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During my 47 years involvement with the trucking and produce industries, it has been my privilege to work with men and women, who are dedicated, hard-working and mostly good, down-to-earth honest folks. Without either industry it would be impossible to bring the finest fruits and vegetable to a hungry nation every single day. This is why I’ve been so proud to be part of these dynamic Industries.
And nothing is more important to the supply chain than trucks and truckers. Without you our great country would come to a halt.
I launched my career in September 1974 and was soon heavily involved in the most drastic change of the trucking industry, its deregulation. From this point on it has been a dynamic and exciting ride; one which I have never regretted. was formally launched in January 2012 and I “retired” nearly three years later. Over the past decade I’ve posted over 3,150 news and feature stories. Hopefully a few of the things I’ve learned over the past half century are beneficial.
May this special time of the year bring you peace, good health, and happiness. And may 2022 bring us hope, resilience and a belief the human race will become better.
I sincerely thank you for your loyalty and kindness.
-Bill Martin-
I’m not sure where 2017 went, but ready or not I’m plowing right into 2018!
I’ve been very blessed in many ways, one of which is the way continues to have more folks signing up for our free subscriptions. This tells me you are finding worthwhile information here relating to produce hauling, as well as other news such as the health benefits of eating fresh fruits and vegetables.
There have now been over 1900 posts published on the website since it was launched on January 12, 2012. Six years! Where has the time gone!
The primary sponsors of HaulProduce – Allen Lund Co., Cool Runnings, and DMTB, I have personally known the owners a combined 105 years! They are all good, honest people that I can’t say enough good things about. The bottom line is they care about maintaining impeccable business reputations and they truly care about the trucking industry and particularly the hard working Americans that deliver well over 9o percent of the fresh produce to destinations across North America.
So, here is a shout out to 3 of the finest men I’ve ever known – Allen Lund, Fred Plotsky and Jimmy DeMatteis.
It looks like we are entering another cycle in the trucking industry. If you are old enough you have witnessed several of these over the years. The economy slows down, excess equipment is out there and freight rates plunge. Luckily, it looks like what started in 2017 is just really getting started with this new cycle in trucking. The economy is picking up, equipment and qualified drivers are harder to find, and freight rates are on the rise.
Of course, we can always count on the federal and state governments to put a damper on things, particularly with more rules, regulations and taxes, most of which seem to do more harm than good, and often increase costs of operation.
I continue to be amazed, especially with the owner operators and small fleet owners, that continue to persevere.
This is wishing each of you much happiness and health in the New Year. – Bill Martin
Happy Thanksgiving! Come February will quietly celebrate its 5th anniversary of providing you with what I hope is information worth your valuable time ranging from active produce shipping areas, peak shipping periods, caution when needed about quality problems at shipping point, demand for refrigerated equipment, produce trucking rates, not mention health stories and other news related to perishables. Unabashedly this site is a proponent of healthy eating and promoting the health benefits of fresh fruits and vegetables. Fresh produce is a daily part of my diet.
Today, there are nearly 1000 subscribers to HaulProduce and I cannot thank each of you enough. Since its inception nearly 1900 posts have been placed on this blog.
It has been three years now since retiring after 40-plus years traveling this great nation as a journalist writing about both the trucking and produce industries. It was this knowledge gained from both industries that led me to create the Produce Truckers Network back in the 1980s. At its peak it had over 60 radio stations across North America and also was on satellite radio for several years before its completion after 20 years on the air. The same concept exists today with HaulProduce.
Although officially, retired, this outlet allows me to continue to doing something I love – and at the same time provide something useful to our subscribers. At the same time it allows spending more time with my kids, grandson and my lovely wife of 49 years.
It is with all of this in mind I plan to fully enjoy Thanksgiving, to appreciate and give thanks for all the opportunities available in the United States of America.
I will thank the good Lord for all those “highway warriors” that deliver over 95 percent of the fresh produce to markets across this great nation, as well as being thankful for everyone else in the distribution chain from growers and shippers, to all forms of companies involved in the distribution chain. It certainly doesn’t end up on our Thanksgiving dinner table by magic.
May God bless each of you and have a blessed Thanksgiving.
— Bill Martin
AT A RECENT CHRISTMAS PARTY ARTIST DARREL CHRISTOPHER WAS PERFORMING AND TOLD THE AUDIENCE HIS DADDY USED TO TELL HIM, “SON ALWAYS LOOK FOR A WAY TO TURN SOMETHING BAD INTO GOOD.” Darrel then began to sing one of the most beloved hymns of all time, “Amazing Grace.” However, he used the melody of the famous blues/rock song about a house of prostitution – “House of the Rising Sun.” Here are lyrics to both songs. To see Darrell performing Amazing Grace go to: Blues Society of Tulsa Facebook page.
