Posts Tagged “Peruvian avocado imports”

Calavo Growers Imported Peruvian Avocado Season is Underway

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Calavo Growers of Santa Paula, CA started importing Peruvian fruit each week
in June, and shipments are anticipated to continue into early September.

Calavo Fresh Sales reports inital arrivals are ripening well and have
excellent quality. Peruvian supplies look good coming out of Peru, although
crop volume is down from previous years and sizing is trending from large to
small sizes.

Calavo’s shipments from Peru are received in the port of Philadelphia and
transferred the short distance to its Swedesboro, N.J., warehouse for ripening
and shipping.

The majority of Calavo’s Peruvian fruit is sold loose in standard 2-layer
tray-packed cartons.

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Peak Imports of Peruvian Avocados to Come in July, August

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Imports of Peruvian avocados by the U.S. occurred from May through October 2023. USDA shipment numbers reveal the peak supply of Peruvian fruit arrived in July and August, with 27% of the yearly supply of conventional fruit arriving in July and 39% in August.

The USDA reported total U.S. import shipments of conventional Peruvian avocados totaled 154.9 million pounds in 2023, with shipments of organic avocados from Peru rated at 9.2 million pounds.

In 2022, the USDA reported Peru shipped 250 million pounds of conventional avocados to the U.S., with shipments arriving from March through October.

The USDA reported Peruvian organic avocado shipments in 2022 totaled 18.8 million pounds.

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Record Imports of Peruvian Avocados Are Expected by the U.S.

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The U.S. is expects to import a record amount of Peruvian avocados this summer, an unprecedented 250 million pounds — according to the Peruvian Avocado Commission. The increase in Peru’s avocado export volume from last year will allow the South American country to play an important role in supplying avocados to the U.S. market.

McDaniel Fruit Co. of Fallbrook, CA report the additional volume fits well into the U.S. market, which is facing a shorter than typical California avocado season, plus there was volatility in the Mexican market transitioning into the new crop. Sizing will peak on 48s and larger, which will complement the introduction of the Mexican flora loca crop, which typically consists of smaller avocados.

And as global supply chain disruption persists, elevated volume on Peruvian avocados will further help suppliers and retailers keep pace with demand.

There also are Global conflicts and challenges in the supply chain which seem to change weekly, resulting in struggles with movement around the globe. The Russian invasion of Ukraine has pressures growers to ship bigger volumes to the North American market. The company predicts a 30% increase in Peruvian avocado supply compared to last year because of these factors.

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Peruvian Avocados Arriving at U.S. Ports into September

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Peruvian avocado imports by the U.S. should continue until around Labor Day, after arrivals began in May.

Peruvian growers are expected to ship 160 million to 180 million pounds of avocados to the U.S. this season depending on market conditions.

Last year, Peru shipped 180 million pounds of avocados to America.

Del Rey Avocado Co. of Fallbrook, CA reports the majority of avocados imported from Peru usually arrive at ports on the East Coast, while fruit grown in California tends to remain in the West.

California has a very small volume crop this season and Mexico also has fewer avocados than normal.. This could result in more Peruvian avocados being shipped to Western markets than usual this season.

Calavo Growers Inc. of Santa Paula, CA is in it’s 4th year of importing avocados from Peru to the U.S., and the third year of a relationship with the same grower-packer in that country.

The company’s initial Peruvian avocado imports from young trees in the furthest northern district had been distributed by mid May,while shipments from the Trujillo area farther south, where the main plantings are, started with in the past week.

McDaniel Fruit Co., Fallbrook, CA., expects to import a record amount of Peruvian fruit this season due to the small California crop. The company has been pleased with initial arrivals that started in May and describes the quality as excellent.

Eco Farms of Temecula, CA was experiencing good arrivals of Peruvian avocados in late May and early June when supplies from both California and Mexico had tightened.

Index Fresh Inc. of Riverside, CA., has been a major importer of Peruvian avocados to the U.S. since 2012 and ships product to Canada. A significant difference this season is 2019 imports from Peru started 2 months earlier than a year ago, which didn’t see significant volume until August.

