Posts Tagged “California strawberry shipments”

Naturipe’s California Strawberry Supply Hits Peak Shipments

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Salinas, CA – Naturipe’s California strawberries are in peak production with the high-quality and flavorful berries consumers expect from Naturipe. Peak volumes are starting now and expected to last through June.

This season, Naturipe Farms is set to have its highest volumes of strawberries, as all California regions are in full production. Oxnard, Santa Maria, and Watsonville-Salinas are producing at peak volumes with great quality and supplies. We have a mix of proprietary and U.C. varieties to bring our customers the best of both worlds!

“This year’s California strawberry crop is peaking just in time for National Strawberry Month. We are seeing great quality and delicious flavor on these sweet and juicy berries. We are thrilled to be offering strong promotable volumes heading into May,” said Jerry Moran, Vice President of Sales for Naturipe.

About Naturipe:

Naturipe is a farmer-owned producer and marketer of nutritious, best tasting, premium berries and avocados that has been an industry leader for more than 100 years

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Merger Allows Strawberry Shippers More Volume

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Gem-Pack Berries LLC of Irvine, CA and and Red Blossom Sales Inc. of Salinas, CA merged last October and combined the companies now has about 5,000 acres of strawberries in Florida, Mexico and California, as well as raspberries, blackberries and blueberries. 

Gem-Pack reports the expansion now allows year around shipments of berries with the ability to continue growing.

During the next three months, strawberry shipments will be heavy, creating more opportunities to work on branding with retailers.  

The company is a major shipper of strawberries. It will increase strawberry volume by 15 percent this year. Although, it has a few new items.

It is shipping pineberries out of Florida, as well as new blackberry varieties from Mexico. The company also added raspberries to its product line.

The company also offers organic strawberries out of Baja, Mexico, and Watsonville, CA.

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California Shippers Gearing Up for Peak Strawberry Volume

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Shipments of California strawberries continue to increase this month building towards a peak in April.

Well-Pict Berries of Watsonville, CA grows its Southern California strawberry varieties on approximately 1,200 acres in Oxnard, CA because the coastline provides moderate temperatures and a 12-month growing season. 

Shipments both conventional and organic berries are expected to be similar to recent years, Well-Pict reports. Peak loadings begin towards the end of March, beginning of April.

Naturipe Farms of Salinas, CA has increased strawberry acreage in Oxnard and additional acreage throughout the company’s main growing regions in California. It’s Southern California shipments will peak in April.

While the company will have its best volume in spring, it also expects good volumes of fresh strawberries throughout the year.

Naturipe has increased its organic strawberries acreage this year over 20 percent.

Naturipe is promoting bigger packs of strawberries this year to help counter higher freight rates. By shipping 2-pound packs, the company can get 14 percent more weight on a truck versus the 1-pound pack.

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California Giant Berry Farms Strawberry Shipments 15% Ahead of Last Season

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Strawberry shipments are about 15% ahead of where it was this time last at California Giant Berry Farms, based in Watsonville, CA.

The growing/shipping operation also has a year-round supply of sustainably grown fresh strawberries, blueberries, raspberries and blackberries.

California Giant Berry Farms expects to begin peak strawberry shipments from its Southern California ranches in late March. Oxnard began picking strawberries the first week of January will quickly ramp up it approaches peak volume in March.

The Santa Maria spring crop began harvest the second week of January and will double in volume week after week through March.

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Good Fall Volume is Seen for California Strawberry Shipments

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While strawberries may be seen more as a summer shipping item, good fall volume is seen for the months ahead.

Nearly 25 percent of total California fresh strawberry shipments in 2020 were shipped from September through December, according to USDA figures.

As of August 8, fresh strawberry shipments from California had totaled 137.7 million crates, down from 145.4 million crates the same time last year, but similar to 137.1 million trays two years ago. At the same time in 2020, about 31% of the of 210-million-crate 2020 crop remained to be shipped.

California fresh strawberry volume was running at 5.9 million crates for the week ending August 7.

Well- Pict of Watsonville, CA reports hot weather in the West has not affected strawberry production as much it may have had an effect on other crops. The weather in California strawberry growing regions had not been a hot as in other growing areas with the exception of a short hot period in May. Watsonville fields have been producing a steady crop of good color, size and tasting strawberries that is expected to continue into the later parts of October.

That crop will then be supplemented by Well-Pict’s summer-planted crop in Oxnard.

The California Strawberry Commission of Watsonville projected weekly volume in the fall period of summer-planted strawberries, grown in Santa Maria and Oxnard, is expected to be up about 5% compared with 2020. California’s total fresh shipments for the 2021 season will fall somewhere between the 202-million-crate crop in 2019 and 210 million crates packed in 2020.

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Spring California Strawberry Shipments Expected to be Big Again this Year

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2021 is shaping up to be a big for California strawberries, with total
strawberry acreage for pegged at 36,487 acres.

The California Strawberry Commission’s acreage survey, released in December, shows acreage planted in the fall, which produces fruit during the traditional winter, spring and summer seasons, reported at 28,407 acres, up 5.7% compared to a year ago.

The Salinas-Watsonville district accounts for 43% of the state’s winter/spring/summer acreage, compared with 36% for Santa Maria, 20% for Oxnard and just 1% for Orange County/San Diego/Coachella.

California strawberry shipments are expected to peak in early May, with the state’s shippers projected to ship 10 million or more trays in a week.

While 10 million trays per week are seen for early May, the commission expects 9 to 10 million trays weekly for several weeks.

About 15% of California’s strawberry output is exported.

Total California organic strawberry acreage reported for 2021 is 4,684 acres, which is about 12.8% of total state acreage. Organic output reached a record in 2020, and acreage for 2021 is about the same as a year ago.

