Posts Tagged “Plymouth”


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Wishing you safe travels if you’re on the road this holiday.  Otherwise, I trust you are able to spend Thanksgiving with those you love and cherish the most.  We have so much for which to be thankful in this great country.   May God’s blessing be with each and everyone of you.

Here’s a few interesting facts about Thanksgiving.

The famous pilgrim celebration at Plymouth Colony Massachusetts in 1621 is traditionally regarded as the first American Thanksgiving. However, there are actually 12 claims to where the “first” Thanksgiving took place: two in Texas, two in Florida, one in Maine, two in Virginia, and five in Massachusetts.

The first Thanksgiving in America actually occurred in 1541, when Francisco Vasquez de Coronado and his expedition held a thanksgiving celebration in Palo Duro Canyon in the Texas panhandle.

One of the most popular first Thanksgiving stories recalls the three-day celebration in Plymouth, Massachusetts, in 1621. Over 200 years later, President Lincoln declared the last Thursday in November as a national day of thanksgiving, and in 1941 Congress established the fourth Thursday in November as a national holiday.

Now a Thanksgiving dinner staple, cranberries were actually used by Native Americans to treat arrow wounds and to dye clothes.

Sarah Josepha Hale (1788-1879), who tirelessly worked to establish Thanksgiving as a national holiday, also was the first person to advocate women as teachers in public schools, the first to advocate day nurseries to assist working mothers, and the first to propose public playgrounds. She was also the author of two dozen books and hundreds of poems, including “Mary Had a Little Lamb.”



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Ohio Vegetable Loads are Available

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Ohio ships a substaintable amount of vegetables during the summer and fall and volume is increasing.  The Buckeye state has several major farming operations scattered around different regions shipping dozens of different types of vegetables ranging from squash to bell peppers, lettuce, tomatoes, cucumbers and beans.

Although shipments have started on some items, Ohio cranks up in July.

For example, cabbage and snap bean shipments area just starting, while items such as potatoes and sweet corn will get going by mid July.

The single most active area in  the state with a handful of large shippers providing the most shipments, is located in central Ohio around small communities such as Willard and Plymouth.

However, there’s at least one significant vegetable shipping operation just Southwest of Akron in the eastern part of the state —  at Hartville.  There’s also  a couple of vegetable operations in Northwest Ohio, not that far south of Detroit, MI – in towns such as Napoleon and Alvordton, OH.

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