Posts Tagged “Vidalia onion shipments”

Family business Bland Farms in Glennville, GA., has been exporting Peruvian sweet onions for 28 years — and this year is shaping up to be a good season with a good-sized crop and quality.
A difference this year is Vidalia onion shipments are lasting longer, which can affect imports of sweet onions from Peru.
The Vidalia sweet onion season is running a few weeks longer than normal. Because of this, Bland Farms has slowed imports of its Peru premium sweet onions.
The company prefers to ship the Vidalias as long as they are available and the quality is good. Fortunately, Bland has been able to move most of the sweets it has out of Peru to Spain and Chile.
It’s a similar situation for Shuman Farms of Reidsville, GA. The grower/shipper expects the operation to start shipping sweet onions from Peru in mid-September.
Shuman has had a robust Vidalia season this year, and is prepared for a smooth transition to its Peruvian season.
G&R Farms of Glennville, GA, had recently visited Peru, where it met with the farm’s production team. Harvest was underway south of the equator and the crop looked good.
G&R Farms, which has exported onions from Peru for 15 years, sources its onions from the Ica and Arequipa regions in Peru.

Delbert Bland learned exciting news about Bland Farms’ Vidalia Sweet Onions upon his recent return from Peru. This year, Vidalia Sweet Onions will be shipped until early October, several weeks longer than usual.
“We have a rather unique opportunity this year because we had a bumper crop,” said Bland, owner of Bland Farms of Glennville, GA. “We put a lot more onions in the storage. Typically, we supply Vidalia Sweet Onions until about the end of August, but this year, we will have a supply until the first part of October.”
This is excellent news for Vidalia Sweet Onion lovers who enjoy the mild, sweet flavor that can only be found in these Georgia-grown gems. Bland attributes this year’s exceptional crop to great weather conditions during the growing season. “The winter didn’t get cold enough to hurt the crop, and we had a great spring,” said Bland.
Typically, Bland Farms, among the largest growers, packers and shipper of Vidalia Sweet Onions, transitions from its Vidalia Sweet Onions to Premium Sweet Onions from Peru in early to mid-August, but with this year’s bumper crop, the company will be exporting the first part of its Peru crop internationally.
“We have to plant in Peru in May before knowing how long the Vidalias will run,” said Bland. “Now we have onions starting to come off in Peru that we don’t need because we have so many Vidalias in storage. So, we’ll export the first part of the crop to Europe and Chile. The onions we have coming off the rest of this month, and next month, we will ship to other locations outside of the U.S. We definitely want to sell Vidalias and keep those on the shelf as long as possible. So, it’s a good problem to have.”
Putting roots down in Peru was the brainchild of Bland, who took the once seasonal operation and expanded in Peru and Mexico nearly 28 years ago in order to supply sweet onions year-round.
“We started with just a handful — one or two containers,” he said. “Now, we have about 1,400 containers in Peru. We used to work with small growers we contracted with, but we shifted away from that over the years and started doing things ourselves.”
Bland’s son, Troy Bland, CEO of Bland Farms, wouldn’t have it any other way. For him it’s this hands-on involvement that sets the family-owned and operated farm apart. “It’s our boots on the ground in Peru and Mexico. This allows us to maintain the highest standards and ensure a consistent supply of Premium Sweet Onions,” Troy Bland said.
Peru’s unique dry and mild climate provides optimal growing conditions for sweet onions. Controlled drip irrigation minimizes water-related risks, unlike the unpredictable rainfall in Georgia which was a big factor for Bland when securing growing areas outside of the U.S.
As October rolls around, Bland Farms will seamlessly transition from Vidalia Sweet Onions to its Premium Sweet Onion from Peru.
“We’ll start importing our Premium Sweet Onions from Peru by the end of September,” said Bland. “It’s a smooth transition for the consumer because the taste and flavors of our Premium Sweet Onions from Peru are almost identical to our Vidalia Sweet Onions. They’re very comparable. We’re excited to continue our year-round production, and we’ve been very blessed to have produced great-quality onions in both places.”

