New Mexico Onion Shipments to Increase; Michigan Blueberry Loads will be Later Than Normal

New Mexico Onion Shipments to Increase; Michigan Blueberry Loads will be Later Than Normal

DSCN3786Following a slow start New Mexico onion loadings should be increasing as competition from other areas subside.  In Michigan, blueberries will be joining mixed vegetable shipments.

New Mexico onion shipments got underway in light volume in early June. Loadings are expected to improve with seasons ending from onions out of West Texas and California’s Imperial Valley.  The state ranks eigth in onion acreage behind Washington, Idaho-Eastern Oregon, California, Georgia, New York, Texas and West-Central Oregon.  When considering yields, New Mexico actually comes in sixth nationwide.  Most of New Mexico onion loads are available from a handful of shippers in the Las Cruces area.

Michigan Produce Shipments

Early reports in Michigan show  an excellent bloom in apple orchards.  Two years ago, freezing weather nearly wiped out the state’s apple crop, but last season it came back with record volume.  The promising bloom this spring is bring early forecasts of another season for large volume apple shipments, despite the Grand Rapids area having a near record 116 inches of snow last winter.

Similar to mixed vegetable shipments out of Michigan this spring, the upcoming blueberry season is dragging, expecting to be a good week to 10 days later than usual.  Michigan blueberry shipments should start in mid July.

New Mexico onions – grossing about $3800 to Chicago.