Light Volume Available from Eastern Shipping Areas

Light Volume Available from Eastern Shipping Areas

Produce shipments in the Eastern shipping areas of the USA have entered its lightest volume period of the year.  Still there are a number of states that ship produce the year around, although most of it is in light volume.

The New England states, particularly, Massachusetts and Vermont are loading apples destined primarily for markets in the Northeast as well as Eastern Canada….Massachusetts also is providing loading opportunities with cranberries from the Cape Cod area.

New York state probably has the best volume in the Northeast.  Apple loadings are occuring in the Hudson Valley.  Some other areas of New York have less volume than usual due to weather factors earlier in the year….The Empire State also is a major shipper of storage onions.  It is averaging about 250 truckloads per week with volume increasing.  Orange County, NY is providing the most shipments….New York also is shipping cabbage, primarily from the Buffalo and Rochester areas.

In the Applachacian districts of Maryland, Pennsylvania, Virginia and West Virginia light to moderate volume of apples are moving.  However, all four states combined are averaging only about 125 truckloads per week.

Sweet potatoes from Eastern North Carolina are moving in decent volume.

Southern Georgia has light shipments of cabbage, as well as kale and other greens.

Florida will have limited loading opportunities until spring.  Grapefruit and other citrus are being shipped.  If for some reason you are stuck in Western Florida, there are limited amounts of mature green tomates, as well as grape tomatoes being loaded.

New York cabbage – grossing about $1700 to New York City.

North Carolina sweet potatoes – about $2200 New York City.