The start of Vidalia onion season is almost here, with the official pack date announced by the Georgia Agriculture Commissioner and Vidalia Onion Committee. Vidalia onion fans across the country can mark their calendars for April 17, when the sweet onions are set to ship to grocery stores nationwide.
“In coordination with the Vidalia Onion Committee, I am incredibly excited to announce April 17,2024, as the official pack date of the 2024 Vidalia onion season,” said Georgia Agriculture Commissioner Tyler Harper. “Georgia Grown, Vidalia Onions are recognized around the globe for their iconic, sweet flavor that is treasured by culinary leaders and home chefs alike. This is an exciting time for Georgia farmers and consumers alike as we look forward to enjoying the sweet onion again!”
Vidalia onions are available for a limited time each year between April through early September. The pack date is determined by soil and weather conditions during the growing season, contributing to high-quality Vidalia onions. The Vidalia Onion Advisory Panel voted to recommend April 17th as the 2024 pack date to Commissioner Harper.
Known for their sweet, crisp flavor and versatility, Vidalia onions are a seasonal treat for various dishes – from savory to sweet! Because of the unique weather, water, and soil combination in 20 South Georgia counties, Vidalia onions cannot be replicated anywhere else in the world. While all Vidalias are sweet onions, not all sweet onions are Vidalias!
“For the 2024 season, we have 11,000 acres of Vidalia onions planted in the production area,” said VOC Chairman Cliff Riner. “Over the past few years, sweet onion sales have continued to increase, with Vidalia onions being a big part of the market. We’re looking forward to another great season this year.”
For over 80 years, Vidalia onions have been hand-planted, harvested, and cured by growers. The Vidalia Onion Act of 1986 established their growing region in South Georgia and trademarked the “Vidalia onion” name. Vidalia onions are grown from a distinctive Granex seed, then packed and sold on or after the official pack date annually.
About the Vidalia® Onion Committee
Because Vidalia® onions are sweetly unique, farmers united to seek legal protection for their crop and its name. Federal Marketing Order No. 955 was established in 1989, to stipulate where the crop can be grown and help with research and promotion of Vidalia onions. The Vidalia Onion Committee administers FMO No. 955 and authorizes production research, marketing research and development and marketing promotion programs. This federal program along with Georgia state laws that protect the Vidalia trademark have provided a legal framework for the industry. So, you can try to grow a sweet onion elsewhere, but you cannot call it a “Vidalia,” unless it is from Georgia! For more information, visit

The official packing date of Monday, April 17th has been set when shipments of Vidalia onions from Southeastern Georgia can start.
The pack date was recently announced by the Georgia Agriculture Commissioner and Vidalia Onion Committee.
Vidalia onions are available for a limited time each year, between April through early September. The pack date is determined by soil and weather conditions during the growing season, which contributes to high quality Vidalia onions. The produce is produced in 20 Georgia counties.
“For the 2023 season, we have 10,000 acres of Vidalia onions planted in the production area,” said Vidalia Onion Committee Chairman Cliff Riner. “Over the past few years, sweet onion sales have continued to increase, with Vidalia onions being a big part of the market. We’re looking forward to another great season this year.”
With normal yields, 10,000 acres of onions should produce what is considered a normal sized crop.
For more than 80 years, Vidalia onions have been hand-planted, harvested and cured by growers. The Vidalia Onion Act of 1986 established their growing region in South Georgia and trademarked the “Vidalia onion” name. Vidalia onions are grown from a distinctive Granex seed, then packed and sold on or after the official pack date annually.

The Georgia Department of Agriculture and the Vidalia Onion Committee announced April 12th as the official pack date for the 2022 Vidalia onion season. Shipments can begin that day.
“In the 2022 season, approximately 10,000 acres of Vidalia onions were planted by 60 registered farmers across 20 southeastern Georgia counties,” said VOC Chairman Cliff Riner. “Representing about 40% of the sweet onion market across America, Vidalia onions are sold in all 50 states and most of Canada.”
Originally discovered by accident in the 1930s during the Great Depression, Vidalia onions have grown to be considered as a favorite across America. The Vidalia Onion Act of 1986 granted the trademark of the name “Vidalia onions” and defined the growing region in South Georgia. Vidalia onions are grown from a distinctive Granex seed, then packed and sold on or after the official pack date annually.
Only available for a limited time each year, Vidalia onions hitting grocery store shelves often signals spring has sprung for fans near and far from the onions’ home state of Georgia. The pack date is determined by growing season soil and weather conditions to ensure the highest quality Vidalia onions. The Vidalia Onion Advisory Panel unanimously voted April 12th as the 2022 pack date.
The pack date rings in the start of the Vidalia onion season, where shoppers can get their hands on the famous seasonal treat between April to August. Known for their sweet, mild flavor, these onions compliment any dish – from soups to salads and even desserts.
Shuman Farms of Reidsville, GA reports collectively with its family of farms, it grows, packs, and ships 2,200 acres of Vidalia onions in a roughly 10,000-acre industry.
The company notes this year’s crop has good quality with a variety of sizing available. Shuman Farms is a year-round grower, packer, and shipper of premium sweet onions from Vidalia, Peru, and Texas.

