Posts Tagged “apple shipments”

While fresh and processing apple in storage remaining to be shipped are off from the 2023-24 season, the figure of 151 million bushels is still 11% higher than the five-year average for January.
In a recent apple holdings report, Chris Gerlach, vice president of insights and analytics for the U.S. Apple Association said the total number of apples in storage as of Jan. 1, 2025, is 151 million bushels. That figure, Gerlach reported, is 4% lower than the previous year’s total of 156 million bushels but is still 11% higher than the five-year average for January.
Fresh apples totaled 107.8 million bushels, which is 4% less than inventories for last January but still 13% higher than the five-year January average.
USApple reports processing apples totaled 43 million bushels, which is down 2% from last year and 7% lower than the five-year average for January.
Washington state has 123,157,143 bushels of apples total in holdings. While that figure is up from the five-year average of 107,765,37, the state moved 2,782,174 bushels of apples in regular storage and 9,990,207 bushels of apples in controlled-atmosphere storage from December to January.
New York has 10,815,139 apples in holding, slightly up from the five-year average of 10,153,947. Between December and January, the state moved 417,080 apples in regular storage and 310,055 apples in controlled-atmosphere storage
Michigan has 9,217,433 bushels of apples in holding, which is slightly above the five-year average of 8,098,760. The state moved 167,885 bushels of apples in regular storage and 804,682 bushels of apples in controlled-atmosphere storage.
The report shows that gala tops the varieties in storage, with 18,672,260 bushels of apples total in holdings. Red delicious is second with 16,045,947 bushels in holdings, follwed by granny smith with 13,089,656 bushels in holdings.
Rounding out the top seven are Cosmic Crisp with 11,447,619 bushels in holding, fuji with 11,094,929 bushels in holding, Pink Lady/cripps pink with 9,679,341 bushels in holding and Honeycrisp with 9,432,737 bushels in holding.
Chicago — After record-breaking production last year, apple growers expect another high-performing year, according to a new report released by the U.S. Apple Association (USApple) at the organization’s 129th annual Outlook Conference in Chicago.
USApple’s Industry Outlook 2024* provides the most up-to-date data and analysis on U.S. and global apple production, utilization and trade. Authored by USApple Vice President of Insights and Analytics, Chris Gerlach, the report takes an in-depth look at the trends and forces – from political headwinds to weather events – that shape the U.S. apple industry.
*The Outlook Report is based on recently released United States Department of Agriculture (USDA) estimates. After the presentation of those numbers, USApple members met in-person to discuss current growing conditions to formulate a more up-to-date production estimate. The final USApple 2024/25 crop year forecast is an adjustment of the USDA numbers based on those conversations.
U.S. Production
According to USApple’s analysis, total U.S. apple production for the 2024/25 crop year (CY) will be 259,517,252 bushels. This represents a 10.1% decrease compared to last year’s final production figure.
“Growers from across the U.S. are reporting the crop quality is excellent,” said Gerlach.
These figures are more comprehensive than USDA data, which only look at the top seven apple-producing states. USApple analyzes the production from states outside of the top seven and adds that back into USDA’s figure. It also incorporates feedback from growers based on what they’re seeing in the field every day.
At the varietal level, Gala is expected to retain the top spot with more than 48 million bushels produced, accounting for around 17% of the U.S. apple market. After Gala, rounding out the top five are Red Delicious (12.3%), Granny Smith (10%), Honeycrisp (9.8%) and Fuji (9.4%).
In general, the varieties on the rise include Honeycrisp, Pink Lady/Cripps Pink and Cosmic Crisp®. Fuji, Rome and “other” varieties have remained relatively consistent compared to 2019/20 production volumes. Varieties on the decline include Gala and Red Delicious.
According to USDA trade data, fresh apple exports totaled 46.4 million bushels in the 2023/24 CY (July to June). This is around 14 million bushels higher than 2022/23 export levels – an astonishing 44% year-over-year increase.
During the same period, fresh apple imports dropped by around one million bushels, a 15% decline. The joint effects of increasing exports and decreasing imports caused the already net positive fresh apple trade balance to grow to more than 42 million bushels.
The surge in fresh apple exports is largely attributed to the abundant domestic supply, competitive pricing abroad, and favorable positive trade policies.

