Salinas Valley Produce Shipments not Stellar, But Still Beats Most Areas

Salinas Valley Produce Shipments not Stellar, But Still Beats Most Areas

DSCN1352The Salinas Valley remains one of the most active areas for produce shipments in the nation, not to mention the world.  In the adjacent Watsonville district, strawberry shipments are averaging nearly 1,000 truck loads per week.  This doesn’t include other berries and artichokes from this area.

California strawberry shippers are optimistic about a strong fall, unless of course, something like fall rains put a damper on loadings.  Shipments to date are on track for yet another record-volume year.  In 2012, California shipper over  190 million trays of strawberries.

Salinas Vegetable Shipments

While overall Salinas Valley vegetable shipments have been okay, it sure hasn’t been a “barn burning” year for loads.  Whether it is lettuce, broccoli or cauliflower, which normal lead the pack of veggies when it comes to volume, none have been excetionally heavy.

This a a primary reason produce rates out of California have been anything but steller for this time of the year.

But keep in mind, even though California hasn’t been exceptional this summer, it still easily beats any other shipping area in country for the amount of fresh fruits and vegetables it ships.  This holds true not only for the Salina Valley, but the San Joaquin Valley.

Salinas Valley vegetables and berries – grossing about $7900 to New York City.

San Joaquin Valley stone fruit, grapes, veggies – about $5300 to Chicago.