“The House Of The Rising Sun”
There is a house in New Orleans
They call the Rising Sun
And it’s been the ruin of many a poor boy
And God, I know I’m one
My mother was a tailor
She sewed my new blue jeans
My father was a gamblin’ man
Down in New Orleans
Now the only thing a gambler needs
Is a suitcase and trunk
And the only time he’s satisfied
Is when he’s on a drunk
[Organ Solo]
Oh mother, tell your children
Not to do what I have done
Spend your lives in sin and misery
In the House of the Rising Sun
Well, I got one foot on the platform
The other foot on the train
I’m goin’ back to New Orleans
To wear that ball and chain
Well, there is a house in New Orleans
They call the Rising Sun
And it’s been the ruin of many a poor boy
And God, I know I’m one
Amazing grace! (how sweet the sound)
That saved a wretch like me!
I once was lost, but now am found,
Was blind, but now I see.
‘Twas grace that taught my heart to fear,
And grace my fears relieved;
How precious did that grace appear
The hour I first believed!
Through many dangers, toils, and snares,
I have already come;
‘Tis grace that brought me safe thus far,
And grace will lead me home.
The Lord has promised good to me,
His word my hope secures;
He will my shield and portion be
As long as life endures.
Yes, when this flesh and heart shall fail,
And mortal life shall cease,
I shall possess, within the veil,
A life of joy and peace.
The earth shall soon dissolve like snow,
The sun forbear to shine;
But God, who called me here below,
Will be for ever mine.
Amazing grace! (how sweet the sound)
That saved a wretch like me!
I once was lost, but now am found,
Was blind, but now I see.
Happy New Year and welcome to 2016!
It has been a memorable year for We’ll be noting, if not celebrating our 4th anniversary on January 12th, of providing you the most up to date information on hauling fresh fruits and vegetables as well as issues surrounding fresh produce that may affect you.
We posted our 1300th item on December 18th. Those taking advantage of our free subscription continues to grow. This is where you are automatically notified of new postings. We have now surpassed 350 subscribers.
I want to thank my sponsors, all of whom I’ve personally known 20 years or more. All of them represent the highest standards of honesty and integrity, and truly care not only about their customers, but the men and women behind the wheel of the big rigs that keep this nation moving.
There is Allen Lund and Kenny Lund (Allen Lund Company), Fred Plotsky (Cool Runnings) and Jimmy DeMatteis (Des Moines Truck Brokers). If you are an owner operator, small fleet owner or some other type of long haul carrier, you are in good hands with these folks.
TransFresh is another sponsor, but of a different nature. When you click on their ad it can open a lot of doors to valuable information for those involved with transporting perishables. Rich Macleod of TransFresh has a soft spot for the hard work ethic and the issues facing produce truckers, and he understands and appareciates the vital role they play.
The challenge of not only finding produce loads, but being paid a fair freight rate, is just the start. Delivering that perishable product from point A to point B in a timely fashion, and in good condition can be equally as challenging. Hopefully, through we can play a small part in making your business more successful.
In the meantime, here is wishing you a healthy, happy, and prosperous 2016 – and of course, safe travels. God Bless. —Bill Martin
In January marks it 4th anniversary. During this month we will have posted on the website 1,000 produce trucking reports and other news items and features.
This sojourn began in September 1974 as I began learning all I could about the produce and trucking industries and combining those two interests with what eventually led to creating the Produce Truckers Network. During its 20-years on the air it was broadcast on over 60 radio stations across the U.S. and Canada, before becoming a part of satellite radio for four years.
The essence of those radio reports continues to be viable to this day, as it re-emerged as
It is very encouraging receiving the regular phone calls and e-mails saying the website is providing informative, useful information, whether it comes from owner operators, small fleet owners, carriers, or third parties.
Ironically, when I entered this industry it was a period leading up t0 the deregulation of the trucking industry. Unfortunately, this “deregulated” industry has to deal with more stifling regulations than ever.
After four decades of relationships established in both the trucking and produce industries, and collecting a wealth of information scattered throughout the internet, providing information you can use in your business continues to be a priority.
A special thank you goes to TransFresh Corp. that provides the Techtrol CO2 process that extends shelf live of berries and other items in-transit, thus reducing the chances for claims or rejected loads at destination.
Another special thank you to truck brokerage Cool Runnings.
I have known Rich Macleod of TransFresh and Fred Plotsky at Cool Runnings for decades and deeply appreciate their sponsorship since day one of this venture. Both companies represent the finest in business ethics and practices.
We are looking forward to more companies are coming aboard in the New Year.
However, without you, our readers and subscribers, none of this would be possible. Thank you so much for your continued support.
As we embark on 2015, this is wishing you a Happy, Healthy and Prosperous New Year filled with safe travels.
— Bill Martin
Here’s an international glimpse at fresh produce loading opportunities, starting with Canadian vegetables from Quebec, Northwest cherries, and the up coming Mexican tomato shipping season.
Quebec Vegetable Shipments
While has reported on Ontario vegetable shipments (see June 25th report), here we go with what’s coming soon out of Quebec.
While there are still a few onions from the past season still being shipped, the new crop of onions will be getting underway in mid July, with cantaloupes to soon follow the third week of July, along with carrots, lettuce and peppers.