Citing extremely low fruit volumes, bad weather, and difficult markets, B.C. Tree Fruits cooperative of Kelowna, British Columbia has reportedly dissolved and closed its doors on July 26.
Formed in the 1930s, the organization sent a letter to its members recommending they “immediately search for another alternative to market your fruit for the balance of the 2024 season.”
The letter, obtained by Global News Canada, went on to say the board of directors could not “effectively operate the business and provide pool returns to growers,” and that it is “taking steps to obtain court direction and assistance to properly wind down the Cooperative to maximize recovery for all stakeholders.”
The cooperative includes more than 230 members, who now must find alternative buyers with the Okanagan apple harvest looming. The CBC reported B.C. Tree Fruits has faced financial challenges and grower unrest for the past few years, voting to close a packing house in 2022.
Growers held a vote, unsuccessfully, to dissolve the board of directors, and have now asked for government intervention to support the British Columbia tree fruit industry.

In its January report, trade association US Apple of Falls Church, VA unveiled its latest figures showing a 33% year-on-year rise in fresh apple remaining to be shipped and following a consistent upward trend during the past two months.
With volumes standing strong at 112.2 million 42-pound bushels, this shows a 23% rise compared to the January five-year average.
The entity represents the U.S. 26,000 apple growers, nearly 40 state and regional apple associations, and more than 3,700 apple-related companies.
Processing apple holdings totaled 44 million bushels, also showing an increase with volumes 20% higher year-on-year.
By volume, Gala is the largest fresh apple variety in storage this January, with 17.9 million bushels. Honeycrisp comes in second, at 15.5 million bushels.

33 percent more apples remain in U.S. storages for shipping as of February 1st, compared to the same time last year, according to the U.S. Apple Association (USApple).
The total volume of apples remaining to be shipped was 137 million bushels This is 23% more than the five-year average, according to the report.
Fresh apple holdings, at 98 million bushels, were 36% more than reported on Feb. 1, 2023, USApple said. Processing apples, totaling 39 million bushels, were 26% higher than this time a year ago.
Washington state has the most fruit with 109,266,667 bushels of fresh and processing apples, up from the five-year average of 89,059,710 bushels. USApple reported Washington shipped 3.2 million
bushels of apples from fresh storage and 12. 3 million bushels of apples in controlled atmosphere storage between the January and February report.
The total number of apples in storage was 137 million bushels, which is 23% more than the five-year average Feb. 1, according to the report.
Fresh apple holdings, at 98 million bushels, were 36% more than reported on Feb. 1, 2023, USApple said. Processing apples, totaling 39 million bushels, were 26% higher than this time a year ago.
Washington leads the February report with 109.3 million bushels of fresh and processing apples, up from the five-year average of 89 million bushels, according to the report. USApple said the state moved 3.2 million bushels of apples in fresh storage and 12.3 million bushels of apples in controlled atmosphere storage between the January and February report.
New York’s fresh and processing holdings stood at 10.1 million bushels, which is up from the five-year average of 8.4 million bushels. USApple said the state moved 529,872 bushels in regular storage and 299,999 in controlled atmosphere storage.
Michigan’s February fresh and processing holdings stood at 8.6 million bushels, which is up from the five-year average of 5,9 million. The state moved 518,000 bushels in regular storage and 962,800 bushels in controlled atmosphere storage.
For apple varieties, Honeycrisp fresh and processing holdings continue to lead USApple’s February report figures with 20.3 million bushels. The five-year average figure for Honeycrisp holdings is 12.8 million bushels.
Red delicious was in second with 20.3 million bushels of fresh and processing apples. The five-year average holdings for red delicious is 19.8 million bushels. Gala followed in third with 18.5 million bushels of fresh and processing apples, slightly lower than the five-year average for the variety of 19.1 million bushels.
Cosmic Crisp stood at 8 million bushels of fresh and processed apples, the report said.
bushels of apples in fresh storage and 12,290,295 bushels of apples in controlled atmosphere storage between the January and February report.
New York’s fresh and processing holdings stood at 10,135,297 bushels, which is up from the five-year average of 8,364,468 bushels. USApple said the state moved 529,872 bushels in regular storage and 299,999 in controlled atmosphere storage.
Michigan’s February fresh and processing holdings stood at 8,595,000 bushels, which is up from the five-year average of 5,963,000 bushels. The state moved 518,000 bushels in regular storage and 962,800 bushels in controlled atmosphere storage.
For apple varieties, Honeycrisp fresh and processing holdings continue to lead USApple’s February report figures with 20,299,677 bushels. The five-year average figure for Honeycrisp holdings is 12,783,800 bushels.
Red delicious was in second with 20,356,741 bushels of fresh and processing apples. The five-year average holdings for red delicious is 19,880,729 bushels. Gala followed in third with 18,476,610 bushels of fresh and processing apples, slightly lower than the five-year average for the variety of 19,071,917 bushels.
Cosmic Crisp stood at 8,052,381 bushels of fresh and processed apples.

