Tasty Strawberries and Kiwi

I’ve had plenty of disappointments buying fruit in the wintertime, but these fagile items just have a lot more obstacles to overcome, especially with a finicky Mother Nature.  But I”ve got to say I’ve been pretty pleased with the winter strawberries and kiwifruit I’ve been purchasing.

Living here in Oklahoma I haven’t had any strawberries from California in a while, probably because of limited volume.  However, I’ve been eating plenty of strawberries from Mexico.  Latest brand is Fresh Kampo.  I’ll give the brand a grade of B-plus.   The Mexican berries have  good color, quality, taste, and average size, plus have not had any break down for three days after purchase.

California is providing an excellent crop of kiwifruit now.  Continues to be one of the best buys in the produce department, at least where I live — 3 kiwis for a buck.  Happy shopping!