Broccoli shipments recently started and will continue into early November.
While Quebec ships vegetables to the upper Midwest and some East Coast markets in the U.S., most of its apples never leave this Canadian province – shipping regionally, if not locally.
Quebec also has a couple of fresh cranberry shippers. They shipped over one million pounds last year, and expect to load even more this fall.
Northwest Cherry Shipments
Northwest cherries, led by Washington state are cranking up shipments. It is estimated the Northwest will load 22 million boxes, which could be the region’s second-largest crop behind 2012’s record shipments of 23 million boxes.
Mexican Tomato Shipments
Looking ahead to the 2014-15 season for Mexican tomato shipments, of which a good percent cross the border into the U.S., shows a slight decline projected by the USDA. Around 2.28 million tons of tomatoes will be shipped this coming season, down from 2.35 million ton from the season that recently ended. Acreage for Mexican fresh tomatoes is projected at 106,000 acres, off from the 111,000 in the 2013-14 season.
However, produce haulers will notice little difference in tomato loadings because Mexican yields are up due to expanded plantings in greenhouses, shade houses, tunnels and other forms of protected measures for growing. Many tomato growing operations are financed or owned by major tomato shippers in the U.S., especially growers from California.
Washington state fruit – grossing about $4200 to Chicago.
It’s New Year’s Day and pardon me if I reflect a bit on the past year.
As for this website,, I can’t thank each of you enough for visting the website. Apparently you are finding it useful in your business. That was my whole purpose in launcing this site nearly two years ago.
I receive calls on a regular basis, and in many cases when you are looking for produce loads. Some of you call under the impression I am either a carrier, logistics company or a truck broker – none of which I pretend to be. Haul, much like the radio reports I did for nearly 20 years (known at the Produce Truckers Network) provided produce reports on loading opportunities, quality of product you’d be hauling and a general idea of what kind of a gross freight rate you should receive.
Our number of visits to the website continue to increase. It has a relatively new feature, where you can subscribe for free, which continues to have more people in the trucking industry signing up. With the free subscription, you receive an e-mail consisting of a paragraph relating to the most recent post. If that bit of information interests you, you can click on the e-mail link and read to the whole story.
Again, thank you for your support. If you know of a fellow trucker or someone in the trucking industry who may benefit from the website, please let them know about us.
God bless you, your family and business in the New Year. — Bill and Vivian Martin
Here’s hoping each of you are able to spend Christmas with those closest to you. What a gift to be able to love and be loved.
When the folks are opening a Christmas gift this year, it most likely was delivered to your city or town by truck.
The DOT reports trucks moved 73.7 percent of the country’s freight in 2012, carrying $10 trillion worth of the country’s $13.6 trillion in freight.
The figuress come from the DOT’s recently released Commodity Flow Survey, which is done about every five years.
Trucks also carried 70 percent of the tonnage moved in 2012, hauling 8 billion of the 11.7 billion tons shipped last year.
The for-hire trucking industry carried $6.6 trillion in freight — 48.5 percent of the total — the CFS says, while private trucks hauled 25.2 percent, or $3.4 trillion.
Trucks were slightly edged by rail, though, in ton-miles last year, as rail moved 44.5 percent and trucking moved 38.1 percent. Ton-miles is a measurement of weight multiplied by distance shipped.
Over half of the total tonnage moved in 2012 went less than 50 miles, while shipments traveling fewer than 250 miles accounted for more than 60 percent.
The CFS is only conducted every five years, with the first coming in 1993, and the subsequent ones coming in 1997, 2002, 2007 and last year. Final data from the survey will be released in December 2014.
Meanwhile, consumers show remember that whether it is the Christms tree at the home, the toys under that tree, or the furniture, or produce and other food in the refrigerator, chances are it came by truck.
To subcribers, sponsors and others who visit this website, this is wishing you the best Christmas ever! God Bless.
— Bill Martin has a purpose of providing helpful and insightful information first of all to the professionals who haul nearly 100 percent of the nation’s fresh fruits and vegetables to destinations all over the United States, Canada, and now Mexico. There are health related features here as well since truckers are more often becoming health conscious and realize the benefits of eating fresh produce. There also is information on “In-Transit Issues” to help deliver a better product and hopefully reduce the chances of a claim or rejected load. Other issues covered range from trucking equipment to occasional political issues.
Yet, the heart of is the produce trucking reports providing information ranging from when shipping areas become active, to when these areas may have shipping gaps, to information relating to volume and quality of produce available for hauling. When produce rates are listed they are based upon being straight loads in 48-foot refrigerated trailers. Rates can also vary on a day-to-day, if not hourly basis, thus quoted rates are to give you a general idea of what is being paid. You should add more to your freight rate when there are multiple pickups and drops, brokerage fees, gate fees, unloading charges and possible other expenses that affect your bottom line…
As grows and evolves, look for new features on this site. Wishing you safe travels and profitable hauls. — Bill Martin