U.S. fresh apples remaining in storage totaled 124.4 million bushels in a Dec. 1 report from the U.S. Apple Association (USApple). That figure is up 33% more than inventories reported this same time last year and 20% more than the five-year average for December, the association said.
USApple also said that processing apples totaled 48.5 million bushels, which is up 19% over the same reporting time last year. The 48.5-million-bushel figure is 17% more than the five-year average for the month.
Washington leads the states in apple holdings, according to the report, with 23,399,776 42-pound bushels of fresh apples in regular storage and 81,986,890 42-pound bushels of fresh apples in controlled atmosphere storage, according to the association.
USApple reports gala leads all varieties in fresh apples in controlled storage with 18,758,807 42-pound bushels, while red delicious comes in second with 17,853,167 42-pound bushels of fresh apples in controlled atmosphere storage. Pink Lady/cripps pink tops all varieties in fresh apple holdings in regular storage with 3,893,710 42-pound bushels, and Honeycrisp is second with 3,580,764 42-pound bushels of fresh apples in regular storage.
According to the association, Honeycrisp leads all processing apples in controlled-atmosphere storage with 7,482,773 42-pound bushels, and golden delicious comes is second with 3,711,724 42-pound bushels in controlled-atmosphere storage. Golden delicious also leads processing apples in regular storage with 1,809,405 42-pound bushels, and assorted other varieties are secon with 1,803,082 42-pound bushels in regular storage.

Elgin, Minn. – This National Apple Month, Honeybear Brands, a leading grower, packer, shipper, and developer of premium apples, is reporting a strong Pazazz apple crop.
“We’re seeing robust crops across all our orchards, including those on both coasts and the Midwest,” says Don Roper, vice president at Honeybear Brands.
Shipments are originating from Washington, the Midwest, New York and Nova Scotia. For the second year in a row, Honeybear Brands will provide Pazazz from Chilean orchards insuring that year round availability.
Various storage capabilities provide shorter shipping distances to markets throughout the year.
About Honeybear Brands
Family owned and operated for more than 40 years, Honeybear is a dual hemisphere grower, packer, shipper and importer of apples, pears and cherries year-round. It is a pioneer in the commercialization of Honeycrisp apples. Honeybear Brands is a wholly owned subsidiary of Wescott Agri Products