Vidalia onion shipments will start the third week of April from Southeastern Georgia.
For the 2021 season, approximately 10,000 acres of Vidalia onions were planted, Vidalia Onion Chairman Aries Haygood said. “We are anticipating a good harvest, and consumers across the country should have ample supply throughout the season.
The date growers can start packing under the Vidalia onion name is April 19. The date is determined each year by an advisory panel comprised of Vidalia industry members, state agriculture scientists and the Department of Agriculture, according to a press release.
Soil and weather conditions in south Georgia are taken into consideration to select the date, to help ensure only the highest-quality onions end up on consumers’ plates.
“It is a special moment every year when we announce the Vidalia onions pack date, but this year we will mark the passage of the 1986 Vidalia Onion Act by our state legislature that played a defining role in making our state’s official vegetable an iconic brand recognized around the world,” Georgia Agriculture Commissioner Gary Black said in the release.
First discovered in the 1930s, Vidalia onions quickly grew in popularity over the next few decades. The Vidalia Onion Act established that only sweet onions grown in 20 South Georgia counties from a distinctive Granex seed and packed and sold on or after the official pack date each year could be called Vidalia onions.
Known for its sweet, mild flavor and treasured by cooks nationwide, the vegetable is hand-cultivated by 60 registered growers. They represent about 40 percent of the sweet onion market and are sold in every state.