The Peruvian avocado season typically lasts about 4 months long, but growers are planting trees in new areas in an attempt to extend the growing season.

Calavo is expecting a 10 to 15 percent increase in volume from Peru this year due to young trees maturing, but more importantly, a result of growers adjusting their balance of shipments between Europe and the U.S.

Although Peru is known for shipping larger sized fruit than California or Mexico, the size curve is beginning to fall into a more normal range.

Index Fresh will receive avocados from Peru at ports in both California and Philadelphia, which gives Peruvian fruit a freight advantage compared to some other countries of origin. 

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Ohio and Canadian Veggies, Eastern Peaches, More

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DSCN7472Ohio vegetable shipments have gotten an early start, while Ontario vegetables are building in volume.  Eastern peach loadings remain steady.

Vegetable shipments out of Ohio got underway a week to 10 days early this year.  For example, Buurma Farms of Williard, OH started with radishes mid-May, and dill, cilantro and turnip and mustard greens by the end of the month.  Beets, lettuces, parsley, sweet corn, green onions and celery were  to following in short order

Ohio radish loadings started in mid-May and continue to mid-November, with other commodities starting in June and winding down in October.  For example, sweet corn, celery and peppers likely will start in mid- to late July and go to the first frost.

Ohio sweet corn and many other vegetables are shipped to destinations in the Midwest, East and South.

In late June, shipments begin for cabbage and green beans and the second week of July for corn.

Ontario Vegetable Shipments

Canada’s Ontario province vegetable shipments are now coming on and will be in full shipping mode in July.  While asparagus loading have been occurring since early May, items such as zucchini starts in late June and sweet corn will be available the first half of July.  Other items range from eggplant, to red and green peppers, colored potatoes and cluster tomatoes.

Eastern Peach Shipments

South Carolina peach shipments are good and will remain so approaching the 4th of July.  Loadings are expected to decrease some after the holiday, but then pick back up the second half of July.  Steady shipments are seen through August, before the season winds down in early September.

Georgia peach shipments remain strong, with a season similar to that of South Carolina.  Georgia is reporting its finest crop in at least a decade.

Georgia peach shipments – grossing about $2600 to New York City.

Peruvian Avocado Imports

Peru should export about 100 million pounds of hass avocados to the U.S. this season — about the same as a year ago.

However, expect more fruit next season due to newly planted trees starting to bear fruit in 2017.  Exports to the U.S. and other parts of the world will increase by 20 percent.  About 25 percent of Peru’s avocado exports are destined for the U.S.

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Updates on Imported Fruit from Chile and Peru

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002Wintertime South American imports are underway ranging from Chilean blueberries to Peruvian fruit.

Chilean blueberry imports have started, but the first volume of containers by boat will not arrove until late December.  Chilean blueberry imports typically occur from November through March.

U.S. imports of Chilean blueberries are expected to range between six and 18 percent more than the 2014-15 season.  Last season Chile exported about 101.4 million tons of fresh blueberries, of which 67 percent were sent to the U.S. and Canadian markets.  U.S. imports of Chilean fresh blueberries totaled 63.1 million tons in 2014-15, up from 49,7 million tons in 2013-2014.

Peruvian Grape Imports
Imported seeded grapes from Peru are arriving in volume at ports on the East Coast.  Peruvian red grapes are said to have better quality than green grapes this season.  California grape shipments are winding down this month.
Peruvian Avocado Imports
The Port of Savannah has added Peruvian avocados to its expanding portfolio of perishable goods.   Importing avocados through Savannah is a first for the avocado industry   Savannah allows faster  access to receivers in the Southeast. Peruvian imports occur from May through September. Savannah’s Garden City Terminal offers 94 refrigerated container racks and 733 chassis plug-ins, powering 2,989 refrigerated boxes at a time.  Another 10 racks will be complete by the end of the year, adding 240 slots for perishable goods.The Georgia Ports Authority moved nearly 140,000 20-foot equivalent container units of refrigerated cargo in fiscal year 2015.  The GPA anticipates a 4.5 percent growth rate of refrigerated cargo in the next year.

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