Tor Johnson playing the part of a crazed zombie.  Tor was always good in those memorable roles.   White Zombie, a 1932 film, starred Ed Wood’s favorite actor Bela Lugosi. You may recall that Bela was famous for his role in the 1931 film Dracula.

The 1968 film Night of the Living Dead was perhaps the greatest zombie movie of all time.  It crossed a vampire with a zombie and created what is now known as the blood sucking vampire-zombie that we have today.  Zombies seem to hang around railroad yards and truck stops a lot.   And for some strange reason you can never outrun a zombie.  Regardless of how slow they may stumble and drag their feet, their victim always seems to fall and never be able to get up in time.  Odd thing how zombies never seem to stumble or fall themselves.

One thing I have always wondered is why you only see zombies roaming about out at night.  You would think that if you only had one eye, as many zombies do, that it would be easier to walk about in the daylight.

If I was a zombie I would hang out at fitness clubs.  With all that sweating and stuff at fitness clubs people would think that I just had a hard workout.  You could sneak up behind your victim when they are on the tread climber with their music playing in their ear and CHOMP! There, you got them.

My dentist told me that several of his patients actually believe in zombies.   I guess if you believe that big government is the answer to the problems in your life, then zombies aren’t much of a stretch. On thing I know for sure is that zombies can be blown away with a Smith and Wesson. So if you need a good news years resolution, then getting ready for the zombie apocalypse should be at the top of your list. There are always some good deals on anti zombie guns right after the new year.

Make sure you get a nice large caliber. Something in a 44 or 45 would be nice! See you all at the range.

Larry Oscar is a graduate from the University of Tulsa and holds a degree in electrical engineering. He is retired and lives with his wife on a lake in Oklahoma where he brews his own beer, sails, and is a member of numerous clubs and organizations.


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Avoid Making Life Decisions Based on Emotions

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IMG_6361By Larry Oscar

Most decisions in life require that you to set aside your emotions and think logically and rationally. However, if you want your life to be “three sheets to the wind,” just make all your decisions based on your emotions. Your emotions are all over the map. One day you are up, and the next day you are down.

Riding the roller coaster of emotions to make decisions is a very bad idea. It has been interesting to note how the political spin doctors have taken over with an emotional flare. How in the world did they come up with the “war on women?”  There is no “war on women” and there never has been.  Of course it gets a lot of emotional women stirred up, especially when they

Larry Oscar                                                                       give a knee-jerk emotional reaction to the cliché without thinking about

the stupidity of it all.

If there is a war on somebody it would be a “war on men.”  After all, men die younger than women. The statistics don’t lie.  On average women can be expected to live four years longer than men.  There are several theoretical reasons for the difference, but given the high stress levels in men, who are providing for their families, it should be no surprise.

And to top it off we are often just “boy toys’” in the eyes of the fairer sex.  Yep, the guys are just a piece of raw meet thrown to the cougars!  So chose wisely my friend.

When you mark your ballot think about all those other voters and the bad choices they have made in life.  I bet there are a lot of older Jimmy Carter voters who wish they had that one back.  At least taking back a vote for a stupid politician is easier than taking back the other bad choices we have made in life.  It’s a good thing bad votes don’t come with an alimony check or child support.

Larry Oscar is a graduate from the University of Tulsa and holds a degree in electrical engineering. He is retired and lives with his wife on a lake in Oklahoma where he brews his own beer, sails, and is a member of numerous clubs and organizations.

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The Mark of Good Leadership

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IMG_6364By Larry Oscar

There has been a lot of interest, comments, and attention paid to the subject of leadership recently. Oddly enough about nine years ago I had a series of articles and on the subject. I guess the articles must have been ahead of its time.

The military has been very interested in the subject for over 238 years. They have a great field manual on the subject. It dates back to the Revolutionary War. Funny, that when your life is on the line one tends to pay attention to the subject more than normal. Leadership is something that most of our CEO’s and politicians never took a course in. And believe me it shows.

Larry Oscar                                                                     Every Saturday we have sporting events such as baseball, football, hockey, soccer, and golf. Most of us are so caught up in the action of the game that we fail to note one of the more important points of the sport, the end of the game hand shake. Did you ever notice at the end of the competition how the teams congratulate each other on their efforts? They shake hands, embrace, pat each other on the back, and depart as friends. The loser congratulates the winner and the winner congratulates the loser for their valiant effort. This is how it should be.

To be a gracious winner and loser is highly important. It is a mark of class. Good leaders know how to win and lose with classy dignity.  We have seen very poor leadership by our politicians in the past few decades. You are not very smart when you tell your opponents, “We don’t mind you coming along for the ride, but you got to get in back,” and then ask them for their help in passing legislation in the very next sentence.

Wise leaders get out in front of the issue instead of letting it become a crisis and then trying to clean up the mess after the fact. Good leaders respect their opponents, and they use humor to ease tense situations. Poor leadership takes some time before it becomes obvious to their supporters what the problem is. Nobody wants to see who they voted for fail. It would be a reflection of their poor judgment in voting for that person.

On the other hand, we are a product of the choices we make in life. All of your choices have consequences. Recently one of our more famous politicians was stumping in the great state of Arkansas and encouraging voters to “vote with your heart.” Are you kidding me. Voting with our hearts is what got us into this mess in the first place.

I also seem to recall that his misbehaving with his heart and his cigar got him into a lot of trouble when he was in the White

House.  One would have thought that he would have learned something, but politicians seldom do.

Larry Oscar is a graduate from the University of Tulsa and holds a degree in electrical engineering. He is retired and lives with his wife on a lake in Oklahoma where he brews his own beer, sails, and is a member of numerous clubs and organizations.


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