Georgia Vidalia onion shipments are underway and loadings should be similar to a year ago.
There are 9,373 acres on onions in the ground, which is similar to 2019 crop acreage, which was about 2,000 acres down from 2018.
The Vidalia Onion Committee reports more onions are being grown on less acreage. There are about 80,000 to 110,000 onion plants per acre being cultivated by hand to produce the 5 million to 7 million 40-pound equivalents shipped every year.
In 2019, the Vidalia onion industry produced 5.3 million 40-pound equivalents. There is a six to eight-week harvest period for fresh onions, and then about half the crop, or 3 million to 3.5 million bushels, is shipped from cold storage or controlled atmosphere storage through summer.
Last year was one of the best shipping season in Vidalia onion history and the industry has hopes for the same results this go around.
Every year the Georgia Department of Agriculture sets an official start date for the season after hearing from a 13-member advisory panel of the Vidalia Onion Committee of growers. This year’s start date was April 16.
The start date has been set and Vidalia Onion shipments get underway in a couple of weeks. Meanwhile, here’s an update on California avocado and strawberry shipments.
The Vidalia onion season will officially start on April 20th, which was recently announced by the Georgia Department of Agriculture and the Vidalia Onion Committee.
A starting date was implemented several years at as some shippers were concerned about immature or low-quality onions hitting the market early in the season. In 2017, April 12 was the start date, and in 2016 it was April 25. The packing date is based on soil and weather conditions in the 20-county area approved to market onions as Vidalias.
In 2017 Vidalia onions were grown on more than 11,000 acres.
California Avocado Shipments
This year’s avocado forecast is set at 374.6 million pounds, which is significantly higher than last year’s 215.8 million pounds. There was the normal light volume in February, but significant volume increase are seen in coming weeks as there will be avocados coming out of both California and Mexico.
With the close of February, 2 million to 4 million pounds per week were being shipped and volume increases of March are expected to continue April until movement eventually hits about 10 million pounds per week.
Ventura County avocados, strawberries and vegetables – grossing about $3900 to Dallas.
California Shipper’s Strawberry Outlook
by California Giant Berry Farms
Watsonville, CA – Spring conditions have finally arrived in California to help bring on the new strawberry crop for California Giant. Unfortunately, the company missed the chance to take advantage of the early Easter holiday which provides opportunity to build demand and lay the groundwork for a strong spring season. However, conditions have changed significantly and now California Giant is now looking ahead to the next chance with Mother’s Day.
What initially looked like an early season for the company’s California strawberry crop, didn’t quite happen as growers thought it would. . Additionally, the company had weather issues in their two other regions, Mexico and Florida, which typically helps fill the early season gaps.
“…In Watsonville and Salinas we expect big beautiful fruit next week bypassing the typical mud crop” says JT Tipton, District Manager for Salinas and Watsonville. Barring any unexpected return of winter conditions, the sales team is looking forward to Mother’s Day ahead and promotable volume to support their key customers.”
Washington potato shipments for the new season are underway, while Vidalia onion loadings continue. In British Columbia (BC), blueberry shipments are in peak volume.
Washington state’s potato season got underway in July with some early variety chipping varieties, followed by some colored varieties out of the Yakima Valley. Then came some early processing spuds, followed by fresh market russets.
Fresh potato acerage in Washington has been stable at about 25,000 acres for several years now. Around 70 percent of the state’s potatoes are destined for export markets, comprised mostly of processed products. Most of Washington tablestock potatoes are shipped to Canada, Mexico and Taiwan. The state also has red potatoes coming out of the Skagit Valley.
While Washington potato sheds ship russets the year-round, its red, yellow and white potatoes usually are finished by March or April.
Vidalia Onion Shipments
Steady volume with Vidalia onions is expected to continue through Labor Day. Truck shipments are expected to be very similar to last year’s total volume of 6.2 million 40-pound boxes, coming off of Southeastern Georgia’s nearly 12,000 acres, As of July 26, there were still about 750,000 40-pound cartons of onions remaining in storage.
Bland Farms of Glennville, GA, expects to be shipping Vidalia onions out of storage through late August or early September, with a smooth transition expected to Peruvian imports in September. Imported Peruvian onions will continue for the U.S. into early next year.
A little over 200 truck loads per week are being shipped out of the Vidalia district
Vidalia onions – grossing about $3000 to New York City.
BC Blueberry Shipments
British Columbia’s blueberry shipments should peak through August and could last into early September. In a more normal year, most British Columbia “blues” would be shipped to markets in the Western U.S. However, with East Coast blueberry volume slashed this year due to weather factors, more BC blueberries will be trucked into the Eastern Time Zone. However, BC shipments could be off 30 to 50 percent this season due to poor pollination. As the BC season closes around Labor Day, imports of blueberries from Peru and Argentina will start arriving at U.S. ports.
More details are becoming available on that mid March hard freeze that hit crops from North Carolina to Southern Georgia. Spring produce shipments from the Southeast will definitely be affected.
Georgia Blueberry Shipments
That March 15-17 freeze could reduce Georgia blueberry shipments by as much as 75 percent this spring, costing the industry $400 million. At best, there is hope “only” 60 percent of the crop was lost, but it could easily be higher in the south-central areas of Georgia, which is heart of blueberry production.
In this area, covering about 50 miles, 60 to 70 percent of Georgia’s blueberry crop is located. Some farmers have lost 100% of their early production rabbiteye crop. Temperatures in the area dropped to as low as 21 degrees for three nights in a row in mid-March.
Georgia Peach Shipments
Georgia peach orchards, primarily located in the Ft. Valley area, may have faired better than blueberries. Shipments may be reduced by “only” 40 to 50 percent. The lack of chill hours in middle Georgia had delayed the budding process. Now those buds are emerging, but growers now have to take a wait and see approach. Because the peaches were so late, it may have protected the crop.
Still, later on, there’s what is called the “May drop,” where any damaged peaches could start falling from trees.
Vidalia Onion Shipments
Escaping freeze damage was the Vidalia sweet onion crop. Shippers are still making normal plans for the official April 12 opening shipping date. It is described as one of the best crops in years.
Georgia Vegetable Shipments
Freeze damage to Georgia vegetables is all over the board. Bell peppers and other summer vegetables will be lost, while others veggie are expected to be slowed, but not fatally harmed by the weather. It will be awhile before accurate information is available…..As for Georgia watermelon shipments, there is believed to be some losses, but it should be relatively minor.
North Carolina Fruit Shipments
There is widespread damage to peaches and blueberry crops, but little specific information is available at this time.
South Carolina Produce Shipments
We’ll have a report on Monday, March 27th regarding South Carolina, which actually ships more peaches than Georgia or North Carolina in a normal season.