Posts Tagged “Huron lettuce shipments”

Huron iceberg and leaf lettuce out of the San Joaquin Valley is getting under way this week as a few suppliers start harvesting.
Some desert regional shipments will remain available for two to three more weeks, while other areas such as Oxnard, CA will also have limited volume before the Salinas ‘Valley and Santa Maria Valley finally start .
Huron supplies are about 10 to 12 days behind schedule to due to consistently cold and rainy conditions over the past two months. Iceberg lettuce quality is very good; case weights will be light as production begins.
Romaine and green leaf quality also looks good overall, but there is some damage from insects and there elevated dirt at the base of the heads. Case weights for 24-count romaine will be in the lower than normal.

Shipments of lettuce and other leafy greens are shifting from the California and Arizona deserts to the short Huron, CA, season, with the Salinas Valley season just getting underway this week. Some caution is urged in loading head lettuce, which has quality problems.
Markon Cooperative notes in its weekly Fresh Crop Report, lettuce prices are steady and supplies are strong as consumer demand is rising with more restaurants opening.
USDA reports both romaine and iceberg lettuce prices have nearly doubled in the last month.
Romaine, green leaf and spring mix supplies are very good quality, Markon reports, while iceberg lettuce has some issues with frost, mildew and wind-damaged outer leaves. It is recommended your receiver be alerted while still at shipping point the condition of the lettuce.
The transition from the desert areas to northern California growing areas occurs every spring.
California/Arizona desert lettuce and other vegetables – grossing about $6100 to Chicago.
As the Yuma, AZ lettuce season winds down and Salinas prepares to gear up, use caution loading desert vegetables as quality problems are being reported.
Yuma lettuce shipments in particular are having quality issues due to higher than normal temperatures. The produce is showing some rib blight, rot and sclerotinia. This is occurring as there is up to a 20 percent increase in shipments for Easter. Easter is March 27, essentially coinciding with the start of the Salinas, CA. season for many grower-shippers. Until then, unusually warm weather in Yuma, AZ, is likely to affect quality for all lettuce items.
While Yuma, as well as the Thermal, CA area is finishing up on head and mixed lettuce, Santa Maria mixed leaf shipments have started about two weeks earlier than normal.
Salinas mixed lettuce and other vegetable shipments should get underway in light volume the week of March 28th, about a week ahead of schedule.
Huron lettuce shipments out of the San Joaquin Valley starts the last week of March and will continue for about three weeks.
The Salinas Valley has had a lot of rain recently that interrupted plantings of vegetables. Down the road apiece, this is expected to result in some shipping gaps in late May and early June.
Yuma, Iceberg, romaine, leaf, broccoli and cauliflower shipments – grossing about $5600 to New York City.
Desert produce shipments are winding down headed towards an earlier-than-normal finish out of the Arizona’s Yuma district and California’s Imperial Valley.
Volume is already very light on broccoli and cauliflower from the desert regions. Meanwhile, those same items are getting an early start from the Salinas Valley.
Salinas vegetable shipments started with very light volume a week ago, and it will the week of March 16th before broccoli and cauliflower start hitting good volume.
Meanwhile, a similar situation exits with lettuce ranging from Iceberg to romaine and leaf lettuce, which are winding down in the desert areas….To bridge the gap between the desert areas and Salinas, there is about a three-week shipping season out of the San Joaquin Valley’s Huron disrict. However, there’s going to be a shipping gap as Huron lettuce shipments won’t get underway until the week of March 23rd.
Meanwhile, shipping gaps with head lettuce, romaine and leaf that were common during the desert winter shipping season are expected to remain in play through March and into April as Salinas starts shipping.
California/Arizona desert vegetables – grossing about $6500 to New York City.
Salinas/Santa Maria vegetable shipments – grossing about $4500 to Chicago.