Posts Tagged “foodservice shipments”

Produce shippers with foodservice customers see 2021 being a little more sane than last year.
Shippers in the Santa Maria area of California relate the pandemic’s effect on shipments has been profound, but foodservice demand is slowly recovering.
Beachside Produce LLC. of Guadalupe, CA sees improved foodservice shipments approaching pre-pandemic levels, which could happen as early as midsummer.
Mid-July is also the target date for a return to pre-pandemic foodservice demand levels for AB Fresh Inc. of Santa Maria, CA, which has experienced wild swings in demand in 2020 as the virus affected different regions of the country.
Main Street Produce of Santa Maria reports reaching the pre-pandemic level of demand will take time. The company see shipments increase as the country exits the pandemic, but it could be a multi-year process before approaching pre-pandemic levels. Last year’s increased shipments to retailers is carrying over into 2021.
Innovative Produce of Santa Maria described the past year as “a wild ride” with 2021 being “moderately less wild.” Barring another big wave/shutdown, Babé Farms is optimistic foodservice will be close to pre-pandemic levels in late 2021 or early 2022.
Durant Distributing of Santa Maria says “normal” should be back when all restaurants are open 100%.