California strawberry acreage planted in the summer of 2021, which will produce during the fall season, is projected at 8,080 acres, according to the report. All of the summer planted acreage is in Oxnard and Santa Maria.


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California Summer Strawberry Shipments Looking Strong

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California strawberry shippers had shipped 121.8 million trays of the fruit by mid July, up from 112.2 million trays last year at the same time, but down from the 128 million trays shipped in 2018, according to the California Strawberry Commission.

Well-Pict Inc. of Watsonville, CA reports the season peaked around July 1, although plenty of berries remain.

Strawberry shipments were strong in part due to a shorter-than-usual early-season crops of some other summer fruits such as watermelons and cherries. Since then increased volume from watermelons and cherries as well as other summer fruits like peaches, plums, nectarines and grapes, strawberry are providing more competition. 

Watsonville-Salinas strawberry loadings are seasonally declining and Well-Pict will pick up its new fall strawberry crop out of Oxnard from mid-September through mid-November.

Bobalu Berries of Oxnard is gearing up to kick off its fall crop from Santa Maria. The grower-shipper loads out of an area that is actually north of the main Santa Maria growing region in a coastal location similar to Salinas.

Picking should start this week and continue until early November.

Salinas Valley berries and vegetables – grossing about $5700 to Chicago.

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California Strawberry Shipments Could be up 16 Million Trays over Last Year

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California strawberry shipments are on track to beat last year’s 202 million trays by a little over 16 million.

Naturipe Berry Growers of Salinas, CA finished its Santa Maria berry shipments the first week of June and then shifted to the Watsonville area.

May and June are peak months for California strawberries.

Early in the season, shippers were loading in Oxnard, Santa Maria and Watsonville.

Volume remained strong through June, will have a seasonal decline in July and August.

Bobalu Berries of Oxnard, CA hit peak loadings in mid-June. Although the company has been a longtime grower, this is the first year Bobalu Berries is shipping its own product.

The grower has an interesting location north and west of Santa Maria, close to the ocean, similar to the Watsonville area.

Watsonville-Salinas will be the primary area in California shipping strawberries as the season progresses, but that area is significantly larger than the state’s other berry growing regions.

Naturipe’s volume likely will end up equal to or a little more than last year.

Main Street Produce Inc. of Santa Maria likely will continue to ship strawberries from that area until December.

The company’s volume will be up about 15 percent over last year.

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California Strawberry Loads May Exceed Last Year

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California strawberry shipments could exceed last year’s volume thanks to increased plantings and higher yielding varieties.

Strawberry growers planted nearly 27,000 acres of strawberries for winter, spring and summer production this year, about 1,000 acres more than 2019.

The California Strawberry Commission of Watsonville, CA. reports the combination of increased acreage and the introduction of high-yielding varieties offers growers the potential of producing more than last year’s 202 million plus trays.

Ventura County accounts for 19 percent of the state’s acreage, Santa Maria has 35 percent and Watsonville has 45 percent.

As of March 9, the state had shipped nearly 8.5 million trays of strawberries compared to 4.3 million trays at the same time last year.

Well-Pict Inc. of Watsonville, CA was picking in Oxnard the second week of March and the area hit a peak at the end of March.

Santa Maria began loadings in late March, but the crop was slowed due to earlier weather issues. The areais now entering peak shipments.

Meanwhile, Watsonville shipments are ahead of schedule this year.

Red Blossom Sales Inc., Salinas, CA started shipment from Santa Maria the second week of March 9 but was planningt to start picking in Watsonville around April 30, as usual.

Bobalu Berries of Oxnard started its strawberry season in Ventura County and will be shipping from Watsonville in May.

Truck rates from Ventura County have plunged in recent days from 15 to 30 percent, depending on the market. Oxnard rates have dropped over 20 percent – strawberries and vegetables to New York City – about $6200; down 30 percent to Atlanta – now about $3900.

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California Strawberry Season to Have Heavy Shipments

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California strawberry shipments in the Salinas-Watsonville area kicked off at the end of March, in time to meet increased demand for berries spurred by the COVID-19 pandemic.

Volumes of California strawberries will be plentiful this season, according to a news release from California Giant Berry Farms, Watsonville.

Nick Chappell, director of retail sales for the berry company, said in the release that Oxnard harvest will peak by mid-April and Santa Maria strawberry volumes are “continuing to increase with volumes unlike we have seen in years.”

“Not only are we about to have momentous supply for our partners during a time of increased retail demand, but all regions are producing exceptional quality to kick-start the spring season.”
Sales data from IRI show that berry category sales for the week ending March 15 saw an increase of almost 32 percent from the same period in 2019.

 California Giant started an e-mail marketing campaign in late March targeting its most engaged consumers — a.k.a the “Berry Squad” — in the company’s database.

“With the uncertainties and difficulties families are currently facing, we wanted to offer an incentive and support to shoppers that are looking to stock up on fresh, nutritious berries on their grocery runs,” Chappell said in the release.

Digital connectivity and communities are becoming more important as consumers limit contact with others because of the virus. Marketing Manager Morgan Maitoza said a recent customer response statement to consumers and trade customers received a high “open rate” of 43%.

“While routines and realities look very different for families across the nation at this time, our goal is to continue to connect with our shoppers, provide helpful, relatable and comforting content and attainable recipes with ingredients and pantry staples shoppers may already have in their own homes, while adding in the sweetness, diversity and nutritional benefits of berries,” Maitoza said in the release.

In April, California Giant will have a new promotion focusing on heavy volume periods with a “Back to the Basics” theme, as consumers spend more time at home and find comfort in food, according to the release.

Ventura County strawberries and vegetables – grossing $8000 to New York City.

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