LOS ANGELES – The Giumarra Companies announces its exclusive, domestic Lemonade apple volume will increase to promotable levels this fall. The vibrant, yellow apple sensation will see a dramatic increase in production in the state of Washington, complemented by more availability in Pennsylvania.
“We are excited to share that we have expanded our offering of exclusive Lemonade apples in collaboration with Apple King from Washington state and Rice Fruit Company from Pennsylvania,” said Jason Bushong, Wenatchee Division Manager for the Giumarra Companies. “Our increased supply will help us meet the soaring consumer demand for this distinctive variety.”
The Lemonade variety was developed in New Zealand. Bushong noted the importance of Giumarra’s grower partners in expanding domestic acreage of Lemonade, which has been in commercial development in the U.S. for five years. The Keller family has been growing apples in the Yakima Valley since 1914. This multigenerational grower family is recognized globally under their distinguished brand name, Apple King. Founded in 1913, the Rice Fruit Company is a family-run fruit packing business located in the heart of Pennsylvania’s apple country.
Promotable volumes of Lemonade apples will begin shipping in late October, continuing through January. The fruit will be available in bulk cartons and multiple bag options.
“Word of mouth has been a powerful tool in generating consumer excitement for our brand,” said Bushong. “Consumers are captivated by the apple’s visually appealing yellow hue, invigorating tang, and satisfying crunch.”
About the Giumarra Companies
The Giumarra Companies is a leading international network of fresh produce growers, distributors, and marketers that encompasses a world of flavor and freshness. Since its inception in 1922, the company has taken pride in a longstanding commitment to quality, service, and industry leadership.

No matter how you look at it, 2022-23 is a down year for the U.S. fresh apple shipments.
The USAppleTracker report, released on April 10 by USApple, indicates the total fresh crop and current product remaining in storage is down from the five-year average and recent years. U.S. fresh apple exports are also substantially off. U.S. fresh apple imports, which are always a relatively small industry factor, are also down.
As of April 2023, U.S. fresh apples in storage stood at 50.2 million 42-pound bushels. This is down from 53.3 million in April 2022, and down from the five-year average, which is 54.4 million bushels for April. The five-year average for total seasonal movement before April is 67.3 million bushels. For the 2022-23 season, 52.3 million bushels have been shipped from holdings.
Processed apple holdings for this season are slightly down. As of April 2023, 21.1 million bushels were in storage. The five-year average as of April 2023 is 22.5 million bushels.
Monthly U.S. fresh apple export volumes have all been well below the five-year average. Except for matching the three million bushels exported in December of 2022 and 2021, export volumes for 2022-23 have slightly trailed the previous year, which was also a down year for volumes.
Since July 2022, U.S. fresh apple exports have ranged between about 1.8 million and the three million bushels exported in December.
In July 2022, the U.S. imported about 1 million bushels of fresh apples. There is a rapid monthly decline in import volumes, with very little apple import volume indicated from November through February.
To date for this season, total fresh apple exports are about 14 million bushels. Total imports are about two million bushels. Both these numbers are the lowest of the last five years.
As of April 2023, controlled atmosphere (CA) storage dominated storage techniques, with national fresh holdings in CA totaling 40.3 million bushels. Washington State apples accounted for 34.2 million CA apples. Refrigerated storage in April only totaled 9.9 million bushels.

Lyndonville, NY – Last year’s domestic apple crop is a tale of two seasons as weather conditions in major growing regions dictated significantly different results for orchards in the Northwest and Northeast.
The extreme heat in late summer and overall challenging weather conditions in Washington caused a significant 20% drop in volume to a 100 million case crop. This shortfall created supply challenges for retailers who typically rely heavily on fruit from the country’s largest apple growing region.
On the other side of the country, the New York apple crop reported a strong 32+ million bushel volume, with good sizing, high color and excellent flavor. Basically a rebound year from the previous harvest, the eastern region experienced near record volume with traditional varieties including Acey Mack, Empire, Fuji, Gala, Pink Lady and Red Delicious.
United Apple has a network of 59 local growers with their managed club varieties: EverCrisp, Ruby Frost and SnapDragon.
EverCrisp is now in its fifth season with product projected to be available through May. SnapDragon is in season nine and had volume until late March. Ruby Frost in its ninth season will have product into June.
With Washington’s crop being down, United Apple has reached out to its Southern hemisphere import partners to support requested volumes for slicers and processors to build consistent volumes for national programs.
Here is the schedule for United Apple’s import arrivals:
Gala – late March through mid-July;
Grannies – mid-April through mid-August;
Fuji – mid-May through late August;
Pink Lady – mid-May through early September.