Haul Produce Update on NC, Georgia, Pennsylvania

Haul Produce Update on NC, Georgia, Pennsylvania

DSCN0152North Carolina is shipping light to moderate amounts of  greens ranging from cilantro to kale, plus cabbage.  These items handle the colder weather better than a lot of other vegetables which would normally be shipping now, but are up to two weeks behind schedule.

In mid June there should be loadings of veggies such as sweet corn, bell peppers, and tomatoes, among others. 

North Carolina continues, pretty much on a year around, to ship sweet potatoes.

Georgia Vegetables

The Georgia Vidalia onion shipping season started out as a disaster due to disease problems caused by weather factors.  Now Mother Nature has since shined on Southeastern Georgia, and suddenly, shippers have more onions than they know what to do with.  The crop is now past the disease problems, quality is good, and shippers are shipping like crazy.  Loadings are expected to continue into August.

Meanwhile, mixed vegetable loadings have got underway, primarily from Southern Georgia.


Mushroom may not be at the top of your list when looking for produce loads, but it continues to grow in popularity.  Pennsylvania is huge when it comes to growing and shipping mushrooms, along with California and Illinois.  However, many states have mushroom growing facilities.

Sales of the 2011-12 U.S. mushroom crop totaled 900 million pounds, up 4 percent from the 2010-11 season.. This amounts to 22,500 truckload equivalents of mushrooms being hauled annually.

Vidalia onions – grossing about $2400 to Chicago.